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3 votes

It’s evil, which is the Japanese name for the dark type. It brings the darkest day. Dark is weak to the secondary types of both Zacian and Zamazenta, the heroes who defeat it. And it has literally nothing to do with poison as far as I know. Is there a reason for it’s typing?

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I think some AG/Ubers player think Eternatus for dark type and same as you because they use Play Rough instead of Behemoth Blade on Eternatus from Zacian even though BBlade has more BP and accuracy lol..
I honestly think they forget that posion resists fairy

3 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

It may also be inspired by Ananta Shesha, the king of Nagas in Hindu mythology who is usually portrayed as a giant, coiled serpent with a thousand heads capable of spewing venom and fire, though some depictions simplify his appearance down to five heads. Shesha bears the deity Vishnu on its coils, similar to how Eternamax Eternatus's core is mounted atop its coiled body.

It's likely based off a serpent that can spit poison. Although I agree, Dark probably would've fit it better.


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You're welcome
3 votes

It may also be inspired by Ananta Shesha, the king of Nagas in Hindu mythology who is usually portrayed as a giant, coiled serpent with a thousand heads capable of spewing venom and fire...


Additionally, it leeches energy to take for itself, and while that's shaky logic, it sounds like something a Poison type would do. It came to earth from a meteorite, so it could have absorbed something from that meteorite, who knows. That's pretty weak, but so is most logic in relation to Game Freak.

Maybe Game Freak just wanted a Poison type legendary.

Hope I helped!

Thank you, too!
No problem!
3 votes

Note: This is my own opinion

Poison type needed a legendary of its type. If we think in a different way, poison effects are also evil. Dark already has legendary Pokemon of it's type but not poison. Poison is the last to receive a legendary Pokemon of it's type (if you count Genesect as a legendary or else 2nd last).

If you come to type match-ups, both crowned Pokémon are immune to 1 or both of it's STABs (but Zamazenta still resists dragon type).

Also dragon types are supposedly fearsome creatures who cause a lot of damage so I think that makes sense too.

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Makes sense.
You had four chances to spell poison correctly…