This had to happen eventually
Doubles Rain Sweeping Ludicolo!

Ludicolo @ Absorb Bulb / Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Rash / Modest Nature
- Hydro Pump / Surf
- Giga Drain
- Ice Beam / Focus Blast
- Fake Out / Rain Dance / Protect
Absorb Bulb is an interesting item that boosts the holder's special attack one stage if it is hit with a water move. Ludicolo can take advantage of this with a partner that knows surf, and thanks to its base 100 special defense and quad resistance surf does little damage. However, if you don't intend to run the surf+absorb bulb gimmick, Life Orb is the best option to maximize damage, and the lost HP can be fixed with Giga Drain
Hydro Pump/Surf: Water STAB, and in this case Ludicolo's main attack. Choose wisely, because missing and hitting your partner both suck (unless that partner likes being hit with water moves)
Giga Drain: This secondary STAB grants Ludicolo a means of destroying opposing water types and a means of recovery, something no other rain sweeper can boast
Ice Beam/Focus Blast: Your coverage of choice. Ice Beam is preffered as otherwise Ludicolo can't get through grass types and dragon types. However, Focus Blast may be used to nail Ferrothorn if you find it troubling.
Fake Out/Rain Dance/Protect: Fake Out is preffered, as it eases first turn rain set up for the partner mon and is essentially free damage. However, Ludicolo can set up its own rain if you like, or Protect could be used for scouting and for safety when threats like Talonflame are out and about.
Good potential teammates
*note: these are just a select few of the many good potential teammates Ludicolo can have
Politoed: Politoed gets special mention because it can summon rain automatically and activate absorb bulb with surf
Thundurus: Thundurus can not only summon Prankster guaranteed rain, but can also abuse rain with Thunder, take out Talonflame, and paralyze annoying things
Manectric-Mega: Ludicolo's defense is on the weaker side, so intimidate support is appreciated, and Manectric is again a good Talonflame check, which can also handle Ferrothorn as well as Scizor and Genesect with Flamethrower
Gyarados: Abuses rain well, intimidate support, paralysis support, and taunt can break through walls like Cresselia
Jirachi: Jirachi appreciates the loss of its fire weakness in rain and in return can support Ludicolo with helping hand and draw away flying and poison attacks with Follow Me.