Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green Team:
Venusaur:Ever since I was a kid i've always loved Venusaur,so I usually always pick him,he's my favorite starter.
Moveset:Razor Leaf,Leech Seed,Sleep Powder and Strength.
Venusaur's role is to be bulky and to annoy the enemy with Leech Seed+Sleep Powder combo,the other 2 moves are to do damage (a strong stab move and strength to use as both a Move,cuz it deals alot of damage and use it to move boulders).
Pidgeot:Another Childhood mon i've always liked,not much to say about this one,good flying type,good against all the annoying bug mons and you get him very early in the game.
Ability:Keen Eye
Moveset:Fly,Quick Attack,Aerial Ace and Wing Attack.
Pidgeot's role is mainly to use the HM Fly,thats why its moveset is not the best,but its still helpfull against annoying bug types (Butterfree,Beedrill,Venomoth,Heracross etc) and fighting types (Primeape,Machamp,Machoke,Hitmonchan,Hitmonlee etc..).Pidgeot is kinda bulky so if you need a mon to take a hit you can count on him unless if it is against eletric,ice and rock types.
Gyarados:My favorite water type mon,badass looking and a monster of a Pokemon in general.
Moveset:Surf,Ice Beam,Earthquake and Bite.
Gyarados' role is to be a damage dealer and also to use surf outside of battle.Like I said gyarados is amazing.Surf is for all the fire/rock/ground types etc...Ice beam for the flying and dragon types,earthquake cuz its a pretty good move and bite for The Gengar and Alakazam lines,Mr Mime and Jynx.
Arcanine/Ninetales:I played Fire Red more times than Leaf Green,so I use arcanine more(He's Fire Red Exclusive) but fear not Ninetales(Leaf Green Exclusive) is just as good as arcanine and works almost the same way.
Ability:Intimidate(for arcanine) and Flash Fire (for Ninetales).
Moveset:Flamethrower (Flame wheel also works pretty well,since you might need to spend alot of coins for flamethrower cuz nobody wants to wait until level 49 (Growlithe) to get flamethrower) ,Extreme speed,Fire Blast and Aerial Ace (Arcanine)
Will-O-Wisp,Flamethrower (or Fire Blast or Flame wheel if you don't want to spend coins) ,Confuse Ray and Dig (Ninetales)
These 2 mons roles are to be good fire types,that can take down any mon necessary,especially grass/ice/bug types etc...Arcanine is more offensive and Ninetales is more of a mix (Use the Confuse ray+Will-O-Wisp combo to annoy enemies).
Magneton:Amazing eletric type and since it is also part steel it resists alot of things (especially in Fire Red And Leaf Green).Raichu is a good choice,along with Jolteon but I prefer Magneton over both Raichu and Jolteon just because of its steel type.
Ability:Both Magnet Pull and Sturdy are fine IMO.
Moveset:Thunderbolt/Spark(if you don't want to spend coins) ,Thunder,Thunder wave and Sonic Boom.
Magneton's role is to be an offensive eletric type,Annoy them with Thunder Wave,smash them with thunderbolt(Thunder is on the list because its his strongest move and I only recommend you using it if you think Thunderbolt won't kill,in that case use Thunder) and Sonic Boom for the certain 20 hp damage.
Alakazam:My favorite Pokemon of all time,Hard Hitter and amazing in every single way ,shape or form except for his defense stats xD.
Ability:Both Synchronize and Inner Focus work,so the ability doesn't matter much for alakazam.
Moveset:Psychic,Shock Wave,Psybeam and recover.
Probably the hardest hitter on the team,Alakazam's role is to Destroy,freaking obliterate anything that gets in his way.Has horrible defenses but it doesn't matter cuz normally he 1HKO's everything.Psychic for strong STAB move,Psybeam if you don't want to use psychic's PP,shock wave just for type variation or if you come across a Gyarados and recover if you take a little bit of damage to get that juicy hp back.Now I know what you're thinking,You need to trade in order to get Alakazam I know,that's why there are 2 solutions.
Solution number 1- ![Kadabra](https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/ruby-sapphire/normal/kadabra.png)
Alakazam's pre-evolution Kadabra: For those who can't trade,Kadabra is the same thing as Alakazam,he works in the exact same way,the only diference is that he probably wont hit as hard as Alakazam,but he still 1HKO's almost everything,I recommend giving kadabra a try since it's pretty much the same. (Ability and Moveset same as Alakazam's).
Solution number 2-![Mr. Mime](https://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/ruby-sapphire/normal/mr-mime.png)
Mr.Mime: If you really want a Psychic type and you don't want to use Alakazam/Kadabra,then you have Mr.Mime.
Mr.Mime can hit pretty hard as well and he's a little bit bulky,definetly my go to Psychic type in Kanto,when I don't want to use Alakazam/Kadabra.The only way to get Mr.Mime in Fire Red and Leaf Green is from an In Game trade with an NPC inside of the house that's outside of the Diglett Cave,he will come with name "MIMIEN" and the level will be the same as the abra you trade(You need an abra to trade with Mr.Mime).
Since he is from a trade he gains exp really easily and I mean Really Easily,so that's another bonus with him,you don't need to waste alot of time to train him and he's a great addition to your team.
Ability:Soundproof or Filter work just fine,I don't remember the ability he comes with,I think it's Soundproof,but you don't need to worry about it too much.
Moveset:Psychic,Magical Leaf,Shock Wave and Calm Mind.
With Calm Mind you can get Mr.Mime to be even more bulky and you can sweep with him,Shock Wave and Magical Leaf for type variation and psychic for the Main STAB move.
And that's my favorite Fire Red/Leaf Green Team,let me know your thoughts :D.