Kingdra (M) @ Choice Specs / Scope Lens
Ability: Swift Swim (You can run Sniper, but it's meant to be a rain sweeper, but run Sniper if you want the crits)
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature=
- Surf / Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Draco Meteor / Dragon Pulse
- Rain Dance
Alright, so this is a bit of a fever dream of sorts I had. Special attacking Kingdra. I've gone for a more traditional and simple set, running a Modest with a spread focusing on SpAtk and SpDef, with Surf for reliable STAB, but you can run Hydro Pump if you really want power. Ice Beam is here for amazing coverage and Draco Meteor is the main move for a Special Variant. However, I also think that depending on the situation, you could just use Dragon Pulse, it doesn't drop stats like Draco Meteor. With the right plays, this thing can be a decently bulky Swift Swim sweeper. Oh, and Rain Dance if it needs to setup its own rain, thought it would be convenient. Pretty basic set, but I think the Special Variants need some attention. Also, manual rain is only if you are running a scope lens, if not then stick to just Draco Meteor and Surf/Hydro Pump for the situation. However, this was just meant to be a framework for builds.