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5 votes

At the end of each turn, you can either get damaged, or get healed, but what goes first when both appear. For example, you can get damaged from the hail, but your Pokemon is holding a leftovers, what would go first? There are many more different examples, take damaging from status(burn/poison) and healing due to a used move, could be leech seed. Is there in both examples a standard rule for what goes first?

Such things could make the difference between your Pokemon fainting or surviving, if your Pokemon is at like 3 hp and a sandstorm is up, it would most likely die, but if its leftovers or something would do its effect first, he would survive the hit.

So, is this completely random or is there some rule or (negative) priority on these things that happen at the end of turn?

I think the damage goes first. From spamming Tyranitar, I noticed that my mons would take sand damage first before lefties ever heals them
There's nowhere in that link sumwun that says anything that would answer the question.

The order is Weather, Status, Heal,but my only source is experience
I think the order changed with generations, because while spectating older Gen games it was different than what I'd see in my Gen 7 games. Great question tho. +1
@Baron edited

1 Answer

4 votes
Best answer

Generation 4


Then all the Pokemon are sorted depending on speed, and each of them does all of these before the next one.



Generation 8

  1. Weather ending
  2. Sand damage / Hail damage / Ice Body / Dry Skin (rain or sun) / Solar Power / Rain Dish
  3. Pending Emergency Exit / Wimp Out switches resolve
  4. High affection curing major status condition
  5. Future Sight / Doom Desire / Wish (activate in the order they were set, like a queue; not determined by Speed)
  6. First event block
    6.1. Side conditions: G-Max chip (Cannonade, Vine Lash, Volcalith, Wildfire) and Pledge Sea of Fire. (activate in the order they were set, like a queue; not determined by Speed)
    6.2. Grassy Terrain
    6.3. Healer / Hydration / Shed Skin
    6.4. Black Sludge (healing / damaging) / Leftovers
  7. Pending Emergency Exit / Wimp Out switches resolve
  8. Aqua Ring
  9. Ingrain
  10. Leech Seed (the Pokemon affected by Leech Seed, i.e. the Pokemon losing HP)
  11. Regular Poison / Toxic / Poison Heal
  12. Burn
  13. Curse
  14. Binding moves (both taking damage / being freed from)
  15. Octolock
  16. Taunt ending
  17. Torment ending
  18. Encore ending
  19. Disable ending
  20. Magnet Rise ending
  21. Yawn
  22. Perish count
  23. Roost user regaining Flying-type
  24. Pending Emergency Exit / Wimp Out switches resolve
  25. Second event block
    25.1. Reflect ending
    25.2. Light Screen ending
    25.3. Safeguard ending
    25.4. Mist ending
    25.5. Tailwind ending
    25.6. Pledge Rainbow ending
    25.7. Pledge Sea of Fire ending
    25.8. Pledge Swamp ending
    25.9. Aurora Veil ending
  26. Trick Room ending
  27. Gravity ending
  28. Wonder Room ending
  29. Magic Room ending
  30. Terrain ending
  31. Third event block
    31.1. Uproar (active / ending)
    31.2. Bad Dreams / Ball Fetch / Harvest / Moody / Pickup / Slow Start / Speed Boost
    31.3. Flame Orb / Sticky Barb / Toxic Orb / White Herb
  32. Pending Emergency Exit / Wimp Out switches resolve
  33. Power Construct / Schooling / Shields Down / Zen Mode (uses raw Speed with a non-RNG based Speed tie to determine which does a form change first)
  34. Fourth event block
    34.1. Hunger Switch
    34.2. Eject Pack

Various notes and observations:

  • Torment ending is from G-Max Meltdown, G-Max Melmetal's move. Although it doesn't say so on the Y-info screen, its Torment effect wears off after 3 turns.
  • Steps 5 and 6-1 are queue-based. That is, whichever effect was set first will activate first. So if Sea of Fire is set first, then G-Max chip damage (on the same side), it will damage from Sea of Fire -> G-Max chip and vice versa.
    • I am near certain Future attacks / Wish should be lumped in with the rest of Step 6, but I can't explain the behavior of things like faster Doom Desire -> slower Doom Desire -> faster Grassy Terrain -> faster Leftovers -> slower Grassy Terrain -> slower Leftovers.
    • Step 25 is host-based. Whoever has their trainer card on the left side when the match starts is host, and they will see side effects on their side wear off prior to the opponent's. Court Change has no impact on this; the host's side will have their effects wear off first, not the host's effects (so it's unlike how, say, Court Change + Sticky Web + Defiant will fail to give your Pokemon an attack boost).
    • Step 33 is raw Speed with a non-RNG based Speed tie. See this post for an overview of what that means.
    • Multiple Emergency Exit / Wimp Out can activate throughout the end-of-turn effects. For example, a Poisoned EE and a burned EE will both switch out after being put under half HP, and then both Pokemon are replaced at step 24.
  • This is not how Eject Pack behaves; if multiple Pokemon could activate Eject Pack, the fastest Pokemon at the time of Eject Pack activating is the one that sees theirs trigger.
  • Eject Pack will activate immediately in response to switching in after say, Emergency Exit and getting a Sticky Web drop.
    • Surprisingly, end-turn resolution order does not use the typical dynamic Speed interactions of Gen 8. The timing of when and how Speed updates during end-turn resolution is identical to Gen 7.
    • Although Roost doesn't have a message at the end of the turn indicating where it wears off, a series of tests from SnorlaxMonster were used to determine its placement after Perish Song, but before the next Emergency Exit switchin:
  • A Flying-type Pokemon with Roost holds a super Sitrus Berry that will confuse the user and uses Roost on the same turn that an opposing Unnerve Pokemon would faint from Perish Song, in Misty Terrain. After using Roost, the user is knocked down into lower HP to allow the super Sitrus Berry to meet the HP condition to activate. The Roost user in this case is not confused, confirming it is still grounded and that Roost has not worn off yet.
  • A Flying-type Pokemon with Roost holds an Adrenaline Orb, paired with an ally Symbiosis Pokemon holding a super Sitrus Berry that will confuse the Roost user, in Misty Terrain. After using Roost, the user is knocked down into lower HP to allow the super Sitrus Berry to meet the HP condition to activate. An opposing Emergency Exit kicks in from poison, replacing the Emergency Exit Pokemon with an Intimidate Pokemon, which triggers Adrenaline Orb, which triggers Symbiosis, which causes the Pokemon to eat the super Sitrus Berry. The Roost user in this case is confused, confirming it is no longer grounded and that Roost has worn off.
    • The following effects are impossible to test in Gen 8 that were in Gen 7: Nightmare, Telekinesis, Heal Block, Embargo, Lucky Chant, Water Sport, and Mud Sport.


edited by
It is worth noting this information is specifically for Gen 8.
Your answer is better. Deleting mine.
Wow, how did you get this? Its really helpful! Do you have the order of gen 4 to?
You can click the blue text to visit the web pages where I found this information.