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4 votes

if a marshadow uses shadow sneak, which has 40 base power, will it get stab and technician then is becomes base 90 power?
and a Pokemon with technician using a base 60 power move, with technician work if there is stab? will it end up 90 or 135?


3 Answers

1 vote

No. Technician considers only the move's raw base power. STAB does not alter Technician's effectiveness -- and technically, STAB isn't considered a boost to base power at all, but instead a boost to the amount of damage itself. Otherwise, a Scizor using bug bite would have base 90 power from STAB activating first, causing Technician to not activate as the move is over 60 Power.

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0 votes

yes it will stack this is a common misconception actually so let me give you an example.

-Bullet punch
-arial ace
-Swords dance
-fury cutter

now bullet punch does 60 damage with stab and 90 damage with technician they stack . but with fury cutter it does 90 damage with stab and technician the FIRST time. This is because fury cutter is move that builds up power if you use it consecutively, after the first time the base power will be over 60 and in turn lose the advantage of technician.

So in CONClUSION yes it will be 135 lol.

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that isn't what he was asking... I won't downvote or flag but please hide this
thanks for your concern fixed it
Alright thanks for fixing it I upvoted :)
This answer doesn't distinct between how STAB is considered and how Technician is considered. The Fury Cutter example where the base power exceeds 60 has nothing to do with STAB itself.
It's not accurate to represent STAB as a modifier to base power. STAB is one of several factors considered *after* the initial damage amount is calculated and base power is considered. This is one way to explain why Technician's effectiveness is not affected by STAB.
Applying STAB boosts to base power is useful as a way to compare and approximate damage, but it's not actually what the game does.
–1 vote

No it will not it stacks so it would be 135
