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I got an Alolan meowth and an vullaby so I am looking who's better before putting effort into them too make them evolve so I am trying too look who's better..

I would say it depends, of you're willing to wait till level 54 it is worth it, because of the 510 base stats compared to alolan persian's 440, also not hard to pick a moveset. I would go with vullaby.
Vullaby can learn roost, which is probably the best move to have in-game and makes up for the bad stats before it evolves.

4 Answers

1 vote

If your looking for a tank on both sides, mandibuzz
If you want a physical only fur coat tank, alolan Persian

0 votes

Mandibuzz. Alolan persian has to many weaknesses, but mandibuzz is a great special tank.It can also learn BB, soo.....

0 votes

It is probably Mandibuzz because it's HP: 110, Attack: 65, Defense: 105, Special Attack: 55, Special Defense: 95, Speed: 80, and Total: 510 while Alolan Persian's Base stats are way lower like HealthPoints: 65, Attack: 60, Defense: 60, Special Attack: 75, Special Defense: 65, Speed: 115(umm... nevermind),Total: 440.
Umm... 510>440 so that's what i'd pick Vullaby.

It's not always about the stats to determine. It is also based on movepool, abilitys, forms, typing, team synergy, roles. For example, will you choose Pokemon that have amazing Stats, but very shallow movepool, bad ability? Sometimes, it's not only about the Stats to consider.
also alolan persian has fur coat
0 votes

Neither, I say get Alolan Muk it has a great typing which works in it's favour as it only has one weakness. All of this, compiled with good stats and a decent movepull is why I think Alolan Muk is better than both of those dark types.
