H-Braviary is a great stallbreaker.
Don't get me wrong, it has 2 monstrously overpowered abilities, and then great movepool + great stab + great stats + ABSOLUTELY BROKEN SIGNATURE MOVE makes up quite a formidable bird.
(cues me laughing at bird)
Gen 9 OU (or ru in my predictions) Bulky Specs:
Braviary-Hisui (M) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 52 HP / 252 SpA / 40 SpD / 164 Spe
Modest Nature
- Esper Wing
- Hurricane
- Heat Wave
- U-turn
I've tried this out myself. This hits monstrously hard. 53% damage done to magearna with Esper Wing. Once this thing starts going on it with the esper wing speed boosts, it'll be really hard to stop unless you have a dark type.
I recommend not using sheer force on this set because it nullifies the effects of esper wing. So tinted lens it is.
For the EVs, this is really complicated, so I'll explain this to you.
52 HP/ 40 SPD is to make sure we aren't afraid of Glimmora or any single lead in the game. I like to position h-braviary as a suicide lead sweeper, since esper wing is absolutely monstrous.
252 SPATK is just needed to make it hit hard.
Now here's the 164 spe part.
Its to make sure we outspeed H-Lilligant, H-Samurott, both forms of Thunderus, Zapdos, and Zarude. And in this case, its made so we outspeed most of them by exactly one when you have +1 on your speed from esper wing.
Moves are self explanatory.
That's about it I guess.
(will edit more sets in after I experiment a bit in the metagame)