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Hi guys, just a bit of advice: I've beaten Pokemon Emerald a few times already and now I'm just messing around trying to beat the game again using Pokemon that I feel like using and I got myself into a slight predicament..... The next gym is Flying and I haven't tried yet but I can almost guarantee my team right now has no chance against it. Any tips? Should I just try to overlevel and brute force the gym or can I do something with less work? Like I took down the Fire gym with this team by having Shedinja Spite off Torkoal's Overheat. Can I do something fancy like that to this gym too?

** Please don't suggest catching something new like Manectric or Magneton. I've done that like the last 3 times I beat the game and I want to try something new.

** I'm definitely doing some more training before taking on the gym, so add up to 2-4 levels to everyone except probably Sceptile and like 5-7 levels onto Lileep.

** I have access to the Move Tutor, Move Deleter, and any TMs for sale in Slateport or Lilycove. Also have most of the TMs found so far in the game.

Sceptile, Naughty Nature, Level 41 - Rock Smash, Leaf Blade, Rock Tomb, Quick Attack (sorry about rock smash, will get rid of it soon if I find something good)

Ninjask, Relaxed Nature, Level 27 - Cut, Swords Dance, Leech Life, Secret Power

Shedinja, Relaxed Nature, Level 29 - Cut, Spite, Leech Life, Hidden Power Ghost :( got super unlucky there....

Vibrava, Adamant Nature, Level 35 - Fly, Strength, Crunch, DragonBreath

Lileep, Lonely Nature, Level 22 - Ingrain, Acid, Astonish, Hidden Power Water :( got wrecked by RNG again......

Zigzagoon, Level 3 (just an HM slave I got to free up Sceptile, Ninjask, and Shedinja. No use in battle unless it's to tank a hit) - Rock Smash, Surf, Cut, Strength

Yeah, yeah, I know, this team is 2 grass types and 2 bug types.... just please ignore how bad this team would do in constructed trainer battles........

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just fight her until you win, also why are you using ninjask and shedinja?
I'd say Sceptile is probably your easiest way to beat her. Just level grind it until it's strong enough to sweep everything with return.
I wanted ninjask because it gets swords dance-speed boost-baton pass without needing me to teach it anything and I wanted to try that team out... and if I'm getting ninjask, might as well get shedinja, right?
The only Pokemon you really need to worry about is her Skarmory, and I would suggest catching a fire type but you don't want any new members yet
Oh never mind guys I got it. Took the Castform I got from Weather Institute and taught it Thunder. Vibrava and Sceptile took care of everything except Skarmory.
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1 Answer

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Oh never mind guys I got it. Took the Castform I got from Weather Institute and taught it Thunder. Vibrava and Sceptile took care of everything except Skarmory.
commented Mar 25 by 540-880

This didn't need to be an answer
This is the answer to the question, and the person who wrote it didn't post it as an answer, so now I'm posting it.