PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

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66 Answers

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Team Preview:

(Pre-Elite Four)

Typhlosion @ Shell Bell
Ability: Blaze
Recommended Nature: Balanced (Hardy, Docile, Bashful, Quirky, Serious)

  • Flamethrower (Level 42)
  • Blast Burn (Move Tutor - Blackthorn City)
  • Dig (TM28 - National Park) / Focus Blast (TM52 - Goldenrod Department Store)
  • Strength (HM04 - Route 42)

As requested by Pokemon345, I am making a Typhlosion team. Typhlosion is the second best starter in HGSS, but not by far. He has great Speed and Special Attack, and decent stats elsewhere. He also has consistently great STABs throughout your adventure, meaning he can have an impact in most battles. The only reason he isn't as good as Feraligatr is his movepool. You will mainly be using Fire and Normal attacks throughout your adventure, but Typhlosion is still great regardless. Flamethrower is STAB, Blast Burn is also STAB but is mainly used to deal a massive amount of damage if you're in a pinch, or to end a battle quickly, Dig and Focus Blast cover his Rock weakness (Focus Blast is far stronger but far less accurate, so pick whichever), and Strength is an HM move, mainly for convenience.

Gyarados @ Amulet Coin
Ability: Intimidate
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Att, -Sp. A)

  • Waterfall (HM07 - Ice Path)
  • Ice Fang (Level 32)
  • Dragon Dance (Level 44)
  • Surf (HM03 - Ecruteak Dance Theatre)

While most people decide to get the Shiny Gyarados from the Lake of Rage and use that, I think it is better to catch a Magikarp, so that way you can shred through Morty, and maybe even use it against Whitney if you really want to. However, switching out a normal Gyarados for the Shiny is reasonable because it's Shiny. Anyways, Gyarados has great stats all-around other than Special Attack. He can dish out damage, out-speed others, and take a hit well. Intimidate is also an amazing ability. Waterfall is STAB, Ice Fang helps massively with Clair and Lance, Dragon Dance allows Gyarados to easily sweep teams, and Surf is mainly for convenience, you shouldn't be using it to attack. You could put a different move like Thrash here, but personally, I would rather not constantly be switching Pokémon to have such a commonly used HM.

Pinsir @ Muscle Band
Ability: Mold Breaker
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Att, -Sp. A) / Jolly (+Spe, -Sp. A)

  • X-Scissor (Level 30)
  • Brick Break (Level 21)
  • Earthquake (TM26 - Victory Road)
  • Swords Dance (Level 38)

After using both Heracross and Pinsir, I can comfortably say that I think Pinsir is better. He actually gets a Bug-type move before the Elite Four, gets several Fighting-type moves, has just as good stats and a great (but not as good) movepool. Anyways, Pinsir has great Attack and Defence, solid Speed, but is a bit lacking elsewhere and he has pretty good moves that allow him to take on most opponents. X-Scissor is STAB, Brick Break covers his Rock weakness and helps a lot with trainers like Jasmine and Pryce, and all of Team Rocket's Rattatas and Raticates, Earthquake covers his Fire and Rock weaknesses, and Swords Dance lets him set up to be disgustingly powerful.

Weezing @ Quick Claw
Ability: Levitate
Recommended Nature: Quiet (+Sp. A, -Spe)

  • Sludge Bomb (TM36 - Route 43 Gate)
  • Dark Pulse (TM79 - Victory Road)
  • Fire Blast (TM38 - Goldenrod Department Store)
  • Explosion (Level 40)

This may seem like an odd choice, but Weezing is definitely one of the best Physical tanks in the game. Poison is an amazing defensive type, and with Levitate is has only one weakness: Psychic. Weezing has great Defence with decent offenses and pretty good moves making it surprisingly useful. Sludge Bomb is STAB, Dark Pulse covers his Psychic weakness, Fire Blast is just for further coverage, and Explosion if for when you're in a pinch or for beating a strong opponent quickly.

Dugtrio @ King's Rock
Ability: Arena Trap
Recommended Nature: Adamant (+Att, -Sp. A)

  • Earthquake (Level 45)
  • Sucker Punch (Level 23) / Night Slash (Move Reminder)
  • Slash (Level 40) / Rock Tomb (TM39 - Union Cave)
  • Aerial Ace (TM40 - Mt. Mortar, requires Waterfall)

In HGSS, there are hardly any good Ground types available, as most either have terrible movepools until late (such as Rhyhorn) or need something else to be useful (such as Marowak). However, Dugtrio is one of the better ones. When you catch Diglett it starts with Dig and will eventually learn Earthquake, their movepool isn't too bad, and they have great Speed and Attack. Earthquake is STAB, Sucker Punch has priority, whereas Night Slash has a high critical rate and both are coverage, Slash also has a high critical rate, whereas Rock Tomb covers his Ice weakness and Aerial Ace covers his Grass weakness and will always hit.

Mr. Mime @ Bright Powder
Ability: Filter
Recommended Nature: Modest (+Sp. A, -Att) / Timid (+Spe, -Att)

  • Psychic (Level 39)
  • Shadow Ball (TM30 - Gift from Morty)
  • Charge Beam (TM57 - Olivine City, requires Surf)
  • Light Screen / Reflect (Level 22/Goldenrod Department Store if you want to reteach)

Aside from Alakazam, Mr. Mime is easily the best Psychic-type available in the main game. He is one of few Psychic types to learn Psychic before the Elite Four, not to mention he has great stats, pretty good moves and comes just in time for Chuck and helps with what's left of Team Rocket. He is essentially a poor man's Alakazam (except for the higher Special Defence). Psychic is STAB, Shadow Ball covers his Ghost weakness, Charge Beam is further coverage and helps make Mr. Mime stronger, and Light Screen and Reflect help the take hits better (if you buy the TMs, you can switch between battles to help with specific opponents).

0 votes

Here is my suggested team:
Feraligatr Victreebel Ampharos Magmar Forretress Rhydon
All of these Pokémon can be obtained without trade and are not version exclusive. With that said, on with the first Pokémon:

Ability: Torrent
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Surf
- Crunch

Feraligatr is an amazing physical attacker with decent bulk. Waterfall is STAB, Ice Fang is good against Lance and Clair, Surf is a needed HM, and Crunch is coverage. Feraligatr is able to take down most gyms with little issues and can be very useful in gyms and the elite four. Feraligatr stands strong throughout the whole game and is, in my opinion, the best starter.

Ability: Chlorophyll
- Leaf Blade
- Sludge Bomb
- Leaf Storm
- Sunny Day

Victreebel is an offensive powerhouse his great mixed attack stats. Leaf Blade is a great physical Stab move, Sludge Bomb is a surprisingly good special STAB move, Leaf Storm deals massive damage but lowers the special attack stat by two stages, Sunny Day allows you to sweep opponents like Brock and Misty. Victreebel doesn't have the type advantage against many gyms, but its great against Chuck, Bruno, Misty, Brock and the many water types you will find on routes.

Ability: Static
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Thunder Wave
- Light Screen

Ampharos has great special attack and good bulk. Thunderbolt is strong STAB, Focus Blast is coverage, Thunder Wave is good utility, and Light Screen can be useful in many major fights. Ampharos does good against most gyms due to its great utility moves and high special attack. Ampharos deals with the many flying types you will see on routes, gyms, and the elite four.

Ability: Flame Body
- Flamethrower
- Focus Blast
- Fire Blast
- Psychic

Magmar has high special and physical attack along with good speed, something the team needs. Flamethrower is great STAB, Focus Blast is powerful coverage, Fire Blast is a stronger STAB, Psychic is coverage. With its wide movepool, Magmar does work against opponents like Jasmine, Erika, and Koga. Keep in mind Magmar does not get Thunderbolt by TM until it evolves, sorry.

Ability: Sturdy
- Bug Bite
- Gyro Ball
- Earthquake
- Spikes

Forretress has and amazing type and physical defense with some good attack. Bug Bite is decent STAB, Gyro Ball is STAB and does good against faster Pokémon, Earthquake is coverage, Spikes is good utility. Forretress may look unappealing with its "weak" STAB, but it can actually do a lot of damage and is a great counter to poison types. Gyro Ball is most likely post game, so use Strength / Explosion until then.

Ability: Rock Head
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- Avalanche
- Stealth Rock

Rhydon has amazing physical bulk and attack able to live super-effective physical hits. Rock Slide is STAB, Earthquake is amazing STAB, Avalanche is coverage and can possibly one-shot Lance's Dragonites, and Stealth Rock is useful utility. Although it comes late, Rhydon is amazing with its great type and movepool and can still be useful in the last parts of the Pokémon league. Most people choose Golem over Rhydon, but I'm not adding any trade evolutions.

Thank you for reading!

0 votes

This team is for both Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver- Typhlosion, Ampharos, Lapras, Umbreon, Dragonite, and Heracross.


Solar Beam
Focus Blast
Sunny Day

I used Feraligatr in Crystal, so I'm gonna switch it up for the remakes. Typhlosion is a really solid choice, and one that I feel actually got better in the remakes. Flamethrower is STAB, Solar Beam is coverage, as is Focus Blast, and Sunny Day powers up Flamethrower while making Solar Beam a one turn move.


Fire Punch
Hidden Power/Power Gem
Thunder Wave

Ampharos is incredible and it's a crime that it wasn't in Pokemon Crystal. Thunderbolt for STAB, Fire Punch for coverage, Hidden Power if you get a good type (Ice, Grass, Water), otherwise go for Power Gem. Thunder Wave is a must have and one of the best status moves in the game.


Ice Beam
Psychic/Body Slam

Just as good as it was in Kanto, Lapras returns for the Johto remakes as well! Surf is STAB and really useful, Ice Beam is also STAB and Lapras is amazing since she is one of the few Pokemon in the game to learn Ice Beam via level up. Waterfall is physical STAB, and Psychic or Body Slam can be coverage.



I used Espeon in Crystal, so now I want to use the other friendship Eeveelution, and the one I like more, Umbreon! Payback is STAB and really the only attack you need. Moonlight is great for HP recovery, Protect is amazing for stalling, and Toxic is a must have move for Umbreon. Leftovers is the ideal item for this tanky beast.


Dragon Claw/Outrage
Dragon Dance

Dragonite, one of the ones who I wish was actually useable in the originals, but due to Gen II’s horrendous level curve, it wasn’t meant to be. Thanks to HG/SS greatly improving in this department due to the Gym Leader and Elite Four rematches, Dragonite fares much better as a potential teammate in the Johto remakes. Dragonite is an absolute beast of a Pokemon, setting a high bar for future psuedo legendary Pokemon to come. Dragon Claw/Outrage are really good STAB for it, and it goes off the higher attacking stat thanks to the physical/special split. Fly is it's other STAB and really useful for getting around. Earthquake is a wonderful coverage move and great to run on any Dragonite. Dragon Dance is an amazing setup move for Dragonite, and can really help you cheese bosses if you're into that.


Close Combat
Shadow Claw
Brick Break/Facade/Aerial Ace

Heracross, who is a metric crapton better than he was in the originals due to a way better movepool, makes it on the team in the remakes. Close Combat and Megahorn are incredibly powerful STAB attacks, Shadow Claw is vital coverage on Psychic and Ghost Pokemon, and the final slot can be a filler move, like a reliable Brick Break, Facade if you have a Guts Heracross (highly recommended), or Aerial Ace to counter Fighting types and evasion hax.

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-focus blast/solarbeam
-Strength/sunny day

-power gem
-signal beam
-flash/light screen

-ice beam
-shadow ball/slack off

-brick break/close combat
-aerial ace
-earthquake/rock tomb

-fly/air slash
-ancient power/water pulse/aura sphere
-shadow ball/ shock wave

Stone edge
Thunder fang

The best thing about this team is that you can get all of them except tyranitar before Whitney. Togetic will have to be used instead of togekiss because it’s pretty hard to get a dawn stone, There’s a lot you can do with this Pokémon. Shadow ball works better with Togekiss because of the normal typing. Items Are individual preference.

0 votes

Best team for heart gold

Shadow Claw

Flamethrower melts everything. Use blast burn only for emergencies. Focus Blast is coverage. Shadow Claw is coverage. It does good against Bugsy Jasmine Pryce Will’s jynx and exeggutor Koga’s bugs Karen’s vileplume Lt.Surge’s magneton Ericka Janine’s bug types Blue’s exeggutor Red’s venusaur


Fly is a hm and powerful STAB. return is secondary STAB. u-turn is for pivoting. assurance is for coverage while roost is for recovery. it does good against Bugsy Morty Chuck Will’s Exeggutor Koga’s bug types Bruno Karen’s Vileplume Ericka Janine’s bug types Blue’s Machamp and exeggutor Red’s venusaur

Gyarados@nevermelt ice
Dragon dance
Ice Fang

gyarados is easily the best water type in the game. Waterfall is powerful STAB and hm. Surf is hm. dragon dance sweeps the elite 4. Ice fan is for coverage and lance. it does good against Pryce’s piloswine ClairWill’s xatu and exeggutor Koga’s crobat Bruno’s Onix Karen’s vileplume murkrow and houndoom Lance Brock Ericka Janine’s Crobat Blaine Blue’s rhydon arcanine executor and pidgeot and Red’s venusaur and charizard

signal beam
Shadow ball

Jolteon is the best electric type due to its speed. Thunderbolt is powerful STAB. Use this to get coins in voltorb flip easier.. The other three moves are for coverage and fillers because his moveset is trash. Jolteon does good against Chuck’s poliwrath Pryce’s water types Clair’s Gyarados Will Koga’s crobat Lance’s gyarados Brock’s water types Misty Janine’s Crobat Blue’s Gyarados and pidgeot Red’s charizard, Lapras and blastoise

Heracross@choice scarf
Mega horn
Brick break/close combat
Night Slash
Aerial Ace

Heracross is the best fighting type in the game. Mega horn is pwerful STAB. Brick break/close combat is fighting STAB. night slash is coverage. aerial ace is for evasion abusing trolls. It does good against Witney Jasmine Pryce Will Bruno’s Onix Karen Brock Lt.Surge’s magneton Erika Sabrina(be cautious) Blane’s magcargo(you outspeed. not a problem) Blue’s Exeggutor and Rhydon Red’s venusaur lapras and snorlax

Mamoswine@ whatever
Rock climb
Ice Shard

the best ground and ice type in the game. Ice shard is priority and STAB. earthquake is powerful STAB. rock slide is coverage. rock climb is HM and filler. It does good against Clair
Will’s Xatu and exeggutor Koga Karen’s vileplume murkrow and houndoom Lance Brock Lt.surge Erika Janine Blaine Blue’s exeggutor arcanine rhydon and pidgeot Red’s pikachu venusaur charizard and lapras

an alternative to jolteon if he's too hard to get:
power gem
signal beam

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Try using this team if you want a easy playthrough of the game

Pokemon 1: Typhlosion (Starter, Cyndaquil, Gift, Level 5)

- Flamethrower (Level 42)
- Focus Blast (Bought from Goldenrod Department Store for 5500 pokedollars)
- Solar Beam (Bought from Goldenrod Department Store for 3000 pokedollars)
- Sunny Day (Goldenrod Radio Tower)

Typhlosion, to me at least, is the best starter you can get in Heart Gold and Soul Silver as well as the best Fire type discounting version exclusives (Arcanine). It has solid stats and a great movepool which can carry you through the game. The other 2 starters just don't perform as well as Typhlosion. Meganium has to rely on status moves such as Synthesis and Reflect too much to be viable ingame and Feraligatr doesn't get physical water type moves early enough, Aqua Tail is learned at Level 58 and Waterfall can only be found around the time you face Claire, short summary I know but limited character space.

Pokemon 2: Octillery (Route 44, Good Rod, Remoraid, 2% ENCOUNTER RATE, Level 20)

- Surf (Ecruteak Dance Theatre, received after defeating a Rocket Grunt)
- Ice Beam (Level 48)
- Signal Beam (Level 42)
- Fire Blast (Bought from Goldenrod Department Store for 5500 pokedollars)

I personally find Octillery to be really underrated in battle, I find it better than other water types in Johto like Feraligatr and Lapras. Feraligatr because of the reasons I mentioned earlier and I find it outclasses Lapras for several reasons, Octillery has better attacking stats and a wider movepool than Lapras, Lapras' base 85 attack stats are respectable and it is bulkier than Octillery, but really it's only good offensive coverage moves are Psychic and Thunder. The Psychic TM is used on a different Pokemon and Thunder only has 70% accuracy. Octillery just has a more diverse movepool than Lapras with moves like Fire Blast for Jasmine and Signal Beam for Karen and Sabrina, Octillery even get's access to viable Ice moves like Aurora Beam and Ice Beam for trainers like Lance and even Erika if your feeling risky.

Pokemon 3: Exeggutor (Route 34, Headbutt trees, Exeggcute, 20% encounter rate, Level 9-12)

- Seed Bomb (Move Reminder)/ Wood Hammer (Level 37)
- Psychic (Saffron City/ Level 47 as Exeggcute)
- Thief
- Leech Seed (Level 11 as Exeggcute)/ Sleep Powder (Level 23 as Exeggcute)

Exeggutor is probably the best Grass type in the game thanks to it's secondary Psychic type, helping it do well against trainers like Morty, Chuck, Koga, Bruno and Janine as well as Team Rocket's poison types such as Golbat and Koffing, it also get's good Grass STAB with moves like Seed Bomb and Wood Hammer by level up and also has good utility moves that can come in clutch like Leech Seed. while It's Grass type doesn't do very well in Johto, only hitting Chuck's Poliwrath, maybe Pryce's team and Bruno's Onyxes for super Effective damage, it really comes into play during Kanto doing well against trainers like Brock and Misty as well as Red's Lapras and Blastoise. You can also get a Leaf Stone to evolve Exeggcute from a girl on the same route you catch it if you get her phone number

Pokemon 4: Crobat (Dark Cave, Walking, Zubat, 39% encounter rate, Level 2-4)

- Sludge Bomb (Route 43 after defeating Team Rocket)/ Cross Poison (Move Reminder)
- Wing Attack (Level 17)/ Aerial Ace (Mt Mortar)
- Fly (recieved from Chuck's wife after defeating him)
- U-turn (Prize for defeating Bugsy)/ Steel Wing (Route 28)

Crobat can come in clutch for alot of situations in Johto such as Bugsy and Chuck. It's Poison typing might not come into play much during the game, only really doing well against Erika, but it flying type does so well in both regions that it's hardly an issue the Flying type comes in handy for alot of the Pokemon League doing well against Koga's bug types, Bruno fighting types and Karen's Vileplume.

Pokemon 5: Nidoking (Route 35, Grass, Nidoran M, 30% encounter rate, Level 12)

- Poison Jab (Prize for defeating Janine)/ Sludge Bomb (Route 43 after defeating Team Rocket)
- Earthquake (Victory Road)
- Shadow Ball (Prize for defeating Morty)
- Rock Tomb (Union Cave)

I know that there is already a poison type on the team in Crobat but Nidoking is the best Ground type you can get in the game outside of version exclusives. A lot of other Ground types like Mamoswine and Donphan are found to late in the game, not to mention that Nidoking has a better movepool. To evolve Nidorino into Nidoking you can get a Moon Stone in Tohjo Falls after obtaining Surf. Until you get Earthquake you can also use Dig, which can be found in National Park. It can come in clutch for alot of scenarios in game like Jasmine and Lt Surge.

Pokemon 6: Umbreon (Goldenrod City, Eevee, Gift, Level 5)

- Dark Pulse (Victory Road)
- Iron Tail (Prize for defeating Jasmine)
- Rest (Route 31)
- Confuse Ray (Level 29)

There are tons and tons of viable Dark type Pokemon in Heart Gold and Soul Silver like Tyranitar and Houndoom if you didn't pick Typhlosion... Too bad almost all of them are only found in Kanto or Mt Silver! however, Umbreon is still solid in both regions stacking up well against gym leaders and Elite 4 members like Morty, Will and Sabrina, Umbreon also get's alot of handy utility moves to take advantage of like Confuse Ray even Rest for health regeneration, all of this combined with Umbreon's type advantages over Gym Leaders make it a solid option for the team.

0 votes

Here is my team for this game. I use cheat to make Pokemons that need trade to evolve ^^ If you don't want to do that, their pre-evolution are also strong (Onix, Haunter, Machoke, Rhydon). I'm trying to put all necessary HM moves in the team so that you don't have to use HM slave and the team have all the type move. Also I use different Pokemons for each starters, don't use Pokemons that are exclusive. You can change Pokemon like Scizor for Typhlosion, Heracross for Feraligatr for your like.

[HM SLAVE IF NEEDED: Furret (Normal) +Cut +Rock Smash +Whirlpool/Surf +Strength]

  1. Typhlosion - Modest (Fire) +Flamethrower +Eruption/Rock Climb/Strength +Solar Beam +Sunny Day/Earthquake
    • Lapras - Modest (Water/Ice) +Surf +Ice Beam + Thunderbolt +Waterfall
    • Steelix - Brave (Gound/Steel) +Stone Edge/Rock Slide +Crunch +Earthquake/Dig +Iron Tail/Gyro Ball/Rock Climb
    • Gengar - Modest (Ghost/Poison) +Shadow Ball +Sludge Bomb +Giga Drain +Dark Pulse/Hypnosis/Thunderbolt
    • Heracross - Adamant (Bug/Fighting) +Megahorn +Close Combat/Brick Break +Aerial Ace +Cut/Strength/Rock Climb
    • Dragonite - Adamant (Dragon/Flying) +Fly +Dragon Claw/Outrage +Earthquake +Fire Punch

+You can use these guys early and replace later or you can keep using them :v
- Togekiss - Bashful (Normal/Flying) +Fly +Extremespeed +Extrasensory +Aura Sphere
- Onix - Brave (Ground/Rock) +Stone Edge/Rock Slide +Iron Tail/Gyro Ball

  1. Feraligatr - Bashful (Water) +Waterfall/Surf +Ice Fang/Ice Punch +Crunch +Earthquake/Dig/Surf
    • Ampharos - Modest (Electric) +Discharge +Signal Beam +Thunder Wave +Power Gem/Rock Smash/Strength
    • Houndoom - Modest (Fire/Dark) +Flamethrower +Dark Pulse +Sludge Bomb +Solar Beam/Rock Smash/Strength
    • Crobat - Adamant (Flying/Poison) +Fly +Cross Poison/Poison Fang +X-Scissor +Bite/Steel Wing
    • Espeon - Modest (Psychic) +Psychic +Shadow Ball +Reflect/Cut +Grass Knot/Swift/Energy Ball/Cut
    • Scizor - Adamant (Bug/Steel) +X-Scissor +Iron Head/Bullet Punch +Night Slash +Brick Break/Rock Smash/Strength

+This is the first team I get to defeat the game (long ago). You can replace Scizor with Heracross so that all the team can be obtained without trading

  1. Meganium (Grass) +Petal Dance +Giga Drain +Cut/Body Slam +Rock Smash/Earthquake/Dig
    • Jolteon (Electric) +Discharge/Thunderbolt +Thunder Wave +Signal Beam +Shadow Ball
    • Politoed (Water) +Surf +Psychic +Waterfall +Ice Beam
    • Machamp - Adamant (Fighting) +Dynamic Punch +Poison Jab/Fire Punch +Stone Edge +Rock Climb/Earthquake
    • Honchkrow - Adamant (Flying/Dark) +Fly +Night Slash +Pluck/Aerial Ace +Roost/Steel Wing
    • Rhyperior - Adamant (Ground/Rock) +Earthquake +Stone Edge +Megahorn +Strength

+You can use these guys early and replace later or you can keep using them :v
- Fearow - Adamant (Normal/Flying) +Fly +Drill Peck +U-turn/Assurance +Steel Wing/Roost
- Golem - Adamant (Rock/Ground) +Earthquake +Stone Edge +Double-Edge +Explosion/Strength
- Vaporeon - Modest (Water) +Surf + Waterfall +Ice Beam +Shadow Ball
- Magneton/Magnezone (Electric/Steel) +Discharge/Thunderbolt +Thunder Wave +Flash Cannon +Signal Beam/Rock Smash

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Feraligatr =Surf, Waterfall/Whirlpool, Ice fang, Earthquake
Surf, Waterfall/Whirlpool Are stab ice fang and earthquake to counterrack against ice, electric, ground, fire, rock and Lance's 3 dragonites

Yanmega = Solar Beam/ Giga Drain, Hypnosis/Slash, Ancient Power, Psychic
To heal Giga Drain and fight rock, water, ground. Ancient Power for fire, flying, rock, ice, and bug, psychic/dreameater, poison and fighting
If you want hypnosis teach it dream eater instead of psychic

Heracross =Rock Smash, Megahorn, strength, Stone Edge

Ambipom =Shadowball, Thunderbolt, Brick Break, Cut

Noctowl =Fly, Extrasensory, Heatwave, Steel wing/Roost

Marowak =Bone rush, Ice punch, Double Edge, Fire Punch/Fire Blast

no marowak take this sweety
Rhydon/ or Rhyperior = Earthquake, stone edge, thunder fang, ice fang

If you don't want noctowl take him

Honchkrow =Heatwave, Icy Wind, Fly, Superpower/Steel Wing

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Typholsion with Flamethrower, Thunder Punch, Iron Tail and Earthquake
Ampharos with Fire Punch , Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave and Facade
Crobat with Fly, Sludge Bomb, X Scissor and Confuse Ray
Heracross with Brick Break, Close Combat, Megahorn and Night Slash
Umbreon with Shadow Ball, Pursuit, Psychic and Sand Attack (note breed the eevee with ditto)
Azumarill with Surf, Waterfall, Ice Punch and Attract

Furret for hm slave

Typholsion has the most coverage moves out of every member of your team Flamethrower is STAB, Thunder Punch for Water types, Iron Tail for Rock Types and Earthquake for other Fire Types.
Ampharos can Inflict status with Thunder Wave cutting enemy Pokemon’s speed in half, Fire Punch for coverage, Thunderbolt for STAB and Facade when you have status.
Heracross is the main wall breaker on your team with Brick Break for regular STAB, Close Combat if you like to take risks, Megahorn for Bug STAB and Night Slash for coverage.
Crobat with Fly for STAB and getting to places easily, Sludge Bomb for STAB, X Scissor for coverage and Confuse Ray for confusion.
Umbreon with Shadow Ball for coverage, Psychic for Fighting types, Pursuit for STAB (You can replace Pursuit if you want) and Sand Attack for being an annoyance to the other team.
Azumarill has Surf and Waterfall are for hms and are good STAB moves, Ice Punch for coverage and Attract for being an annoyance.

Overall this team is built on annoying the other team as well as going through Johto and Kanto with relative ease

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Here's a team revolving around the Cynadquil line.

Typhlosion @ Charcoal

Ability: Blaze
- Flamethrower
- Swift
- Focus Blast / Solar Beam
- Smokescreen / Sunny Day
How to Obtain: Starter

Ampharos @ Magnet

Ability: Static
- Discharge / Thunderbolt
- Power Gem
- Signal Beam
- Thunder Wave
How to Obtain: Catch a Mareep on Route 32

Crobat @ Sharp Beak

Ability: Inner Focus
- Cross Poison
- Aerial Ace
- Fly
- Confuse Ray
How to Obtain: Catch a Zubat in Union Cave

Heracross @ Black Belt

Ability: Guts
- Brick Break
- Megahorn
- Facade / Strength (For story progression)
- Shadow Claw
How to Obtain: Headbutt Trees in Azalea Town

Lapras @ NeverMeltIce

Ability: Water Absorb or Shell Armor (either works)
- Surf
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Perish Song / Psychic
How to Obtain: Union Cave B2F on Friday, requires Surf

Tyranitar @ Hard Stone / Soft Sand

Ability: Sand Stream
- Rock Slide / Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Rock Climb
How to Obtain: Mountain Area in the Safari Zone
(Contrary to popular belief, Larvitar is not locked to the postgame in HGSS. You can catch one as soon as the Safari Zone is unlocked.)

This final member is optional, since it is strictly postgame. Use it as a replacement for Lapras if you'd like.
@ NeverMeltIce / Mystic Water

Ability: Pressure
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Shadow Ball / Waterfall
- Extrasensory
How to Obtain: Overworld Encounter at Cerulean Cape (Route 25 in Kanto)

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Tyranitar is postgame, becsuse placing diwn those blocks is postgame-only. Other than thst, it's fine.
Actually,  I only learned this relatively recently. Larvitar can be found in the Mountain Area at level 17 as soon as the Safari Zone is unlocked, so it isn't just locked to the postgame. Sadly though, Houndoom didn't get the same love.
Oh, that's interesting.
Please explain your choices if you want to re-post this answer. For example, why do you use Tyranitar and not Graveler?
0 votes


Best starter in Johto hands down. Does well against most gyms and makes early gameplay simple, as it can handle everything until Whitney. Feraligator is decent, but there are better water types (will come to that later) and Meganium is awful, especially in this game (First 2 gyms and Bellsprout tower will be a nightmare with Chikorita).

Ability :

Blaze - only option, but can be useful situationally by boosting its Fire STAB move, especially with the sun up

Moveset :

  1. Flamethrower/Fire Blast - STAB and will really hard
  2. Solar Beam - Though it requires 2 turns, it provides great coverage alongside Fire attacks, hitting Water, Rock (Fire is not effective against both) and Ground super-effectively.
  3. Sunny Day - To boost FIREpower further and to fire off Solar-beams in 1 turn
  4. Focus Blast - Provides cover for Normal and Dark types. An HM move can be taught in place of Focus Blast if required


Now, it's time to face Whitney, who's considered the strongest gym leader in the history of Pokemon. And Quilava can't do it alone as it gets pulverized by Milktank's bulk and super-effective rollout. Here comes Heracoss, who can plow through Whitney's normal types. It also hit rock, ice, steel, dark, psychic and grass types with bug and fighting STAB.

Ability :

Guts - Better than swarm, as it can absorb any status move to increase it's attack 1.5 times

Moveset :

  1. Close Combat - 120bp STAB that hits like a truck
  2. Megahorn - Another 120bp stab, that provides coverage against Psychic and Grass types.
  3. Shadow Claw - Great coverage move alongside Close Combat, as Ghost and Fighting moves hit every foe for neutral damage. Can be quite useful against Morty and his ghost types.
  4. Stone Edge - Another coverage move to hit Flying types that annoy Heracross. Can also hit Bug,Fire and Ice.nAn HM move can be taught in place of it if required


A very useful Pokemon in this playthrough. Can synergise with Typlosion well by dealing with Water and Rock Types. Also, zaps flying types meaning Heracross also appreciates this trio of magnets. Further, it smashes Ice types as well. If trade to Diamond/Pearl/Platinum is possible, please do so and evolve it into Magnezone, which makes it stronger and bulkier (but lesser speed).

Ability :

Sturdy/Magnet Pull - Both are situational abilities in-game (Until gen 4, Sturdy worked only against OKHO moves like Horn Drill, Fissure, Sheer Code, Guillotine). Hence, any ability is fine

Moveset :

  1. Thunderbolt - STAB and will zap Water and Flying types. Discharge is a great alternative, but power is preferred over better paralysis chance, as this Mangeton will can use thunder wave anyway.
  2. Flash Cannon - STAB to wreck Rock (especially Rock/Ground types that give Magneton trouble) and Ice types
  3. Thunder wave - As Magneton is slow, this move can help it patch up this issue, coupled with a chance of immobilizing the foe.
  4. Tri attack - Filler Coverage. Can hit most Pokemon neutrally

Red Gyarados

It's not often that gamefreak provides you with a virtually free shiny Pokemon. And that too a freaking Gyarados !! One of the main reasons why Feraligator is not the best starter is because Gyarados is better than it in every single way, be it base stats, movepool, ability etc.. Gyarados is a monster in HGSS, as it's one of the few Pokemon who can singlehandedly beat champion Lance and his army of Dragons (well, flying types who look like Dragons)

Ability :

Intimidate - Only possible ability in gen 4. Great one, as it lower's foes attack, thereby helping it set-up and sweep

Moveset :

  1. Waterfall - Physical STAB move that can hit Fire,Ground and Rock types really hard
  2. Ice Fang - Destroys Dragon, Grass and Flying types
  3. Dragon Dance - Raises it's attack and speed, and this helps it destroy Lance.
  4. Surf - Mandatory HM Move.

Use Whirlpool HM ,however, before reaching victory road instead of Dragon Dance. Once you reach victory road, you can make it forget Whirlpool. Then at level 44, it learns Dragon Dance.


It's a Pokemon with Mammoth (pun intended) attacking stat and typing, which provides near perfect coverage. Deals with Clair's Dragonairs, Koga and most of Lance's team.

Ability :

Intimidate - Only possible ability in gen 4. Great one, as it lower's foes attack, thereby helping it set-up and sweep

Moveset :

  1. Earthquake - Physical STAB move that can hit Fire,Poison,Electric,Steel and Rock types really hard
  2. Ice Shard - Priority move against Dragon, Grass and Flying types
  3. Avalanche - Since it has mediocre speed, it would move after most foes, and thus avalanche is viable, potentially gaining a 120bp ice move.
  4. Rock Climb - HM Move and decent coverage.

Xatu (Easy) / Tyrannitar (Hard) / Dragonite (Moderate)

This is a filler Pokemon, as the other 5 are enough to beat the game. Hence, it could either be a flyer (I am comfortable with boxing my flyer and withdrawing it from Bill's PC when needed, though I reckoned that not many are comfortable with this) or a pseudo-legendary for a fun and rewarding challenge. Hence, you can choose between Xatu, who according to me is the best early flyer available, or Tyrannitar/Dragonite (who interestingly fits both categories of flyer and Pseudo-legendary). I'll explain all 3 of them

/ /

Xatu : Best early flier in Johto (as compared to Fearow, Pidgeot, Crobat etc..)

Ability :

Synchronize - Punishes foes who try to use status against Xatu

Moveset :

  1. Psychic - STAB move that helps against Team Rocket's poison types and fighting type trainers like Chuck and Bruno
  2. Fly - HM move that helps it further dent Bruno's fighting types, Grass and Bug types.
  3. Shadow Ball - Provides coverage against other Psychic types, as well as Ghosts.
  4. Silver Wind - Provides additional coverage against Dark types

Tyrannitar : Very tough to raise and evolve, but worth every ounce of effort, thanks to its monstrous attack, decent special attack and great bulk. Just keep it away from fighting types.

Ability :

Sand Stream - Monster ability. Starts an infinite sandstorm that passively damages foes and increases Tyrannitar's special defence

Moveset :

  1. Stone Edge - STAB move that destroys Fire, Ice , Bug and Flying types. Great against Lance and his army of flying types.
  2. Crunch - STAB move that destroys Psychics and Ghosts.
  3. Earthquake - Provides near perfect coverage alongside Stone Edge
  4. Strength - HM move and decent coverage

Dragonite : Tough to raise and evolve, but worth every ounce of effort, thanks to its monstrous attack, good special attack and bulk. However, not as tough as Tyrannitar, as you can catch level 40 Dragonair once you get a super rod

Ability :

Inner Focus - Only available ability. Situational, but it's decent as it can help it avoid flinching

Moveset :

  1. Outrage - STAB move that hits every non-steel type quite hard
  2. Fly - HM move and good STAB
  3. Earthquake - Provides near perfect coverage alongside Outrage
  4. Dragon Dance - Raises speed and attack and helps it sweep teams like Gyarados
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Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver are my favorite games, as I have played through them more times than I can remember. Here is the team I used to beat all 16 gyms, elite four and Red:
Ice Fang
Future sight
Shadow Ball
Iron Tail
Bite / crunch, I forgot if crobat could learn crunch
Fire Punch
dark pulse
Fire Blast
Confuse Ray
SNORLAX (I know he is found late game in Kanto, but Snorlax has a large move pool, great stats, and monstrous health. It would be stupid to not include Snorlax on a team in any game he is available.
Giga Impact

This team takes plenty of grinding, especially for espeon (learns confusion around level 15, so you have to evolve eevee before then so espeon is of use against team Rocket) However, most of these Pokemon are found right next to each other, minimizing the time spent on trying to find them. As HM slaves, I used Furret, and Gyarados.
Throughout the johto arch of the game, the first five team members completely sweep.

I hope I gave you some good ideas about what Pokemon you would like to use on your team as you play through this game. I for one, am going to restart and use some of the suggested Pokemon on this site, such as Typhlosion, Aggron, and Jolteon. Thank you, and Enjoy!

0 votes

This is, in my opinion, the best team for feraligatr

Note: This team will not include HMs and no trade evos

Ice Fang

Feraligatr is a great starter for this game. Waterfall is the main STAB move and is an HM while Ice fang/ice beam, Crunch, and superpower are coverage moves. Feraligatr performs well against Morty with bite, Jasmine's Steelix, Pryce's piloswine, Clair with Ice fang, Will with Crunch, Koga's crobat with Ice Fang, Bruno's Onix, Karen's team, Lance's team except for Gyarados, Brock's team, Misty's Starmie with crunch, Janine's crobat with Ice Fang, Sabrina with Crunch, Blaine, Blue's Exeggutor, Rhydon, Arcanine, and pidgeot and Red's Charizard.

Steel Wing

Crobat is the best fly user in the game. It has the best stats and is pretty early game. Fly is STAB and an HM while bite, steel wing, and x-scissor/U-turn are coverage moves. It does good against Bugsy, Morty with bite, Chuck, Will with bite, Koga, Bruno except for Onix, Karen's Umbreon vileplume, and gengar, Misty's starmie with bite/x-scissor, Erika, Janine Sabrina with bite, Blue's exeggutor and machamp, and Red's venusaur.

Thunder wave
Light screen
Signal Beam

Ampharos is the best electric type in the game. Discharge/Thunderbolt is STAB Thunder Wave is for status signal beam is coverage and light screen is a filler. It does good against Falkner, Bugsy's Scyther, Chuck's Poliwrath, Pryce's seel and dewgong, Clair's Gyarados, Will with signal beam, Koga's Crobat, Karen's Umbreon and Murkrow, Lance's Gyarados, Brock's Omastar and kabutops, Misty's team except for quagsire, Erika's team except for victreebel, Janine's crobat, Sabrina with signal beam, Blue's Exeggutor, Gyarados, and pidgeot, and Red's Charizard, blastoise, and lapras.

Brick Break
Mega Horn
Night Slash

Heracross is both the best fighting and bug type in the game. Brick Break and Megahorn are great STAB moves while night slash and earthquake are coverage moves. Heracross does good against Whitney, Jasmine, Pryce's dewgong and piloswine, Bruce's Onix, Karen's umbreon and gengar, Brock, Misty's lapras, Lt. Surge with Earthquake, Erika's tangela and bellossom, Sabrina with a choice scarf, Blaine's magcargo, Blue's exeggutor and rhydon, Red's lapras and snorlax

Shadow Ball

Espeon is the best psychic type in the game other than alakazam. Psychic is your main STAB shadow ball is coverage while swift and psybeam are fillers. It does good against morty, Chuck, Will, Koga, Bruno, Karen's gengar, Misty's starmie, Janine, Sabrina with shadow ball, Blue's Exeggutor and machamp, and Red's venusaur.

Ice Fang
Ice Shard
Rock Slide

Mamoswine is the best ground type in the game. Earthquake and ice fang are your main STABs while Ice Shard is priority and rock slide is a filler. It does good against Clair, Will's xatu and exeggutor, Koga's team except for forretress, Bruno's onix, Karen's vileplume, murkrow, and gengar, Lance's team except for Charizard and Gyarados, Brock, Lt. Surge, Erika, Janine, Blaine, Blue's exeggutor, rhydon, and pidgeot, and Red's Pikachu, and venusaur.

Hope you guys like it!

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0 votes

This isn't really what I'd consider to be the "best" team, but I used it because I wanted to deviate from the team I usually play, and it was really, really fun to use. I'm including items and abilities, but not natures. The team gets pretty high level, since I played it through all 16 gyms, and the movesets are going to be for Pokemon who's levels are in the 70s-80s (though a lot of them can be achieved earlier).

Team: Feraligatr, Ampharos, Dunsparce, Forretress, Arcanine/Ninetales (Arcanine for HG, Ninetails for SS), Honchkrow

Feraligatr (starter)
Ability: Torrent
Item: Mysticwater (Found near Cherrygrove w/ Surf)
Surf (Found at Ecruteak)
Waterfall (Found at Ice Path)
Earthquake (Found at Victory Road)
Ice Fang (Learned at level-up)/Crunch (Learned at level-up.) (Either one works, but I ran Ice Fang for coverage)

Ampharos (caught as Mareep on Route 32)
Ability: Static
Item: Magnet (Sunny gives it to you on Route 37)
Discharge (Learned at level-up)
Signal Beam (Learned at level-up)
Thunder Wave (Learned at level-up)
Power Gem (Learned at level-up)

Dunsparce (Found in Dark Cave)
Ability: Serene Grace
Item: King's Rock (Found in Slowpoke Well)
Headbutt (Learned from move tutor in Ilex Forest)
Glare (Learned at level-up)
Roost (Learned at level-up (Save the TM you get from Faulkner))
Rock Smash (Found at Route 36)

Forretress (Found with Headbutt)
Ability: Sturdy
Item: Brightpowder (Found at the Goldenrod Radio Tower)
Gyro Ball (Learned at level-up)
Bug Bite (Learned at level-up)
Payback (Learned at level-up)/Strength (Found on Route 42) (I ran Payback, since I was playing HG and ran Strength on Arcanine. However, if you're playing SS, you should have Forretress run Strength for the utility.)
Spikes (Learned at level-up)/Stealth Rock (Found at Celadon Dpt. Store) (Either one works, but you can learn Spikes much earlier. I ran Spikes until I got the Stealth Rock TM. Then I ran Stealth Rock.)

Arcanine (Caught as Growlithe on Route 36 in Heartgold)
Ability: Intimidate/Flash Fire (Either one works, but I ran Intimidate.)
Item: Charcoal (Found at Ilex Forest)
Flamethrower (Learned by Growlithe at level 34. You have to keep Growlithe unevolved until it learns Flamethrower, as I think Arcanine can only learn it through TM. Alternately, you can get it at the Goldenrod Game Corner, but it costs a lot of coins.)
Strength (Found on Route 42)
Thunder Fang (Learned from the Relearner in Blackthorn)
Reversal (Learned by Growlithe at level 25. You have to keep Growlithe unevolved until it learns Reversal, as I don't think Arcanine can learn it.)

Ninetails (Caught as Vulpix on route 36 in Soulsilver)
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Charcoal (Found at Ilex Forest)
Flamethrower (Learned by Vulpix at level 24. You have to keep Vulpix unevolved until it learns Flamethrower, as I think Ninetails can only learn it through TM. Alternately, you can get it at the Goldenrod Game Corner, but it costs a lot of coins.)
Dark Pulse (Found at Victory Road)
Nasty Plot (Learned from the Relearner in Blackthorn)
Confuse Ray (Learned by Vulpix at level 17, but Ninetails can also learn it from the Relearner in Blackthorn)

Honchkrow (Caught as Murkrow in the Swamp area of the Safari Zone)
Ability: Super Luck
Item: Blackglasses (Found in Dark Cave)
Night Slash (Learned at level-up)
Fly (Found in Cianwood)
Roost (Found in Violet)
Haze (Learned by Murkrow at Level 11, but can also be taught to Honchkrow by the Relearner in Blackthorn)

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0 votes

this will probably won't ever see the light of day but anyways I will be listing 2 teams 1 which is more normal playthrough the 2nd being a non team of six but merely meant so you can beat the game quickly
1st team
feraligator: item - mystic water/some sort of boost item
moves ice fang, crunch, surf/waterfall(for e4 + post game) , some tm as earthquake but you might want to save it so shadow claw/ rockslide are good aswell

ampharos: itiem doesn't really matter for in game so preference
moves discharge/t bolt, t wave/strength, signal beam, power gem/charge as you get power gem late

heracross: black belt is best bet
moves brick break, aerial ace/rock slide/eq, strength(if amph doesn't have it besides it is 80 power), megahorn(is late so take ur pick on other substitute)

arcanine/ninetales item - ur choice
moves flamethrower/fire blast, the rest don't matter to to much but some nice ones are dig, iron tail, sunny day solar beam . dragon pulse/shadow ball

miltank/tauros/blissey item - silk scarf
moves literally anything as they are both great for strength,rock smash or what ever tm with my only actual sold move is return which is worth it but other wise just use spare tm's predomintly physical on the cows where with blissey go special

next is espeon/alakazam: idk twisted spoon
annoying but good if you can evolve early enough for psybeam/psychic(kanto tm), shadow ball , you don't need anything else so quick attack on future sight

others are dratini who is a better surf user and really good late game or the tyranitar as another late game titan and use the gift spearow as a fly slave and occaionaly other hm slaves like furret

2nd team
moves flamethrower, swift/ strength, rock slide/ e q , shadow claw

machoke do the machop trade
moves any fighting move and the either rock slide/ e q depending on which one you give typlosion

fearow take the spearow called kenya

vaporeon/ any water type notably lapras
moves surf, blizzard ,take ur pick depending on which you chose

raikou it's worth considering it is lv 40
thunder, shadow ball spark

box legend
moves what you get is pretty good when you catch them

snorlax as good hms with bulk to get to red

suicune new water type
surf blizzard/ice beam

other box lengend
good moves to start

that should let you beat red fairly quickly with minimal grinding if at all

0 votes

my team for Pokemon soulsilver for pkmn league and red was

flamethrower - best 100% accurate fire type move
eruption - good at high health
sunny day - powering up my moves when needed
shadow claw - coverage against psychic and ghost types

low kick - good for heavy Pokemon
vital throw - decent move
cross chop - very good move
focus energy - boosting my crit rate

waterfall- good move
surf - one of the best water type oves except for hydro pump and water spout
earthquake - powerful move
dig - in case I ran out of pp of earthquake

fearow- a underated Pokemon

assurance - coverage against psychic and ghost types
fly - very good move
drill peck - better than fly
roost - for healing

signal beam - a good bug type move
discharge - good move
power gem - coverage move
rain dance - power up my quagsire's moves

psychic - good stab move
giga drain - coverage move
aeroblast - good signature move
ancient power - good move but use for in order to hope to get a omniboost

my verdict - I am very proud of my team and quagsire , fearow like Pokemon were very good and are very underated

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Flamethrower-powerful and STAB
Focus Blast-more coverage
SolarBeam-covers ALL of his weaknesses
Earthquake-more coverage

Fly-helpful field move an-more STAB
Return-more STAB
Drill peck-more STAB

Thunder wave-coverage
Signal Beam-coverage
Focus Blast-more coverage
Discharge- powerful STAB

Surf-powerful STAB field move
Ice Beam-screws Lance and Clair
Perish song - coverage

Shadow Ball -coverage
Reflect -Protection
Psychic - STAB

Dark Pulse/Crunch - STAB
Earthquake - Coverage
Stone Edge - STAB
Double team - coverage

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0 votes

Typhlosion @ Charcoal
-Flamethrower (level up)
-Eruption (level up)
-Earthquake (TM found at Victory Road)
-Cut (HM)
Flamethrower and Eruption are wonderful STABs. Earthquake is coverage, and Cut is an HM. The Charcoal is obtained in Azalea Town. You can also use a Choice Scarf for some battles if you need to outspeed something (I used it for Red) and you can obtain it from your mother’s savings
Route 29:
Pidgeot @ Muscle Band

Ability:Doesn’t matter
-Fly (HM)
-Steel Wing (TM from route 28)
-U-Turn (TM from beating Bugsy
-Mirror Move (level up)
Fly is pretty good STAB and an HM move. Steel Wing and U-Turn are coverage moves, and Mirror Move is fun for repeating attacks the opponent did. The Muscle Band can be purchased by your mother.
Route 31:
Victreebel @ Miracle Seed

-Leaf Blade (level up)
-Sleep Powder (level up)
-Sludge Bomb (route 43 TM)
-Flash (TM from Goldenrod Dpt. Store)
Leaf Blade and Sludge Bomb are STABs. Flash ruins accuracy, and Sleep Powder puts them to sleep.
Route 32:
Ampharos @ Wise Glasses
-Discharge (Level up)
-Signal Beam (Level up)
-Strength (HM)
-Rock Climb (HM)
Discharge is STAB, and has a very nice paralysis chance. Signal Beam is coverage. Strength and Rock Climb are HM moves.
Route 32:
Gyarados @ Mystic Water
-Waterfall (HM)
-Surf (HM)
-Whirlpool (HM)
-Dragon Dance (Level up)
You can get the fishing Rod at route 32 and catch a Magikarp there. Waterfall and Surf are nice STABs as well as HMs. Dragon Dance is great set up. Whirlpool is a useless move and is there for the HM spot. The Mystic Water can be obtained at the bottom left of the Ruins of Alph.
Goldenrod City (trade a Drowzee):
Machoke or Machamp @ Anything
Machoke Machamp
Ability:No Guard
-Cross Chop/Dynamic Punch (level up)
-Rock Smash (HM)
-Rock Slide (TM from beating Brock)
-Poison Jab (TM from beating Janine)
You can use either Machoke or Machamp, depending on whether or not you can trade. He helps against Whitney. Cross Chop and Dynamic Punch are your choices of STABs that are perfectly accurate becuase of No Gaurd. Rock Slide and Posion Jab are coverage. Rock Smash is an HM.

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No gaurd?
Guess it is No Guard.

Also, Gyarados isn't a good Surf user, but that doesn't matter (just use that slot for a HM just like others.)
Whirlpool is only needed in Dragon's Den, so you can replace it as soon as you pass through it. Replace it by Ice Fang? Thrash?
Gyarados is pretty much an HM slave for the water moves, and sorry I’m crap at typing lol
This is a pretty good team, but there's not much that can deal with Dragon-types. Gyarados could probably have Ice Fang, maybe use that instead of Whirlpool since I'm pretty sure you don't need Whirlpool til Dragon's Den. That's just what I would do though. What do you think?
Machoke with Eviolite
The Eviolite isn’t in HGSS, it was introduced in Gen 5.
0 votes

I picked Cyndaquil as starter, because there are not a lot of Fire types, and Typhlosion performs really well against Bugsy and Jasmine, and decent against Pryce. Against Elite 4, it is really strong against Will's Jynx and Exeggutor, half of Koga's team and Karen's Vileplume. Chikorita is trash! Totodile is good, got a big buff from it's previous game, since it can use STAB physical moves, but Johto have a lot of good water types, that can do it's job better.

- Flamethrower (STAB)
- Focus Blast (Coverage against Rock Types, but beware of the 70% hit rate)
- Solarbeam (Good against Water types, especially Quagsire)
- Sunny Day (Boost Fire type moves for Typhlosion, one turn Solarbeam and weaken super-effective water type moves)

This Pokemon I would describe as the perfect team member for a Johto playthrough. Water and Flying types are everywhere, can slow enemy Pokemon with paralyzis, and it cover your fire starter's weakness against Water. Performs really well against Falkner, Bugsy's Scyther, it can paralyze Whitney's Miltank, Chuck's Poliwrath, Pryce's Seel line and Clair's Gyarados. Against E4, it is strong against Will's Xatu's and Slowbro, Koga's Crobat, Karen's Murkrow, and Lance's Gyarados, Charizard and Aerodactyl.

- Discharge (STAB) (You can try get Thunderbolt from Goldenrod's Game Corner, if you like Voltorb Flip and spend lot's of time)
- Thunder Wave (Best move Ampharos gets! Because it is slow, slows faster enemy Pokemon not only for Ampharos, but also supports it's team mates well.)
- Signal Beam (Against Grass types who resist Electric type moves. Really good against Will's Exeggutor)
- Light Screen or Focus Blast (Light Screen for Support, and Focus Blast for the Rock/Ground types in Johto like Onix, Geodude line and Rhyhorn line)


Zubat is a annoying Pokemon to train, but if you have Crobat before Morty, the reward will be great. Crobat is extremely fast with it's 130 speed, and it is faster than Morty's Gengar, which you can use early Bite against it. Crobat is really good against Bugsy and Chuck. And in E4, it performs excellent against Bruno and is strong against Koga's Bug types, except Forretress. Crobat also have the advantage against Karen's Vileplume. Plus we need a flyier and I think Crobat offer something different for the team compared to Fearow, who basically does Typhlosion's job, but since we picked a starter for that role and we also need a flyier, Crobat is the better choice IMO.

- Fly (Obviously)
- Aerial Ace (STAB, ok power with guarantee hit every time)
- Cross Poison (STAB + High Crit)
- U-Turn (Switching the pivot plus free damage same turn is really nice)

Not only a Water type is extremely important for the Rock and Ground type both Typhlosion, Ampharos and Crobat struggle with, but there are also many Poison types, especially from Team Rocket. Slowbro gives the best of both worlds. Yes it is slow, but it can take hits! 95 HP, 110 Def and 80 Sp.Def is not something to sneeze at. It's Own Tempo ability is really great against the annoying Confuse Ray from Zubat and Golbat. Really good against Chuck, Jasmine's Steel Types, Wall against Pryce's team plus super effective against Piloswine. Good against Koga and Bruno. And it can take hits from Karen's Houndoom, especially if Slowbro have Own Tempo as it's ability. Very underrated Pokemon!

- Surf (STAB + most important HM + best water attack move with 100% accuracy).
- Confusion, but replace later with Psychic at Lv 54 (STAB)
- Blizzard (not the best accuracy but it is strong and if you like GameCorner, then go ahead and learn it Ice Beam instead. Ice Type attacks are very important, especially against Clair and Lance's Dragonair/Dragonite)
- Shadow Ball (Good Coverage for Ghost types, and can be used as a wall against Psychic types, and retaliate with a super effective Shadow Ball. Chance for Sp.Def drop, which is nice.)

Got an extreme buff since GSC, because gets better Fighting type moves, and learns Brick Break at LV 19. This monster is extremely strong against Whitney. Can be good against Psychic types, but be careful. Really good against Jasmine and Pryce plus it can resist attacks from Chuck and Bruno's Fighting Types. It also play a key part against Karen's Umbreon.

- Megahorn (Strongest Bug STAB it gets)
- Brick Break (Consistent STAB attack)
- Close Combat (Stronger than Brick Break, but dont spam to much because of Def and Sp.Def drop.)
- Night Slash (Have Shadow Claw early against Morty, and replace later with Night Slash, from Move Tutor in Blackthorne City. Night Slash good against Psychic and Ghost Types.)

After looking at every important battles in Johto, most are either weak against Rock/Ground type, or the resist them. Rhyhorn can be found pretty early in Safari Zone, OK against Jasmine and Pryce, stong against Will's Xatu, Koga's Team, Karen's Murkrow and Houndoom, but performs really well against Lance's entire team except Gyarados. Rhydon is extremely helpful against electric and flying types, high defense and hit like a truck.

- Earthquake (STAB, can be learned at Lv 49, but you can teach it earlier in Victory Road TM26.)
- Stone Edge (Strongest STAB, with High Crit)
- Avalanche (Since this Pokemon is slow, it can tank a hit and retaliate with double powered Avalanche, especially against Lance's Dragonite).
- Rock Climb (Not a coverage, but it is the only HM you need to fight against Red and it is sad to have a HM Slave in Red's battle)

Moveset for Red Gyarados:
- Waterfall
- Whirlpool
- Strength
- Rock Smash

Moveset for Krabby:
- Cut
- Rock Smash
- Strength
- Surf

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Based around Typhlosion as your starter. It doesn't have great coverage moves, but it's still awesome and I love it :)

Typhlosion @ Charcoal / Anything
Ability: Blaze
- Sunny Day: To set up the Sun, the main part of this set.
- Lava Plume: Main STAB attack, Sunny Day boosted.
- Solar Beam: Massive power Special move, Super Effective on all types that are Super Effective agains Fire!
- Hidden Power: For bonus coverage :)

Furret @ Anything
Ability: Keen Eye
- Return: Max frenliness is good Normal STAB for ya boi (I love Furret lol)
- Shadow Claw: Hit those pesky Ghosts
- Brick Break: Hit Rock and Steel Types
- Surf: Ride the waves with Furret (HM, not great in battle ngl)

Crobat @ Anything
Ability: Inner Focus
- Fly: Soar the skies (and dodge attacks)
- Cross Poison: High Crits and Poison chance. Nice.
- X-Scissor: Coverage against Psychic
- Steel Wing: Mostly reliable coverage against Ice types.

Ampharos @ Anything
Ability: Static
- Discharge: Strong Electric STAB, good Paralysis chance.
- Signal Beam: Nostalgia only, alright coverage.I don't know why I have nostalgia for Signal
- Power Gem
- Hidden Power

Heracross @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
- Brick Break: Guts Boosted Fighting STAB
- Megahorn: Risky but strong Guts boosted Bug STAB
- Facade: Double power with Burn status + Guts, fun to have lol
- Earthquake: Guts boosted 100 BP move. Give opponents a bad day uwu

Houndoom @ Anything
Ability: Flash Fire
- Crunch: STAB, small Def. drop chance
- Fire Fang: Only reliable Fire STAB, you won't miss it that much, Burn/Flinch chances too.
- Strength: HM
- Rock Smash: HM and coverage

Have fun with this team! :D

Furret has low attack stats and is consequently worse than several other normals, like Raticate, Ambipom, Girafarig, and Tauros. Replace Crobat with Gyarados because Magikarp comes at level 50 and can evolve with just one rare candy, and Gyarados has much higher physical attack. You already have a fire Pokemon, so replace Houndoom with a HM slave (like Krabby) and let your other 5 Pokemon gain more experience.
but i like furret /hj