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10 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Porygon-Z, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for Porygon, if any, can also be shared on this thread. Movesets for Porygon2 may be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Porygon-Z Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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32 Answers

3 votes

Sweeper Set

This name is inspired by a user named PorygonZangoose

PorygonZ-angoose (Porygon-Z) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Agility
- Nasty Plot
- Tri Attack
- Ice Beam

Focus Sash is there so that Porygon-Z can survive setting up Agility and if the opponent sets up too, use Nasty Plot and then start sweeping. Tri Attack for Adaptability to kick into action and Ice Beam for type coverage. A good teammate for PorygonZ would be Indeedee as Psychic surge prevents any priority users from revenge killing Porygon-Z. Indeedee has access to Dazzling Gleam which would eliminate threats such as Urshifu Single Strike that is immune to Indeedee's Expanding Force.

Hope you like this moveset :).

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I like the pun. Download > Adaptability though probably.
Not really, Download has a chance to raise his attack, which is useless
2 votes

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Lock On
- Zap Cannon
- Blizzard
- Psychic

As you can see first use Lock On. Then you will get a guaranteed hit with Zap Cannon or with Blizzard as they have poor accuracy. Psychic for coverage.

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adaptability with no moves that boost it?
replace psychic with tri-attack or just use download
2 votes

Porygon-Z is my favorite Pok'emon! Before I discovered IVs and EVs earlier this year, I had the same one since 2004 from Leaf Green version, but then I bred it to get the one you'll read about below!

Dart the Porygon-Z (I also used to have a lv. 100 Doduo named Deedo, and when they battled together I called them "Dee-dart")

Dart the Porygon-Z (Porygon-Z) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Shadow Ball
- Conversion
- Wonder Room
- Tri Attack

This Porygon-Z is built to out-speed most Fighting-types and change into a Ghost-type via Conversion, therefore making it immune to Fighting attacks. Adaptability boosts Tri Attack pre-Conversion and boosts Shadow Ball after use-Wise Glasses is held to boost the move that isn't already boosted by Adaptability and allows Dart to hit like a truck! Also, if you're facing a Ghost-type, use Shadow Ball without using Conversion to be immune to their STAB and OHKO them! Wonder Room is used to make Specially-Defensive walls vulnerable to Dart's STABs.

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This is a post from an old account of mine. With gen. 7, I now have it hold Normalium-Z, where I have it use Z-Conversion, changing to Ghost-type, then sweep!
1 vote


Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Tri Attack
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fighting]

Nasty Plot gives SpA a nice boost, just find the right time to use it.
Tri Attack is the most powerful move on the set, it's boosted by STAB and Adaptability giving it 160 power.
In other words, Tri Attack gets the same boost as a non-STAB Super Effective move.

Dark Pulse is there to take care of Ghost types who wall the other moves.

Hidden Power Fighting is Porygon-Z's best bet against Steel types who resist the other moves.

If you want a more speedy approach, Agility is an option over Nasty Plot to give it more speed for sweeping.
If you opt for Agility, make sure to change the nature to Modest to give Porygon-Z more power.

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1 vote

Assault Vest

Porygon-Z @ Assault Vest
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 6 SpD
Modest Nature
- Tri Attack
- Shadow Ball / Dark Pulse
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam

Tanky Porygon-Z! Thanks to Analytic and its only decent 90 base speed to let it get outsped by other Pokemon, all of its moves have 1.3x power. Well, this set might be more suitable for Porygon2 with eviolite, but Porygon-Z has a higher Sp. Atk stat to back it up. Tri Attack is STAB, Shadow Ball hits ghost types pretty well, and T-bolt/Ice Beam for the BoltBeam coverage. Dark Pulse can be used over Shadow Ball, but I don't think it really matters.

Physical Set?

Porygon-Z @ Normalium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Sharpen
- Last Resort

Yeah, don't use this fella on a serious team. Z-Sharpen gives it two attack boosts, making it a one-time swords dance. Last Resort, with adaptability, is a 280 BP move. You can also add Agility in there as well if you use an adamant nature. Keep in mind that this set isn't a good one, and is most likely going to fail with that 80 base attack. Oh yeah and it's going to get walled by ghost types easily. The only good thing about this set is the fact that it's very unpredictable.

1 vote

Porygon-Z @ Normalium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Conversion

Explanation: First, you use the Normalium Z to use Z-Conversion, which raises all stats by one stage. In addition, Porygon-Z also becomes a Ghost Type, meaning it's no longer weak to Fighting Types. Then, Shadow Ball becomes a STAB move, and is powered up even more due to Adaptability. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam is for a BoltBeam combo. Enjoy! This set will throw off Fighting Types. XD

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You didn't have Shadow Ball as your first move in the first move in PorygonZ's move list. What move was first in PorygonZ's move list?
Why Bold Nature on a sweeper over Timid/Modest?
Do you mean Normalium Z?
1 vote

Gen 9 NU Choice Specs

Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: Download
Tera Type: Ghost / Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Tri Attack / Tera Blast
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Trick

The standard Choice Specs set Porygon-Z uses in Gen 9 NU. Choice Specs gives Porygon-Z immediate breaking power, and if Porygon-Z gets the Download boost for Special Attack, the funny duck can deal out funny damage numbers. Tri Attack is the usual STAB of choice, with the burn/freeze/paralyze chance being able to punish opposing Pokemon switching in. Thunderbolt allows Porygon-Z to zap Water-types named Milotic, Vaporeon, Basculegion, and Tentacruel. Shadow Ball lets Porygon-Z hit Ghost-types such as Brambleghast, Chandelure, and Hisuian Typhlosion. Shadow Ball is also nice to hit Bronzong super effectively since it established itself to be the best Steel-type in NU at the time this was posted. Trick lets Porygon-Z cripple defensive Pokemon such as Registeel by giving them Choice Specs to make them not as useful (or end up being useless) in a game. Tera Ghost is used to allow Porygon-Z to become immune to Fighting moves and have a STAB move in Shadow Ball. Alternatively, Tera Blast can be used over Tri Attack with Tera Ground so you can hit Registeel, Copperajah, Iron Thorns, Klefki, and Diancie super effectively. Timid Nature is used to give Porygon-Z as much speed as possible, though you can consider using Modest Nature to give Porygon-Z as much firepower as possible.

1 vote

Gen 9 NU Bulky Dual Dance

Porygon-Z @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Adaptability
Tera Type: Electric / Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 76 Def / 16 SpA / 164 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Agility
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt / Shadow Ball

A Bulky Dual Dance set Porygon-Z can use in Gen 9 NU. Porygon-Z has been used as a Dual Dance sweeper in past formats, although it doesn't use a bulky EV spread. However, in Gen 9 NU, Bulky Dual Dance sets are starting to become standard on Porygon-Z despite its 85/70/75 bulk since this set is used in a lower tier, plus Porygon-Z can change it type with Tera. The idea of the bulky EV spread combined with Sitrus Berry for a dual dance set is to give Porygon-Z a bit more breathing room to be able to get off both Nasty Plot and Agility to become a scary sweeper. You can even use this set with a Dual Screens Klefki set that has Eject Button and Steel Beam so it can have more bulk with screens up.

How the moveset works is straightforward. Use Nasty Plot to allow Porygon-Z to break past bulkier Pokemon, and use Agility to allow Porygon-Z to outspeed faster Pokemon. Tri Attack is used for the Normal STAB since the chance to burn, freeze, or paralyze can potentially open up more setup opportunities. (Plus, Tera Blast is rather redundant on this set) The last slot depends on what coverage move you prefer. Thunderbolt allows Porygon-Z to deal super effective damage to Vaporeon, Basculegion, and Milotic while still having a neutral move against the Steel-types in the tier. Shadow Ball can be used instead to deal super effective damage against Bronzong as well as Brambleghast and Decidueye since the two Grass/Ghost Pokemon resist Thunderbolt.

The Tera you use for this set depends on the coverage move you use. In addition to Tera helping out Porygon-Z offensively, it also has defensive benefits as well. Tera Electric is used to make Thunderbolt a STAB move and is useful to resist Kilowattrel's STABs as well as being immune to paralysis that could cripple its sweep. Tera Ghost is used to make Shadow Ball a STAB move as well as giving Porygon-Z an immunity to Normal and Fighting moves, allowing it to take advantage of Pokemon such as Choice Scarf Mienshao locked into Close Combat. Adaptability is used to boost the power of Porygon-Z's STAB moves, though do keep in mind Tri Attack will not get the Adapatability boost once you Tera.

252 HP EVs are used to give Porygon-Z as much bulk as it can. 164 Speed EVs allow Porygon-Z to outspeed Choice Scarf Munkidori after it gets off an Agility. 16 Special Attack EVs with a Modest Nature gives Porygon-Z a jump point in its Special Attack stat, giving its Attacks a bit more power. The rest of the EVs are used in Defense to give Porygon-Z a little physical bulk. Sitrus Berry is used to restore some HP to help Porygon-Z get off both Nasty Plot and Agility. This set can get away with not using much Special Attack since you can threaten bulkier Pokemon after a Nasty Plot boost due to Adaptability and Porygon-Z's base 135 Special Attack.

0 votes

This works well in double battle pared with Electivire

Porygon-Z @ Leftovers
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Tri Attack
- Blizzard
- Discharge
- Nasty Plot

Tri Attack - STAB
Blizzard - high power does damage to both opponents
Discharge - like blizzard just affects your partner. I like to pair it with Electivire raising its Speed making Electro Ball more powerful
Nasty plot - obvious move, increases SpA a lot

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Even though Motor Drive keeps making Electivire's speed higher, special attacking Electivire is pretty redundant if you look at its base stats.
0 votes

Why doesn't anyone think of agility?Its an extreme beast in uu if you got that right....

Porygon-Z @ Leftovers
Ability: Adaptability / Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Agility
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt / Discharge
- Ice Beam / Psyshock

Agility up to make this guy an awesome sweeper, use the all time favorite BoltBeam combo or Psyshock to do serious damage to your opposing special wall or a fighting type

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Get the adaptability ability and put silk scarf on it and teach it hyper beam. And that combined with the high special attack, the stab boosting, and the same type boosting from the adaptability will get close to a k.o., or it will be a k.o.
0 votes

Sorry if this is gimmicky:

Porygon-Z @ Sitrus Berry / Electric Gem
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Lock On
- Zap Cannon
- Conversion 2
- Nasty Plot / Recover / Tri Attack

Lock On for perfect accuracy Zap Cannon, which wields a massive 120 power, 180 if you use electric gem. Conversion 2 if you get hit by an super-effective move (namely fighting type). Nasty Plot boosts it's 135 SpA even higher, where Recover heals any damage. Tri Attack is an option for when Zap Cannon runs out of PP. I'd advise Sitrus Berry with Nasty Plot / Tri Attack and Gem with Recover.

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0 votes

This is strictly for cmpetitive battling.

Porygon-Z @ Normal Gem
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Hyper Beam
- Tri Attack
- Dark Pulse

Nasty Plot - For your special attack.
Hyper Beam - Use after Nasty Plot with Normal Gem, take down the opposing wall.
Tri Attack - STAB + Adaptability makes this a good move.
Dark Pulse - For enemy Ghost types.

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0 votes

Porygon-Z @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
- Tri Attack
- Nasty Plot
- Rest
- Snore

Tri Attack for S.T.A.B.
Nasty Plot for even more Sp. Atk.
Rest for full recovery.
Snore for an attack when you are asleep (and S.T.A.B.).

Then the Silk Scarf AND Adaptability to make them S.T.A.B. Tri Attacks and Snores SUPER deadly.

This moveset is AMAZING, I use in in my normal monotype team. The only thing that can beat this thing is a ghost.

0 votes

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam

Destroys anything, and everything

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Unless Porygon-Z you Choice Scarf yourself into a move and they have something immune to it. Still a good moveset, though.
0 votes

Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SpA / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Tri Attack
- Psyshock
- Recover
This is mine, made for 1v1, paralysing the opponent you attack always first, then its all about ur opponent, if he is SpD use Psyshock that affects Def, if he is Def use Tri Attack that affects SpD
If he kill with 2 hits you just need to spam recover till he misses hit, then you attack, then keep spamming till he misses, you will slowly kill him
If the opponent doesn't have any healing skill, you're invencible

0 votes

Wanna have a annoying set for this guy? I gotcha.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 56 HP / 100 Atk / 100 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Trick
- Tri Attack
- Magic Coat
- Toxic

Trick : Once you swap your choice scarf with their item, you get the affect.
Tri Attack : STAB, and why not?
Magic Coat : Don't want taunt messing up this set.
Toxic : Toxic to slowly kill em, you can switch this out with a power up move if ya want.

If your gonna send this Pokemon out right away make sure you have a plan, because this guy can get killed by those fighting types, feel free to edit this set, obviously.

0 votes

Resilient solo sweeper (Gen 7)

Nickname: Cyberduck-Z

Porygon-Z @ Normalium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
-Ice Beam / Shadow Ball /Dark Pulse / Psychic

Switch in against an unfavored Pokemon in the Porygon-Z matchup, set up Conversion Z and sweep from there recovering when need be.

Thunderbolt provides a great type for conversion while also enabling great type coverage. Due to ground being electrics only weakness I recommend running with Ice Beam, though it can be changed if other coverage is needed to balance out your team.

Thought I consider Recover a crucial move for this set if you are confident enough to leave it out in favor of another coverage move.

Have fun with this set!

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0 votes

Sun & Moon Porygon-Z

Porygon-Z @ Normalium Z
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 6 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest / Timid Nature
- Hyper Beam
- Tri Attack
- Psyshock
- Charge Beam / Nasty Plot

I used to run this with a Normal Gem prior to Generation 7, however Normalium Z allows the user to bypass a recharge of Hyper Beam & then follow up with a Hyper Beam. I use Porygon-Z with a Timid nature just as an extra precaution in order to speed out other Pokemon with near similar speed. Using Hyper Beam with the Z Crystal will have Breakneck Blitz with a base power of 200. That plus Adaptability doubles it to 400. Hyper Beam alone will also be at an impressive 300 & Tri Attack at 160. Psyshock is for coverage & also helps with high physically defensive targets. I run Charge Beam as a finishing move in order to boost my Special Attack and still have a 4th attack that does some damage, however if you can get a Porygon-Z with some defensive bulk in its IVs I do suggest that you run Nasty Plot instead. Nasty Plot + Adaptability + Breakneck Blitz (400 base power) = Consistent KOs. If you do run Nasty Plot, I also suggest that you use a Pokemon such as Meowstic to set up Light Screen & Reflect prior to sending out Porygon-Z. This will allow for multiple Nasty Plot set ups.

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0 votes

Gyroscopically Stable (Porygon-Z)@ Normal Gem
Timid Nature
Ability: Adaptability
EVs 252 SpAtk/252 Spd/4 HP
-Tri Attack/Hyper Beam (I prefer Tri Attack)
STAB, boosted by Normal Gem and Analytic
Fighting coverage, hits special walls
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

This set has 5 moves but doesn't say what move can be replaced with another.
0 votes

I sometimes like to use special attacks even on physical attackers or physical moves even on special attackers, but for the second option, such as here, I have a solution.

Porygon-Z @ Silk Scarf
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Zap Cannon
- Lock-On
- Tri Attack
- Psyshock

  • Zap Cannon: 120 base power plus 100% paralysis chance... I have Lock-On too. The only thing is that most fighting-types (the only type which hits it by super effective) is more physical, which makes paralysis the worst condition of Tri Attack

  • Lock-On: for Zap Cannon. 120 power, 100 accuracy (after Lock-On), sure to paralyze. Best move ever, even though the Lock On turn is like a recharging turn for Hyper Beam

  • Tri Attack: after Adaptability STAB and Silk Scarf its power goes to 192. that before the 405 sp.atk. Any Pokemon which is not a rock/steel/ghost type, prepare yourself!

  • Psyshock: what did I say at the beginning? I have a special move which deals damage based on target's physical defense. no more problems with it. PLUS, it covers its only weakness. It's almost-like a must

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