So I'm recently EV training my competitive Growlithe and I'm having a hard time debating whether I should give it Morning Sun, Wild Charge, or Close Combat. I have Extreme Speed and Flare Blitz which I'm definitely going to have, so that leaves me with 2 empty slots. I've been looking at previous posts but all of them were different, so I want a movest with these moves. Close Combat provides coverage for Dark, Steel, Rock, Normal, and Ice which is really useful in competitive battling, so I kind of want to use it. Wild Charge is extremly useful to cover Arcanine's weakness, but it takes recoil. Morning Sun is going to be useful If I use Wild Charge and Flare Blitz since they both have recoil, and it helps recover damage overall. Here's its (planned) moveset:
Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Jolly
EVs: 252 Attack and 252 Speed
-Flare Blitz
-Extreme Speed
-Morning Sun/CC/Wild Charge
-Morning Sun/CC/Wild Charge
Thank you for any advice.