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I evolved my Eevee into a jolteon, and I leveled it up, and I expected to have an electric attack? I went to the pokedex of Jolteon, and it says it learns Thunder Shock at Level 15... will it still learn thunder shock?


You're spoiled to get good moves via level up in Gen 4. Plan to use a Thunderbolt TM on Jolteon.

2 Answers

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Best answer

You can give it Thunder Shock by going to the Move Relearner in Pastoria City and paying the NPC a Heart Scale. The next Electric move Jolteon learns via level up is Thunder Fang, at Level 43, so you should probably get Thunderbolt as soon as you can.


Hope I helped!

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For a better option, above the west gate of the Veilstone City there is the Shock Wave TM (It requires Cut). It is better than Thundershock.
Thanks everyone! :)
I recommend using the thunder TM from Veilstone Department Store. You can buy thunder unlimited times, but you might want to save shock wave for another Pokemon.
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In older gen games, Jolteon will only learn Thunder Shock if evolved prior or at level 15, and won't learn it if evolved after. This was fixed in newer gen games, changing them onto on evolution moves. It had to be a Jolteon by level 15 to get that move, in gen 4.

If you want your Jolteon to relearn Thunder Shock, since the game is processing it as forgotten, take a Heart Scale to the Move Reminder in Pastoria City, in the house northeast of the Poké Mart. You can also use a TM to teach your Jolteon another electric type move of your choice.

Source: lots of experience, this

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