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1 vote

I'm starting a new ultra moon file. I've never used either of these Pokemon, so I want to see which one has better stats, movepool, ability, etc. Also this is my first question asked, so go easy on me.


1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Less Weaknesses(4)
More immunities
Better HP, Special attack and Special Defence
Same Defence
More useful typing competitively
Has access to good status/Special moves
Abilities are really good depending on how you use it..

Doesn’t hit very hard.

Most likely role to play:
Special Tank

Half-Decent attack
Speed is higher than Jellicent
Resistant to some common competitive types
Really good abilities
Same defense
Not so good HP, Defence or special Defence
Weak to some common types
Slightly more limited Movepool.

Technically bruxish is better in competitive (It’s in NUBL) however Jellicent has proven to be stronger in game.

Edit: You get Bruxish and Frillish on the same route, and at that point of the game you should be able to get it to level 40 when it evolves before the Grand Trial.

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Is either of them obtainable earlier than the other? How early you get something is pretty important for in-game. A Pokemon that you get right before the Pokemon League will most likely be useless regardless of its typing or moves.
Pros and cons are essentially what they are good at. Also, you didn't even put what they're good and bad at in your answer. You just copied and pasted parts from their Pokedex page on this site and suggested Bruxish on no grounds other than it having fewer weaknesses than Jellicent, despite it having more weaknesses. This answer lists multiple good and bad sides to each Pokemon, and then makes a suggestion based on competitive.
You get Bruxish and Frillish on the same route, and at that point of the game you should be able to get it to level 40 when it evolves before the Grand Trial.
Now that’s useful information.
Why can't I help anyone? I'm no help to a single person.......  :(
Play more Pokemon and read more stuff on Bulbapedia and Smogon Forums. That's how I became helpful.
Ok, i'll give that a shot. Thanks ^-^