Offensive Trick Room sets have been posted, so why not post a Defensive Trick Room set?
National Dex Monotype (Ghost)

Runerigus @ Leftovers / Mental Herb
Ability: Wandering Spirit
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Trick Room
- Memento
Here is a Defensive Trick Room setter if you want to make a Trick Room Ghost team for National Dex Monotype. The reason Runerigus is used as a Defensive Trick Room setter is due to its access to Stealth Rock and Memento. Stealth Rock is used to chip opposing Pokemon switching in. Earthquake is used for ground STAB that allows you to do some chip damage to opposing Pokemon. Trick Room is used to enable your slow wallbreakers to move first. Memento lowers the attack and special damage of opposing Pokemon at the cost of you fainting, which provides momentum as you can now bring in a Trick Room abuser without having to switch one in directly to an attack. Leftovers is used for a bit of recovery, while Mental Herb is useful to avoid the effect of Taunt for a turn.