It's about time I made a doubles moveset for (Mega) Scizor!
Gen 7 Doubles OU

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 152 Atk / 108 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Protect
Swords Dance is to boost Scizor's attack to extremely high levels. Bullet Punch is steel STAB with priority that allows Scizor to finish off weakened opponents, and has it's power boosted by technician (watch out for Psychic Terrain though, since it blocks Bullet Punch). Superpower is coverage, hitting the steel types that resist Bullet Punch super effectively and also a certain fire cat that scares and flinches everyone (Incineroar). Protect is pretty much mandatory on any offensive Pokémon in doubles. It blocks all attacks, most notably Fake Out, and allows Scizor to scout for fire type coverage while it's ally can still attack or set up. 152 attack EVs and an Adamant nature allow Scizor to OHKO Incineroar at +1 attack with Superpower. The rest of the EVs increase Scizor's bulk.
Because Tapu lele's Psychic terrain renders Scizor's main source of Damage, Bullet Punch, useless, a team mate that can override Psychic Terrain is absolutely needed. Tapu Fini works great, since it can weaken fire types with water STAB, block status with it's Misty Terrain (which stops Psychic Terrain), and Heal Scizor with Heal Pulse.