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Is it viable to run a mixed Landorus-T in OU? And more specifically, How do I run a mixed set?

Is there a specific item I use? Or moveset? Do you have any advice on my current Landorus' moveset? Or should I change the Evs to be 252 Atk / 252 SpA?

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Never-Melt Ice
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 200 Atk / 108 SpA / 200 Spe
Naive Nature
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Hidden Power [Ice]

I have no idea, please help!! Also, please don't put swords Dance or rock polish on, I've already got 3 setup sweepers plus a Z and a Mega.

dude, that's suitable for an answer. Just post that.
I wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions :P

1 Answer

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Well, here is my take on it:

Landorus-T uses HP Ice to Kill other Landorus, so you generally don't need any SpA EVs to do that. Never-Melt Ice isn't a great item when Leftovers, Rocky Helmet, Choice Scarf, and Life Orb exist. :P

Technically, HP Fire would be better for a Split Lando, they only use HP Ice for other Landorus while using a Choice Scarf set. Here are some calcs:

108 SpA Life Orb Landorus Hidden Power Fire vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Scizor-Mega: 281-333 (81.9 - 97%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

108 SpA Landorus Hidden Power Fire vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Scizor-Mega: 216-256 (62.9 - 74.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

108 SpA Landorus Hidden Power Fire vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Kartana: 516-608 (198.4 - 233.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

108 SpA Landorus Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 164+ SpD Ferrothorn: 152-180 (43.1 - 51.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

108 SpA Life Orb Landorus Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 164+ SpD Ferrothorn: 198-234 (56.2 - 66.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


Use Life Orb or Leftovers instead of Never Melt Ice. Leftovers if you want to help it take hits, and Life Orb if you want to kill things faster. This also works as a Lure because Pokemon like Kartana, Mega Scizor, and Ferrothorn are often sent out against Landorus-T. :P

Hop I Helped!

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Are there any power boasting items that don't decrease hp after each attack? If so, how do they work?
You don't really need power-boosting items for Landorus. Just use a rocky helmet.
Rocky Helmet works, but that doesn't mean that Landorus-T doesn't benefit from other items as well. I don't Recommend Choice Band or Specs since Lando is split, so you wouldn't boost your moves all of the time. There isn't much for viable Power Boosting items that Landorus will benefit from besides Life Orb. :P
Is the HP drop from a Life Orb worth it? Because I know that it's used lots in Competetive, but I feel that it's not worth it if I have a super duper powerful Landorus that's going to die in 10 turns or less. Or am I just totally wrong (very likely)
Life orbs are really not that common now, at least not on Landorus. I think choice scarf is the best item for Landorus right now.