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I am thinking of buying Pokémon Violet and I want to use skeledirge. However, I also want to use Ceruledge because I need some fire coverage. Which should I choose? Or should I use both? If not Skeledirge, which starter should I pair with Ceruledge?

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Charcadet is available early, but it's weak until it evolves, which is not possible for quite a while (and involves grinding materials). You probably get more mileage and less hassle from the Fuecoco line, but I haven't finished the game to say definitively.
Why would you need Ceruledge for fire coverage if you have Skeledirge?
It also depends on what you want if you want a bulky slow special mon go with skeledirge. If you want mid speed and amazing attack go with ceruledge
I agree with Kirbyman101814. However, Skeledirge is FAR easier to to obtain than Ceruledge. You can get a Fuecoco within minutes of starting the game, along as you pick him for your starter. Charcadet is very rare in the areas it appears in, and once you finally get Charcadet, you need to find Malicious Armor to evolve it. But if you want to pick Quaxly or Spiritagatito for your starter, absolutely run Ceruledge.
I think that, if you have enough space, you could use both of them if you want

1 Answer

1 vote

If you chose Fuecoco, Skeledirge is the best Pokémon to use in both Scarlet and Violet.

It is a very good special attacker that goes with Pawmot and Lokix.

But, if you’re are in the physical side, Ceruledge is olny available in Violet.

If you choose Scarlet you can go with Armarouge instead.
