No. Missingno. only existed because, in order to make 151 slots (originally ~190), they needed to allocate exactly 256 Pokémon slots (the closest base of two that could fit enough data). Missingno. and similar glitches were placeholders for the unused 105 slots in case the game ran into a glitch and for some reason ended up accessing them. This actually means that Missingno. itself is not a glitch, since it was intentionally added to prevent crashing in unforeseen emergency situations (with only moderate success at best); the only glitch is that the player is capable of accessing it through normal play, which was not intended.
However, in the newer games, Missingno. is not the placeholder for unused slots. There is likely a "Missingno. equivalent" in the sense that there is some kind of placeholder to prevent the game from crashing, but it wouldn't be the same as Missingno.. I'm not 100% sure what would happen in you tried to enter a hacked glitch Pokémon into the game, but considering that the PokeBank hack check exists, we know that Game Freak at least has the capability to add checks into the game, and I honestly cannot think of a single reason why they wouldn't add a check to prevent something as potentially game-breaking as this (especially with the sheer number of hackers in the Pokémon community).