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The most I've been able to find is four on Tyranitar ex 111/115. Are there any cards that beat or equal this? Please note that Poke-BODY, Abilities, etc. don't count as attacks.

Thanks in advance.

Unless this info already exists somewhere, wouldn't this require checking every single card ever?
I'm hoping someone more experienced with the TCG will just happen to know this, or at least know where the answer can be found. If such a resource doesn't exist, I'll hide this question.
I figured maybe one of the Pokémon breaks or Lv X could use 5 attacks as they can use attacks from the previous stage but nope, seems pretty rare for a Pokémon to get even 3 attacks on a single card past the early sets.

I would say you wouldn’t have to check every card, probably just the rares of every set of those first few gens, could prob knock it out in an hour if you get your system for checking right and unlock this piece of Pokémon trivia
Back when I was into the TCG I remember there was a Lucario EX that had 3 moves and I thought that was the most of any card
(I'm not an expert) From what I know and seen, three attacks is the most. I have a Zygarde Ex that has three. I've never seen or heard of more... I also am not an expert and don't know a lot about the tcg.
Please comment instead of answering if you're not absolutely sure. I also already found one with four attacks, which is in the question description.
I have yet to find any Pokemon cards with over four moves, but EX Emerald Exploud, another Exploud from EX Hidden Legends, Stormfront Raichu paired up with its Break card, and Neo Evolution Ho-oh paired up with its Break card each add up to 4 moves.
I'll continue to update this comment if I find any more.

1 Answer

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Best answer

For the sake of the answer, we'll consider a hypothetical format where all cards since the beginning of the PTCG are usable. This is because plenty of cards referenced cannot be used in official formats, as none allow for the use of Ruby/Sapphire, Diamond/Pearl, and X/Y sets in correlation with one another. I also won't be including any images, but instead the Bulbapedia article for the following card.
In addition, a big thanks to Staka~ for answering my question here, as then it'd have taken me far longer to research if this is even possible at all. Alright, time to get on with it, shall we?

Pokemon Cards with the MOST Attacks

Sorry, I was wrong, there are over 100 moves a single card may use.
Essentially, the use of the card Marshadow-GX (Burning Shadows 80) has an ability that allows it to use the moves of any basic Pokemon in the discard pile. As there's no limit to how many basic Pokemon cards you can have in a deck. Just use several unique basic cards and viola!
Despite that, you can't exactly discard that many cards by having your opponent knock them all out, thus requiring the use of Dark Marowak (EX Team Rocket Returns 7) and its move Hard Bone. This allows you to discard dozens of basic cards without allowing for your opponent to collect all their prize cards! As long as your opponent can live through the attacks, likely through a bulky Pokemon card in play and several other benched Pokemon, stadiums cards, and various other things of the like that either reduce the damage taken or heal it off.
So in theory, you can discard a total of 53 Basic Pokemon cards, as you'd otherwise need the Marshadow, Marowak, the three energy cards necessary to use the move, along with one card in your deck and one of your prize cards not drawn yet, as for neither you and your opponent to lose the game; possibly 5 fewer in order to actually use all the moves that are usable by your Marshadow. Assuming that all your discarded cards have two different moves, including the two moves Marshadow has itself, you'd be able to get 98-108 moves on a single Pokemon, possibly even more if you can think up basic Pokemon with more than two moves.


Long story short, it's 6 attacks
How? Well, by applying a Lv. X card to a traditional Pokemon card, then using a BREAK card on the same card, we are able to get a Pokemon card normally with 3 moves to 5 moves, at least in theory. There are two Pokemon I know of that this applies too:

  1. Raichu (Stormfront 8) <- Raichu Lv. X (Stormfront 99) <- Raichu BREAK (BREAKthrough 50)
  2. Machamp (Stormfront 20) <- Machamp Lv. X (Stormfront 98) <- Machamp BREAK (Evolutions 60)

The thing is, I'm not entirely sure if this is possible, as the Pokemon BREAK may only inherit the Lv. X card's attacks, rather than from both cards. As this can't be tested, due to Lv. X and BREAK cards being split across generations, and I have yet to find a source of some madman replicating this, I can't say which is true for sure. Regardless, we're going to move on as if both card pairing are able to use a combination of 5 moves total.

Also, you might've noticed I said the Pokemon Cards with the most attacks add up to 6 attacks. Well, that wasn't a typo, and that's all due to our good friend Ditto, more specifically, Ditto (XY Promo 40). With the use of its ability Metamorphosis Gene, Ditto is able to copy all attacks from an opponents Pokemon. Combined with its attack Stick On, Ditto can, in theory, inherit the moves of an opponents Lv. X BREAK Raichu/Machamp, and obtain 6 attacks.

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I can't imagine how long it took you to come up with this. Thanks so much!
No problem! The thought of combining Lv. X and BREAK cards took a while to take off, but the idea of Ditto randomly popped into my head as I was writing this.
Kingdra 19/64 has 6 attacks thanks to Genetic Memory allowing it to copy Seadra's and Horsea's moves, though it would have to be evolved from one of the Horsea with two attacks. In an unlimited format, Ditto XY40 would then have access to 7 attacks.