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I'm a shiny hunter who needs a shiny hunting partner What perfect Pokemon would be good for that? A false swiper and a sleeper. That is the problem however. I would be fine if, instead of sleep, it's paralysis. Also, I'm a Scarlet player so no Violet exclusives please. Thank you!

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Gallade gets False Swipe, Hypnosis, Thunder Wave, Heal Pulse, and Rain Dance, and Sunny Day.

3 Answers

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Best answer

I used the following in my Scarlet & Violet
Play throughs respectively:

Ability: Sharpness
Held Item: Metronome
• False Swipe
• Swords Dance
• Hypnosis
• Fury Cutter Flex

Ability: Technician / (Poison Heal)
Held Item: Metronome / (Toxic orb)
• False Swipe
• Swords Dance or Bulk Up
• Spore
• Drain Punch

**The Alternate build using (Poison Heal + Toxic Orb)
- sacrifices damage boost from Technician
+ gains 1/8 health regeneration / turn
+ Immune to Burn/Para/Sleep/Freeze (already afflicted with PSN)

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Gallade does the job you request.

To have it learn Hypnosis, go to the remember moves button on the summary. It learns False Swipe at Level 23 as a Gallade, which you can also get from the remember moves button. Thunder Wave is learned by TM if you want paralysis.

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To have it learn hypnosis go to the remember moves button on the summary and false swipe it learns at lv 23 as a gallade
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Breloom gets False Swipe with Technician to make whittling down other mons easier and Spore / Stun Spore for status. Like the other person said, Gallade is also good with Twave and Hypnosis. Persian can have a niche with Swipe, Hypnosis, and Twave and Technician with Normal STAB to help chip but Breloom or Gallade are your best bets.

I just prefer Gallade because Breloom has five weaknesses plus a 4x weakness to flying and worse bulk and speed than gallade
True, but 100% accurate Spore is good, and you prolly already outspeed wild pokemon.
Wait I just checked Breloom's moves and couldn't find Spore, just Stun Spore
Where did you find Breloom could learn spore?
Only Shroomish gets it from level up. It has been this way for decades.