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I found a ribombee and was wondering if I should use it over alcreamie because it is VERY fast and might be able to sweep Pier's team and if I pair it with my barraskewda, sweep Raihans team. It will be effective against Leon's Dragapult and Haxorus as well. On the other hand, should I go spend like 40 min looking for a togepi and get a togekiss or should I just keep alcreamie or should I get a mimkyu. Thanks!

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1 Answer

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Best answer

- Incredible Special Defense and amazing Special Attack
- Decent Defense
- STAB attacks super effective against Piers, part of Raihan's team, and a few Pokemon in the Champion's Cup
- Learns moves like Mystical Fire, Energy Ball, and Dazzling Gleam
- Pretty slow
- Iffy HP
- May take a bit to evolve

- Brilliant Special Attack
- Very solid defenses
- STAB attacks super effective against Piers, part of Raihan's team, and a few Pokemon in the Champion's Cup
- Serene Grace means FlinchHax fun with Air Slash
- Learns moves like Air Slash, Flamethrower, Dazzling Gleam, and Shadow Ball
- 80 Speed is average
- Friendship evolutions are a pain

- Phenomenal Speed
- Respectable Special Attack
- STAB attacks super effective against Piers, part of Raihan's team, and a few Pokemon in the Champion's Cup
- Learns moves like Psychic, Bug Buzz, Dazzling Gleam, and Energy Ball
- Quite frail

I personally would use Ribombee, but Togekiss is good. I'll provide sets for all three:

Alcremie @ anything
Ability: Sweet Veil
- Dazzling Gleam
- Mystical Fire
- Energy Ball / Giga Drain
- Psychic / Calm Mind

Togekiss @ anything
Ability: Serene Grace
- Dazzling Gleam
- Shadow Ball
- Air Slash
- Flamethrower

Ribombee @ anything
Ability: Shield Dust
- Dazzling Gleam
- Bug Buzz / Pollen Puff
- Energy Ball
- Stun Spore

It should be noted that you can trade for a Togepi in Hammerlocke. The person requires a Toxel, which can easily be obtained as a gift from the Route 5 Nursery.

Hope I helped!

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You're welcome!
Wait, if i use the ribombee moveset it willl be not very effective aginst virtually every fire type.
Fair. I assumed you have other Pokemon on your team to cover Fire types, however, because I don't think you'd realistically use a Ribombee against a Fire type.