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So, I just went through Winoana's team, and I have Victory (Camerupt)'s Rock Slide that should take care of everything, HOWEVER, If the Pelipper lives, it could kill Victory with super-duper effective Water STAB, Cheetos (Lunatone), who is the only other Pokemon that knows a SE move that isn't underleveled (caught a Magnemite a while back), so should I bring him out and train him for Pelliper, it could probably OHKO him...

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Cool then
Magneton is a strong Pokemon. You should consider adding it to your main team, not just using it against Winona.
I probably will, but I'm not sure of who to replace, perhaps Reaper, but I'm not sure, I'll do some research on usefulness.(EX: Gym Stab and Resistance.
I just did the research on all that, and I think I'll replace Reaper with Fridge(as in a fridge magnet), not only will it help a lot with Winoana, it'll help both offensively and defensively better than Reaper ever would, sorry Reaper, you're gone.
Camerupt is very slow so I would'nt risk it as it would get outsped and KOed with STAB-Water type super effective damage.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Your BLR should do the trick. Teach it Shock Wave and Ice Beam, and spam Ice Beam, when the Pelipper and Skarmory come out, use Shock Wave, assuming you still have it. Even if you don't, with Ice Beam, she is a joke. Besides, it is so weak that any good Pokemon, even those that don't have type advantages, can beat it (don't use something weak against it though). You can also use Magneton. It beats everything not named Altaria with Thunderbolt. Don't use it against Altaria because of it having Earthquake. I hope I've helped!

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Okay, and Ice Beam is obtained all the way in Lillycove right?
No, you can get it on the abandened ship and in mauville in the game corner
Ice Beam is not super effective to Pelliper, this would be like a normal attack, not even STAB.
Yeah, but her Pelipper can do nothing to yours.
Don't you need Dive for most of that ship, which is in the next gym?
No you don't
I'd still be more comfortable with a super effective move, like with Magneton, maybe an Electric TM that does damage?
Wattson gives you a TM for thunderbolt when you finish the New Mauville sidequest.
Oh yeah, I fogot about that, I have that, I think I'll go with training Fridge and replacing Reaper, as much as I like him, Fridge would be cooler and better for the job.
Magneton crumbles to Altarias Earthquake, while Pelipper can beat it easily with its bulk and Ice Beam.
That's why I'll use Cheetos Rock Throw, it's super effective, and Flying Stab is resistant, and thanks to it's ability, Earthquake won't do a thing.
Cheeto has a base 55 attack. It won't do nothing to bulky mons like Pelipper, Altaria, and Skarmory. Skarmory has Steel Wing too. Maybe even Swellow won't be 2hkoed by it.
Well, here's the thing, I'm just gonna use it on Altaria, I'll use Camerupt and Magneton on the others, and maybe I'll get that Ice Beam instead, I don't know. Also, with 100 P(50 Doubled) it should be pretty good still, plus, Lunatone has a higher HP stat, making it last longer, plus I could just teach it a better Rock Move.
yeah, that is true. wait, lunatone can learn ice beam, so maybe you can teach it to it? still, pelipper would be the better choice.
Teaching Lunatone Ice Beam would actually be really good, I think I'll do it. Thanks!
No prob I forgot about that lol
Also, where in the ship is Ice Beam?
Nevermind, I found it. I'm wondering if I should give it to Swampert instead though, or maybe give him Blizzard...
I think Swampert is a better ice beam user.
Thanks, I'll probably give it to Swampert then.
Yeah Swampert is better