PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
27 votes

Firstly, you're probably thinking, "What is an 'Annoying Woodland Creature?'"

An Annoying Woodland Creature is a special Pokemon from each Generation that resembles a Woodland animal, and basically stalks you like an insipid slave monkey throughout the whole game.

For more understanding, here they are, from each Gen:

1st Gen: Rattata

2nd Gen: Sentret

3rd Gen: Zigzagoon

4th Gen: Bidoof

5th Gen: Patrat

6th Gen: Bunnelby

7th Gen: Yungoos

8th Gen: Skwovet

Anyone know for sure, or have a way to show or persuade me?

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Personnal opinion here. Rattata, because it is my second favorite Pokemon. Then probably Sentret, because it evolves into Furret, my third favorite Pokemon. I know, I have strange Pokemon preferences but both of them helped me out so much.
Someone in the small court had a whole party of the "Annoying Woodland Creatures."

7 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

with gen 6 coming out I thought it would be appropriate to mention that diggersby is the best and most powerful thanks to huge power. That's pretty much it lol

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15 votes

Well, bidoof's stats end up being the strongest, with a base total of 250. He also evolves into one of the best HM slaves of all time. Rattata is the fastest, and has the strongest moves. Sentret is the worst in every way. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! If it is strenghth in attack/special attack/speed/moves, than I think rattata. In stats, bidoof. Zigzagoon is probably third place and sentret(my personal favorite) is the worst.

Go HM slaves! :) hehe. I kind of considered Poocheyena to be a woodland creature along with Zigzagoon, I've always grouped Pokemon in my mind that way.
9 votes

My personal opinion is that Sentret is the best ( I really like Furret :)). Also, I like Bidoof just because it evolves into a part water type and it can learn water moves.

4 votes

by chiirami do you mean patrat? if so then i think your best is patrat. he has a base 255 and not a big movepool but a strong movepool

Chiirami is Minccino's Japanese name. By modern knowledge, yes, I would mean Patrat.
4 votes

Linoone, is probably the most used. Belly-drum+Gluttony+Berry+Extreme-speed is a deadly combo. Good speed and after Belly-drum awesome Attack.

Bibarel, is my personal favorite. Simple+Curse+Amnesia makes this guy an amazing tank, he also has good neutral coverage STAB. Waterfall is good STAB, so is Return, but he can even get Priority with Quick-attack.

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Linoone,not Furret.
Thanks Shx.
2 votes

zigazagoon is probobly the best with good stats and sence he has acsses to extream speed belly drum and glutony he is a deadly nu sweeper.

further more he can sweep a team quiet easly after belly drum and with extream speed he gets to go first and he just about 2ko's every thing inculding steel types like magentzone.

so try out linoon!


1. Magnezone is OU, and cannot be used in NU.
2. There is no way that a +4 ExtremeSpeed is 2HKOing Magnezone.
after belly drum he can and I have seen it so boo ya!!
–1 vote

Don't forget Rattata, it has a broken trick to it, namely the F.E.A.R strategy, which stands for
Having a F ocus sash,
using E ndeavor,
and then using quick A ttack,
then finally it is used by R attata,
which basically makes it simply the best since it can take out anything except other priority users and ghost types, too bad it was banned in gen 8 because of how broken it is.

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This strategy also gets checked by anything that holds leftovers or switches out.