PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
17 votes

Share your best in-game teams for Pokemon Platinum on this thread! Teams should be aimed toward making casual runs of the game efficient, enjoyable and hassle-free.

Please follow these guidelines regarding detail in your post:

  1. For every Pokemon on the team, give recommended moves for use throughout the playthrough. Ideally, comment on more than just the four moves you'll finish with post-game.
  2. You can include items, abilities, etc. but they are not necessary.
  3. Provide explanation and detail. Justify your Pokemon and moveset choices; possible discussion points include ease-of-use, team synergy, and coverage for key battles.

Please also follow these guidelines regarding the contents of your team:

  1. If you recommend a Pokemon that is restricted by version exclusivity, trade evolution or events, please mention alternatives for people who cannot get the Pokemon. Do the same if you recommend moves, etc. that are only available by breeding or grinding.
  2. There are some unspoken rules of in-game teams, such as to keep the starter on the team and avoid legendaries. It's kind to give other options if you break these rules.
  3. Do not recommend Pokemon, moves, etc. that are only available through glitches and cheats. Please also avoid Pokemon etc. that are only available through trade or transfer.
  4. Original content only. You may use ideas you found elsewhere, but do not steal written content.

Submit your team as an answer, not a comment. To keep things tidy, we will remove any teams posted as comments in this thread. If you want to update your post, use the 'edit' button.

Please be sparing with images and formatting.

Please use the Diamond and Pearl thread to share teams for Diamond and Pearl.

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74 Answers

1 vote

Team Preview: Empoleon, staraptor, roserade, luxray, garchomp, Gallade
Empoleon @ splash plate
Ability: Torrent
Location: Starter
Swords Dance
Ice Beam
Drill peck
So I like piplup as a starter cuz its cool and offensive in my opinion, its also a great special attacker.So swords dance is for boosting attack, surf for traveling in the water and gains STAB and ice beam for coverage and also drill peck.
Staraptor @ choice scarf or sharp beak
Ability: Intimidate
location: evolve starly (found at route 202) or staravia (route 209)
Aerial Ace
Brave Bird
Close Combat
i like staraptor as its speed and offensive attacks, aerial ace and brave bird are for stab, close combat and u-turn are for type coverage and good for some gym's too.
Roserade @ miracle seed
Ability: Poison Point or Natural Cure
Location: evolve budew (found at route 204) or roselia (found at route 208)
Magical leaf
Sunny Day
Solar Beam
Petal Dance
Magical leaf, petal dance ,and solar beam are powerful grass moves for me and it also gains stab. and sunny day is for powering up roserade which is great.
luxray @ Magnet
Ability: Intimidate
Location: evolve shinx (found at route 202) luxio (found at Route 222)
Thunder bolt
Thunder Wave
I like luxray in my team cuz with good moves.Thunder bolt is for stab, thunder wave for catching Pokemon, crunch for type coverage protect for emergencies.
Garchomp @ draco plate
Ability: Sand Veil
Location: Evolve gible (found at wayward cave)
Brick Break
Dragon pulse
Dragon claw
I like this garchomp as a dragon sweeper. Earthquake and dragon claw for stab, Brick Break for type coverage and dragon pulse is also for stab.
Gallade @ Life Orb
Ability: Steadfast
Psycho Cut
Swords Dance/Substitute
Close Combat
Drain Punch
Psycho Cut, Close Combat is for stab, Drain Punch for Drain the hp of your foes at the same time gains stab, swords dance for sharply raising attack and hit hard in your foe, or substitute for emergencies.The reason why I didn't include lucario is that you have to hatch it in a egg given to you by riley and you have to train riolu which is hard work.

Thank you hope I helped.

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I just wanna comment that Luxio is available on the route 222, not 202. I wonder why do you want to burn Luxray with Flame Orb when it doesn't have Guts lol.

Roserade doesn't need 3 grass stabs, replace one with Sludge Bomb / Shadow Ball.

Garchomp can't learn Dragon Dance in Pt.

You can't get two rock slides... you have used them on Lucario and Staraptor.
oops my bad i was sleepy so i can't really think but i do wanna answer this badly so ya
You can actually edit it to correct those things...
really?? o ok
1 vote

Empoleon @ Splash Plate
Ability: torrent
Sword Dance
I like empoleon as a good special attacker. Aqua jet is for striking first and gains stab,surf is for travelling first and too gains stab, swords dance for sharply raising attack, and rock slide for coverage.

Staraptor @ Sharp Beak
Ability: Intimidate
Close Combat
Brave Bird
Hi staraptor I'm glad to have you in my team because you have good attack, speed and some defense. Fly and brave bird and aerial ace is for stab and you can replace brave bird with roost if you hate the recoil. Close Combat is for coverage for some specific types.

Roserade @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Natural Cure
Sludge Bomb
Energy Ball
Solar Beam
Roserade is one of my favorite grass type Pokemon.So all my moves for roserade is for gaining stab and I think are fit for him/her.

Luxray @ Magnet
Ability: Intimidate
Thunder fang
Thunder Wave
Another Intimidater luxray his a good electric type for me and good moves in my opinion.Bite is for coverage and has 30% chance of flinching. Thunderbolt is for stab, thunder wave for catching Pokemon and paralyzing foes, ice fang for coverage.

Ability: Flash fire
Dark Pulse
Sunny day
Nasty Plot
Here he is ladies and gentlemen the flaming dog himself Houndoom.the reason why I didn't include items is that its better off without those as long it is with its following moves. Flamethrower and dark pulse are for stab, sunny day for roserade's solar beam and for powering its moves and nasty plot for special attack raised

Ability: Inner Focus
Extreme speed
Aura Sphere
Metal Claw
Dragon Pulse
Lucario for me is the 2nd best fighting type. Extreme Speed is for striking first with good attack power,aura sphere and metal claw for stab and dragon pulse for coverage.

Thank you, How do you like my team, i'm new here so please comment my team

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> Hi staraptor I'm glad to have you in my team

Well Hi, it's my pleasure... wait! I changed my name already!

U-Turn is post game, Bite is weak (flinch doesn't matter since Luxray is already slow), and Ice Fang is an egg move.
> I like Empoleon as a good special attacker

*proceeds to put Swords Dance, Aqua Jet and Rock Slide*

Wake up amigo, its no longer Hoenn.
1 vote

my current team, including hm moves
listed by reliability

torterra @ quick claw (for speed)
woodhammer - stab, sweeping
earthquake - stab, sweeping
stone edge - coverage
rock climb - hm move

luxray @ magnet (power inc.)
spark/discharge - stab, accuracy, attack
thunder/thunderbolt - stab, thunderbolt for accuracy, sp. atk
crunch - attack, lucian sweep

gallade @ amulet coin/mind plate (power inc.)
brick break - stab, averts stat drop from close combat
close combat - stab, sweeper
psycho cut - stab, sweeper
cut/rock smash - hm move

vaporeon @ nevermeltice (power inc.)
ice beam - coverage (specifically cynthia's garchomp)
surf - stab, sweep, hm move
waterfall - stab, hm move
strength - hm move

houndoom @ blackglasses (power inc.)
flamethrower - stab, sweep
crunch - stab
odor sleuth

drifblim @ spooky plate (power inc.)
fly - stab, hm move
shadow ball - stab, sweep
hyper beam/explosion - last resort sorta
payback/thief - compensates for speed/stealing items, respectively

ya think this is good enough for the e4? I still have to train some to lvl. 50 but this is my best bet afaik

i should've swapped out drifblim for a staraptor smh, not even good for hearthome gym
0 votes

Infernape, Staraptor, Roserade, Vaporeon, Mamoswine, and Luxray

Infernape (Blaze)
-Grass Knot
-Close Combat
-Shadow Claw

Flamethrower or any other really good fire type, I just put that for its mix of accuracy and power, as well as his STAB move. Grass Knot provides great coverage, especially when it comes to facing Bertha. Close Combat is just awesome, I mean, it's a great mix of power, as well as a great STAB move. Finally, Shadow Claw for a drop-in psychic type, and just in case measure against Lucian.

Staraptor (Intimidate)
-Close Combat
-Brave Bird
-Steel Wing

Close Combat, again, is just awesome, as well as for coverage against a drop-in rock type or ice type. Brave Bird is for his STAB move, and again is ridiculously powerful, in exchange for a little health. Steel Wing for overall attacks, mostly. U-Turn for Scouting, and is always helpful.

Roserade (Natural Cure)
-Toxic Spikes
-Magical Leaf/Giga Drain/Energy Ball
-Sludge Bomb
-Shadow Ball

Toxic Spikes are just generally appreciated, and rarely used, it seems. I do have a choice for his general grass STAB move, and it really just depends on what you want: accuracy (Magical Leaf), annoyance (Giga Drain), or just general power(Energy Ball). Sludge Bomb is another STAB move, just in case you couldn't put Toxic Spikes down. Finally, Shadow Ball, again for a drop-in psychic type.

Vaporeon (Water Absorb)
-Ice Beam

Due to his ridiculous HP/Sp. Atk mix (130/110), Vaporeon is a major threat that has to be one of the best in the game. Surf is there just for sheer power, along with his STAB move. Swift is there just in case somebody drops in with Double Team, and is just helpful in little niches. Ice Beam is just amazing, and can't really be topped. Finally, to make things even more annoying for the opponents, Substitute is there in case you suspect for ridiculously powerful enemy moves, for example: Cynthia's Garchomp, or something along that line.

Mamoswine (Oblivious)
-Rock Slide
-Stealth Rock

As Mamoswine might not be the quickest in most fights (Base 80 Speed), Avalanche helps for revenge-killing opponents after a hit. Earthquake, like Close Combat, is just an awesome move, especially with his STAB bonus from it, as well. Rock Slide for another good move against Flint's team, just in case. Finally, Stealth rock for trade-out damage fun against other powerful opponents.

Luxray (Intimidate)
-Thunder Fang
-Iron Tail
-Magnet Rise

Luxray is in a somewhat awkward position as an offensive electric type, as he does not receive the best moves, and, if you are like me, you were not paying attention to his Sp. Atk, he really suffers when it comes to his STAB moves. Thunder Fang has a chance for both flinching as well as paralysis. Crunch for some coverage, as well as a helpful little chance for Defense-lowering assistance. Iron Tail for ice and rock types, and if you suffer going against Cyrus's Gyarados, then you will want Magnet Rise, due to Gyarados' Earthquake.

All-in-all, these are the materials needed for this list:
-4 Blue Shards
-6 Green Shards
-6 Yellow Shards (all for Vaporeon's Swift and Luxray's Magnet Rise, Snowpoint City)
-Water Stone (for Vaporeon, Route 213)
-Shiny Stone (for Roserade, Iron Island B3F)
-Heart Scale (for Mamoswine to evolve, you need to teach him AncientPower)
-TM 35 Flamethrower, Fuego Ironworks
-TM 86 Grass Knot, Eterna Gym
-TM 65 Shadow Claw, Hearthome Gym
-TM 47 Steel Wing, Route 209
-TM 89 U-Turn, Canalave City
-TM 36 Sludge Bomb, Galactic Veilstone Building B2F
-TM 30 Shadow Ball, Route 210
-TM 13 Ice Beam, Route 216
-TM 90 Substitute, Old Chateau 2F
-TM 72 Avalanche, Snowpoint Gym
-TM 80 Rock Slide, Mt. Coronet [middle] 2F
-TM 76 Stealth Rock, Oreburgh Gym
-TM 23 Iron Tail, Iron Island B2F

How did you get all the shards?
0 votes

Pokemon platinum

I usually swap my starter in every game at the sixth gym.

Togekiss :-You get egg from cynthia in eterna city.
Glaceon :-Get a female Level 20 eevee from Bebe in hearthome city.
Leafeon :-Get a egg from the female eevee.
Gallade :-You can catch ralts around Hearthome city.
Gliscor :-Catch it from route 207.
Froslass :-Snorunt in lake Acuity.

Togekiss :- Flamethrower , Aura sphere , Fly , Air slash

Flamethrower for steel type Pokemon. And Aura sphere to cover rock weakness. Fly for traveling and to use in battle. Air slash stab because if you teach togekiss sky attack both flying moves will take two turns to attack. To teach Togekiss Aura sphere learn it from the move relearner.

Glaceon :- Dig , Water pulse , Ice beam , Iron tail

Dig attack is good against five types. (Poison , Steel , Fire , Rock , Electric)Water pulse for fire coverage. And ice beam a good ice type attack because blizzard accuracy is low. Iron tail a good powerful attack.

Leafeon :-Grass Knot , Giga drain , Aerial ace , X scissor

Grass knot a good grass type attack for heavy foes.Giga drain incase hp is down.Aerial ace for bug type Pokemon. X scissor for psychic and dark type Pokemon.

Gallade :-Night Slash , Leaf blade , Psycho cut , Close Combat

Night Slash which is a dark type attack would cover the weakness with ghost type Pokemon. Leaf blade is super effective against water , ground and rock type Pokemon. Psycho cut to sweep out fighting Pokemon and poison type Pokemon. Close Combat for dark types.

Gliscor :-Earthquake , Fire Fang , U turn , Night Slash

Earthquake for Fire , Poison , Electric , Rock and Steel. Fire fang for ice weakness.U turn for dark and psychic type Pokemon which is good move to even retreat.Night slash for dark type Pokemon.

Froslass:-Ice punch , Thunderbolt , Wake up Slap , Shadow Ball

Ice punch for Flying , Grass and Dragon type Pokemon. Thunderbolt super effective against water and flying type Pokemon. Wake up slap to cover dark weakness because froslass is partly Ghost type too. Shadow ball to stab ghost type Pokemon.

swapping out the starter is retarded
Not necessarily, if you swap Empoleon for Vaporeon then you'll be fine, Infernape for Lucario, or Torterra for basically any good grass type
Lucario comes very late in the game and at a low level, so it's a pretty big waste of experience. The best fighting Pokemon that's not Infernape is most likely Gallade. Also Gyarados and Floatzel are probably better than Vaporeon because Floatzel comes earlier, Gyarados has higher physical attack, and both have higher speed.
0 votes

Quick tip: chimchar can use taunt at lv 9 to easily catch abra. You could catch multiple
with different natures and synchronize to get good nature for catches by putting the synchronizer with the wanted nature in the lead
Infernape: Fast, Frail, Hits hard as heck
Flamethrower: Stab
Nasty plot: keep chimchar unevolved until lv 23
Grass Knot: Coverage
Close Combat/Focus blast: Stab, reliability vs nasty plot boosted

Swords Dance

Garchomp: Available way earlier in platinum, and is bannedc to ubers in competitive, to give an idea of the op factor
Dragon Claw: Stab
EQ: Stab, sadly needs tm, though available at same time as gible
Fire Fang: For steels immune to Ground
Swords Dance/Dracometeor/rockslide: Rockslide if you don't want to game corner for SD/Dracometeor for mixed to take out physical mons, though spa is low/SD best option, for doubled attack

Espeon: My favorite eeveelution and psychic type, espeon has a niche in being able to use baton pass (learned as eevee at lv 36) to both escape pursuit and pass stat boosts and subs to team mates
Psychic: Stab, but psybeam is more than sufficient for the time being
Shadowball: Coverage
hidden power fire/fighting/ground/bug or swift: You can check the type of hidden power at the game corner prize area. Since it will only be used as coverage, even base power 30 hp can obliterate what it must in game coming off of base 130 SpA.
Substitute/Grass Knot/Sunny Day: Sub protects from status, grass knot special move, Sunny day can support.Sub is best with leftovers, found in victory road.

Bibarel: You may be think i'm off my rocker for giving an actual moveset to this guy, but he has been blessed with an amazing ability, and dual typing with near perfect neutral stab coverage. Simple is best, and is assumed for the movesets. Bibarel also has a niche in dealing with the rock gym for chimchar.
Curse: Learned late, but acts like swords dance and iron defense in 1 turn, though speed sharply falls.
Waterfall: Physical hm stab
Cut -> Strength: normal hm; cut can be replaced once not needed for normal travel, and is an upgrade from tackle. Strength may not be as god as full power return, but it is still pretty good for a stab hm
Rock smash: Hm, provides coverage as well, even if very weak, it's twice as strong as it was in gen iii

Cut -> Strength: see above
Rock smash: same as previous.
Surf: Hm stab, Needed to progress, though bibarel has better attack.
Charge beam: Tm from last gym, has 70% chance of boosting Spa, which translates to damage + 70% chance nasty plot.

Gyarados: Hugely buffed in fourth gen due to best attack stab getting stab to use. Hits hard, tanks well, and has a small but great movepool. It is worth every bit of effort of training magikarp
Waterfall: Physical Stab, hm. Can use aqua tail until then.
Dragon Dance: Boosts atk and speed.
Ice fang/ EQ/ Rock Slide: Choose two: Ice fang by level up, Earthquake very early tm in plat (Can get before 3rd gym) and powerful, but competed for, Rock Slide late but strong.

Luxray: Early electric type. Intimidate better, but rivalry fine. Better physical than special, but Spa still good.
Spark: Stab, Earlier, more accurate, higher paralyze rate, and same power as thunder fang.
Crunch: Coverage, high power.
Return: Normal, High power at max happiness
Iron tail: Deals with rock types.

Mixed Bibarel? Doesn't have much special attack to back up Charge Beam. Also, it's basically a HM slave with slightly better rights then all the others on this page. Just swap out rock smash for Superpower and BAM! Awesome pokemon.
0 votes

Pokemon Platinum

Surf, Flash Cannon, Drill Peck, Ice Beam

Your starter. Take down grass types and dragon types with ice beam and Surf is STAB HM. Flash cannon for STAB and drill peck for fighting types.

Earthquake, Stone Edge, Dragon Rush, Fire Blast

OP beast. Earthquake and dragon rush for coverage and STAB, stone edge for ice types and Fire blast for ice types.

Fly, Air slash, Aura Sphere, Shock wave

Your flyer. Fly is needed and strong HM, Air Slash is for flinching, Shock Wave for a speed boost and Aura Sphere for OP move and STAB.

Crunch, Thunderbolt, Strength, Thunder

Although Luxray is weak, it becomes sronger and a valuable asset in beating Lucian. Crunch is for Lucian, Thunderbolt for STAB. Strength is a strong HM and Thunder for beating OP flyers/ water Pokemon.

Psycho Cut, Leaf Blade, Brick Break, Night Slash

Very good attacker. Psycho cut is signature, leaf blade and brick break is strong moves and Night slash for ghost types.

Night Slash, Ice Punch, Aerial Ace, Blizzard

Very fast attacker. Night Slash for STAB and decent power, Aerial Ace for type coverage, Ice Punch for STAB and Blizzard for impossible-to-be-OHKO’d-by-ice-punch Pokemon, like Garchomp.


Aaron- recommended Pokemon: Garchomp
Yanmega: Stone Edge (Garchomp)
Scizor: Fire Blast (Garchomp)
Vespiqueen: Stone Edge (Garchomp)
Heracross: Fly (Togekiss)
Drapion: Earthquake (Garchomp)

Bertha- recommended Pokemon: Gallade
Whiscash: Leaf Blade (Gallade)
Gliscor: Blizzard (Weavile)
Hippowdon: Surf (Empoleon)
Golem: Leaf Blade (Gallade)
Rhyperior: Leaf Blade (Gallade)

Flint- recommended Pokemon: Garchomp
Houndoom: Earthquake/ Surf/ Stone edge
Flareon: Earthquake/ Surf/ Stone edge
Rapidash: Earthquake/ Surf/ Stone edge
Infernape: Earthquake/ Surf/ Stone edge
Magmortar: Earthquake/ Surf/ Stone edge

Lucian- recommended Pokemon: Weavile
Mr. Mime: Night Slash/ Crunch
Espeon: Night Slash/ Crunch
Bronzong: Fire Blast (Garchomp)
Alakazam: Night Slash/ Crunch
Gallade: Strong move like Earthquake or Night Slash

Cynthia- recommended Pokemon: ALL
Spiritomb: Strong move like Earthquke or Surf
Roserade: Fire Blast (Garchomp)
Togekiss: Thunder (Luxray)
Lucario: Earthquake (Garchomp)
Milotic: Thunder (Luxray)
Garchomp: Blizzard (Weavile)


At togetic, shock wave doesn't give speed boost, as far as i know.. And aura sphere isn't Stab for Togetic..
0 votes

I would suggest easy to get. Pokemons
Make sure all the Pokemons are within level 50-55
Fire blast
Close combat
Calm. Mind
Mach punch /dig

Brave bird
Close combat
Steel wing

Hyper beam
Psychic/shadow ball

Ice beam
Sluge bomb
Earthquake /giga impact

Dragon rush

Thunder fang


Aura sphere
Dragon pulse
Flash cannon
Psychic/dark pulse

Lucario is bit tough to get it to High level since you get it very late in the game as an egg in
Iron island but it is very useful to kill champ's garchomp and spiritomb

I once  got Lucario from level 1 to above 30 easily. Otherwise, good team :)
Why do you have a lucario and infernape in the same team?
0 votes

Here's the in game team I've been using. This is my second time through the story so I bypassed some of the standard Pokemon that people usually recommend for starting the game and instead tried to pick the most powerful and diverse team as I can.

Torterra is in my opinion the best starter because there are not many other grass types that are any good. Roserade is your other choice if you chose a different starter but it's much weaker. Gyrados can replace Empoleon and Houndoom can replace

Torterra: Grass/Ground
Houndoom: Fire/Dark
Gengar: Ghost/Poison
Magnezone: Electric/Steel
Gallade: Fighting/Psychic
Gyrados: Water/Flying

Torterra: It has both high attack and defense.

Wood Hammer - STAB, high damage.
Stone Edge - Coverage for flying type
Earthquake - Obviously
Synthesis - Heal lots of damage.

Houndoom: Most people over look this and choose Rapidash but Houndoom can be obtained early in the game and is much stronger. It can learn lots of great moves and is still quite fast.

Flamethrower - STAB
Dark Pulse - STAB
Nasty Plot - A couple nasty plots and Houndoom should be able to OHKO most Pokemon.
Hidden Power Fighting - Coverage
(Instead of HP you can use Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, or Solarbeam)

Haunter/Gengar: Great special sweeper with hypnosis/dream eater.

Shadow Ball - STAB
Sludge Bomb - STAB
Hypnosis - Only 60% accuracy but if you can get it to hit then it's worth it.
Dream Eater - Once the opponent is asleep use this to restore health while doing lots of damage.

Magnezone: This much better than Luxray, trust me. It has a better moves and typing, as well as good defense.

Thunderbolt - STAB
Flash Cannon - STAB
Magnet Rise - Immunity to ground, its biggest weakness.
Metal Sound - Sharply lower target's special defense while doing damage.

Gallade: Very powerful physical sweeper with great typing.

Close Combat - STAB, it's defense is already low so the star reduction doesn't hurt much.
Psycho Cut - STAB
Leaf Blade - Good coverage, high critical hit ration
Night Slash - Coverage for ghost type, high critical hit ratio.

Gyrados: This has to be the water Pokemon in your party. It's very powerful and with this move set it's nearly unbeatable. I swept all the Champion's Pokemon with only this Gyrados at level 54. (Max out speed and attack with repeated Dragon Dances while she has Spritomb out then use waterfall on everything except Togekiss and Roserade. On those two use Ice Fang.

Waterfall - Stab, chance of flinching
Earthquake - Always a good move to have, coverage for ground
Ice Fang - Coverage
Dragon Dance - Boost attack and speed

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0 votes

Lets get to the point.
My team that I find to be good for getting through the game with is...

Torterra: Torterra is a great physically offensive and defensive grass choice for this and the only thing you will really have to worry about with this Pokemon is an Ice type or the ice gym in general.
I'd use leftovers with this set. Torterra you can get as your starter if you choose Turtwig, Turtwig will evolve into grovel at level 18, then to Torterra at level 32.

Moves: Earthquake, Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Synthesis/ Leech seed.

Since Ice is a problem, that leads me too...

Houndoom: Houndoom (If you didn't choose Infernape) is in my opinion the best Fire type in the game. What it may lack in defense, it makes up for in Special Attack. Houndoom is a great counter to many threats as long as it goes first which is why I recommend maybe a timid nature. I don't have a preferred item. You can catch a Houndour at route 214, and valor lakefront and it will evolve at level 24 into houndoom.

Moves: Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Will-O-Wisp (or any filler), Nasty Plot

Well we need someone for Surfing so lets use...

Gastrodon: I chose Gastrodon as my water type/ surfer rather than the popular choice of Floatzel because in my opinion, Floatzel is kinda like a piece of paper. It can still hurt a lot ( paper cuts) but it can be easily destroyed. as we move on in my list, I don't really have a main wall Pokemon besides torterra, so I need someone with some defense. As Gastrodon isn't very powerful, he can definitely get the task at hand accomplished. Quick claw may be useful for an item, and maybe a modest nature. You can catch a Gastrodon at any of these places. Route 205, 212, 213, 218, 224, Canalave City, Fuego Ironworks, Pastoria City, and the Valley Windworks.

Moves: Surf, Earth Power, Recover, Ice beam (or another HM, but the rest of the HM's Gastrodon learns are physical.)

Well I guess we need someone with fly now don't we?

Togekiss: I chose Togekiss rather than the popular choice of Staraptor because all staraptor has more of than togekiss is attack and speed. Togekiss has the same base HP, levels up faster, is more defensive, and personally I like special attackers so togekiss is a no brainer for me. Yes Fly is physical, but its not meant for battle. maybe a timid or modest nature would work ( at least for me) and item is your choice. You can get a togepi egg in eterna city from cynthia. to evolve togepi, you must level it up at maximum happiness, which will get you a togetic, then use a shiny stone to get a togekiss.

Moves: Fly, Aura Sphere, Air slash, Flamethrower/ Wish (or any filler move really)

Lets try a good all around Pokemon now shall we?

Lucario: I chose Lucario as a filler Pokemon because Lucario is an amazing all around Pokemon for multiple purposes. his attack and special attack are almost identical (110 attack and 115 sp attack) so you could go either way. I prefer special, but ill put a physical set here too. As for the item maybe an expert belt, and nature is your choice. You can get a riolu egg from riley at iron island. To evolve roil, you must level him up at max happiness in the daytime.

Moves for a special set: Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Flash cannon, Psychic ( any filler)
Moves for a physical set: Strength, Extreme Speed, Close Combat, I recommend Drain punch but whatever you want here is fine.

Lastly but not least, another all around beast...

Electivire: I chose elective for many reasons. While a popular choice may be Luxray, and I have nothing against Luxray, I find elective to be a better choice because of the move set, as well as the base stats (Which are only a little better which is why luxray is fine too) and electivire levels up faster than luxray. I prefer an air balloon for an item and an adamant nature for electivire.
you won't be able to obtain this Pokemon until later in the game ,(use luxray until then) but when you get to route 222, you can find electabuzz to catch. Once you have one, you must trade it to a friend who has a copy of the game while electabuzz is holding the electrizer. To get the Electrizer, you must surf behind the valley wind works to find it. I would put Garchomp here, but that I thought would be too many Ground types. I am totally ok if you use garchomp, but thats too many ground types for me. Garchomp could also replace Lucario too, if you wanted to.

Moves: Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Earthquake, Brick Break.
Moves if you HAAAD to do Luxray: Crunch, Spark, Ice Fang (EGG MOVE), and superpower.
Moves if you did choose Garchomp: Earthquake, Dragon claw, Brick Break, Swords Dance

I hope this was detailed enough and I hoped it helped you on your platinum team!

0 votes

I am using this team mid-game, and everything seems to be going smoothly. My starter Pokemon was Chimchar, by the way.

Pokemon 1:

Flame Wheel (Stab)
Shadow Claw (Against Psychic types)
Thunderpunch (Against Flying types)
Close Combat (Stab)

Pokemon 2:

Magnet Rise (to evade ground moves)
Thunder Fang (Stab)
Crunch (Stab)
Strength (HM move)

Pokemon 3:

Surf (Stab)
Aurora Beam (can easily be replaced with ice beam though)
Dig (To counter electric types)
Hyper Beam (Strong)

Pokemon 4:
Ambipom (Note: My ambipom's ability is technician, so the moves all have a base power of 60 or less)

Aerial Ace (Against fighting types)
Rock Smash
Shock Wave
Double Hit (Stab)

Pokemon 5:
Wormadam (Trash Cloak)

Mirror Shot (can easily be replaced by iron head)
Bug Bite (Stab, and can eat foe's berry)
Stealth Rock (set up)

Pokemon 6:

Fire Blast (against Ice types)
Dragon Pulse (Stab)
Fly (HM move, can fly to different places)

One thing to keep in mind is that I caught myself a Bibarel to learn the other HM moves required to navigate through the game. They make great HM users!

Yay yay
0 votes

My team takes the infernape route. I'm terrible with items, so pick your own if you'd like. I'm also not the best at movesets.

Infernape @ Life Orb / Charcoal
Fire Type
Ability: Blaze
Moveset (Keep in mind, I'm not the best with movesets):
Mach Punch - Priority, STAB
Flare Blitz - Massive Power + STAB
Close Combat - Same as flare blitz
Rock Smash/Strength - HMs

I choose infernape as my starter because not only do I love chimchar, but in my opinion, infernape is the most powerful. He's also pretty helpful with the gyms and elite 4!

Staraptor @ Sitrus Berry / Leftovers
Normal/Flying Type
Ability: Intimidate
Close Combat - Powerful move
Brave Bird - Very Powerful + STAB
Aerial Ace - Never misses, STAB
Fly - HM

I chose staraptor as my flying type because is it very easy to obtain & train, and not to mention it's pretty powerful too. I prefer Staraptor over Togekiss because it's just easier to train and get for in-game purposes.

Luxray @ Sitrus Berry / Leftovers
Electric Type
Ability: Intimidate
Thunder Fang - STAB, and Luxray has a great attack stat
Spark - STAB, Decent 65 power, and 30% paralysis chance is too good to pass up.
Crunch - Coverage, 20% chance to lower the foe's defense
Iron Tail - Coverage, also a powerful move at 100 power

Luxray's a pretty powerful Pokemon, with a base 120 attack. Also, luxray's ability gives it the upper hand in a lot of battles ingame, even if the ability you choose is rivalry. Also he protects your team from Cynthia's water types and pretty much crushes the entire water type gym.

Roserade @ Black Sludge
Grass/Poison Type
Ability: Natural Cure
Solar Beam - STAB, Very powerful, puts roserade' amazing sp.atk to good use
Giga Drain - STAB, Powerful, useful in game for healing up
Sunny Day - Makes Solar Beam happen a lot faster
Toxic - Badly Poisons target, making it useful against gyms and elite 4

Roserade is a beautiful and strong Pokemon. She has a great special attack, and she can poison many foes in game. Her ability also heals your team from status conditions any time it switches out, proving very useful.

Floatzel @ Mystic Water
Water Type
Ability: Swift Swim
Surf - HM, 90 Power, STAB
Waterfall - HM, 85 Power, STAB + Floatzel's good attack stat
Aqua Jet - Priority, STAB
Aqua Tail/Ice Fang - If you want coverage, get Ice Fang. If you want STAB, get Aqua Tail.

Many people prefer Gyarados as their water type, but I like floatzel. A speedy attacker, floatzel can take out more Pokemon than you'd think. With a base 105 attack and base 115 speed, floatzel is unstoppable and a good HM user. Buizel evolves quick and is available relatively early in the game. Also, it's less of a hassle to train up Buizel than it is to train a Magikarp.

Garchomp @ Leftovers
Dragon/Ground Type
Ability: Sand Veil
Earthquake - Powerful, STAB, destroys any Pokemon that know Dig
Dragon Rush - Powerful, STAB
Rock Climb - HM
Crunch - Coverage, Powerful, 20% defense decrease

Even though Garchomp isn't easy to train, once it fully evolves, it's an absolute beast. A base 130 attack and 102 speed, Garchomp is ultimately the powerhouse of the team once it reaches level 48. If you raise it right, it seriously helps the battle with Cynthia.

So that's my team that I plan to use in my next playthrough! Idk if it's that good, but I like it! So if there's any suggestions you could make, please tell me, since I'm doing a playthrough against my friend where we battle after every gym- so I need all the help I can get. I tried to get the upper hand by picking better Pokemon, so help and suggestions would be great! Thanks for reading.

You have 6 pokemon before the 3rd gym....
0 votes

enter image description here

Nickname: Zuko/Inferno/Blitz/Blaze

Flare Blitz/Fire Punch: Stab physical move
Shadow Claw: coverage against psychic types
Thunderpunch: coverage against flying types
Close Combat: also a Stab physical move

enter image description here

Nickname: Sparky/Wolfric/Elektra

Thunderfang: STAB
Crunch: good move
Iron Tail: good for smashing those pesky rocks
Leer: lower one's defenses

enter image description here

Nickname: Ella/Marina/Misty (IDK)

Psychic: STAB
Shadowball: coverage
Thunder: also coverage
Double Team: evasion

enter image description here

Nickname: Dumbo/ Dopey/Jet

Aqua Tail: STAB
Ice Punch: good move to have on em
Waterfall: powerful STAB and HM
Brick Break: Filler and powerful


enter image description here

Air Slash: Stab
Tri Attack: STAB and cool
Thunderwave: paralyze
Fly: to get places faster and also STAB

TRUST me I swept through thee game with this team. I always only use the needed amount of Pokemon, and for platinum I used 5. Have fun!!

Good team. I love that floatzel gif.
You technically NEED only one Pokemon (Empoleon) to beat the game, although going places without fly is kind of annoying.
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My Pokemon Platinum Team:


Knowing that this is not competitive and the A.I in Platinum is ehhh! I would personally recommend a team that is fast with a balance of good physical and special attackers rather than slow tanks which slows down the game down unless if you enjoy it then go right ahead and pick Pokemons like Torterra or Bronzong.

Infernape - Close Combat, Flair Blitz, FlameThrower, Thunderpunch/ Shadow Claw

I would personally get Chimchar as your starter, since it will grow into a fast Versatile Offensive attacker in both of it's speacial and physical side with a great movepool. Close Combat is great fighting move with 120 base power plus STAB making it a great 1-hit K.O. move, but the downside to that would be lowering both Sp. Def and Def 1 stage, so infernape might get blown back! If it doesn't K.O. the other Pokemon. It also has 5 pp So use it wisely. If you don't like Close Combat then I would recommend Brick Break. This is Inpernape's only Fighting type move because there will be another fighting type in your team. Infernape. is mainly being used as the fire type of your team. Flair Blitz is the fire counterpart of Close Combat- 120 Plus STAB - But the downside is taking recoil damage after using it, so it should also be used wisely, usually to kill tanky Pokemons in one shot. Flamethrower will be infernape's most used attack because it is reliable with a base power of 95 plus STAB with no downside, and Shadow Claw or Thunder Punch for coverage. Personally I like thunder punch since it covers 2 weaknesses in water and flying whereas shadow claw only covers Psychic, but shadow claw is good for high critical hit chances.

Staraptor - Brave Bird, Close Combat, Return, Fly

You Can get Starly early in the game. Once it Evolves you will have a fast, physical flying type. Brave Bird is the Flying counter part to Flair Blitz it is exactly the same in which it has 120 base base power plus Stab, but the user takes recoil damage. Close Combat is a strong fighting type move with 120 base power and unfortunately no STAB.
It is a required coverage move because otherwise Staraptor will have trouble against rock and steel types. Return is a good reliable STAB, Just make sure your Staraptor has a good happiness level. If it has max happiness then return's power will be 102 plus STAB. Fly is an HM in the game so it is needed and it's reliable compared to Brave Bird with 90 power plus STAB, but it is a 2 turn attack. If you don't like 2 turn attacks then I would recommend Aerial Ace which is weaker. If you don't like Staraptor then other viable options are Honchkrow which you can't get unless you trade or Drifblim.

Floatzel - Surf, Waterfall, Crunch/Focus Blast, Ice Beam

Buizel can be found early. When it evolves, Floatzel will be a great water type addition to the team, since every team needs a water type. Floatzel is great physically and good specially making and very fast making it one of the most perfect water type Pokemon in Gen4 , unless if you are using Empoleon. Surf and Waterfall is needed because they are both HMs and very reliable attack. Surf- 95 plus STAB- and Waterfall -80 plus STAB- and Floatzel utilize both of them because it is a good mixed attacker. Crunch -80 power with no Stab- is there for reliability and Focus Blast - 120 power no Stab- is there for power, but beware of 70 accuracy. Ice Beam is good reliable Coverage move against Grass types with 95 power but no STAB and also ice moves are lacking on this team and Also kills Dragons. (:
If floatzel doesn't float your boat I would recommend Empoleon as your starter and Houndoom as your fire type. I would also recommend Gyarados for a good physical attacker, but not mixed.

Luxray - Thunderbolt, Thunder, Ice Fang/ Crunch, Superpower

Shinx can be found early. It will evolve into an Electric Beast in both Specially and physically. Though it is the slowest Pokemon in the team, it would be a good idea to get a nature that will boost it's speed without hindering it's both attack stat like Hasty or a Naive nature. Thunderbolt is reliable electric STAB for luxray with 95 power plus STAB. Thunder is a Reckless move only used for power with 120 power with STAB, beware it's 70% accuracy.
I would try to get Ice fang for a good coverage against ground type, but you can only get ice fang as an egg move making it pretty hard to get. Use Crunch if you can't get ice fang for a reliable dark type with base 80 attack. Superpower which can be taught from a move tutor is just like Close Combat but lowers Attack and Defense stats used for shear power at right moments. If you don't like luxray I would recommend magnezone, Jolteon, electivire if you are willing to trade or roserade or any other Pokemon to handle water type Pokemon.

Lucario- Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Flash Cannon, Dragon Pulse/ Dark Pulse

You can get Riolu as an egg from Riley as a gift from the iron island, and it will be the last edition to the team.
Make sure you give Riolu enough Friendship or happiness and level up during the night to evolve into an offensive Mastermind in Lucario. A Steel and Fighting type with a crazy number of moves it can learn, but it can only learn 4 at a time :( Aura Sphere a great reliable fighting type move which never misses with 80 base power plus STAB making this Pokemon a better and reliable fighting type than Infernape in this team. Close Combat is used for power- 120 Plus STAB- Flash Cannon is great steel type move With 80 base power plus stab. Lastly Dragon pulse or Dark pulse Depending on which one you like. Dragon pulse is a little bit more powerful with 90 base power, but dark pulse gives you the 30% flinch with 80 base power. It comes down to Defeating Dragons or Ghost and Psychic types which lucario can have Trouble with. If you Don't Like Lucario I would Recommend Gallade as a pretty solid option or a weavile.

Garchomp- Dragon Claw, Outrage, Earthquake, Flamethrower

Gible can be found relatively early, but training this thing is really time consuming plus Its final evolution takes place at lvl 48. So what's the point? If you are willing to put the grind and effort to train it, then trust me it will be the most fulfilling thing ever. Garchomp a Dragon and ground type, the powerhouse of this team, also the most menacing. Fully evolving won't happen until at least the 8th gym battle. Dragon Claw is great safe dragon moves with 80 Base power plus STAB. Outrage is an Outrageous move ... lol see what I did there... no ... ok. It has 120 base power plus STAB. with the Downside being it is a repetitive move once used for 2-3 turns then the user will become confused, so outrage should be used wisely. Earthquake is a strong and reliable ground type move with 100 base power plus STAB. Lastly Flamethrower for coverage against pesky levitating or flying steel types like Skarmory and especially Bronzors and Bronzongs which there is a lot in the game apparently thanks to Team Galactic. Garchomp is just too damn powerful there is a reason why it's Cynthia's best Pokemon. Just watch out for ice types. If you don't want to use garchomp then I would recommend Mamoswine or Gliscor as an alternative.

I Also have a second team:


That's a story for another day :)

0 votes

This is my favorite in-game team for Platinum, feel free to change any of the moves if you want or to substitute any Pokemon for other ones.

  1. Infernape- This is a great mixed attacker with loads of moves and being the fastest Fighting and Fire type in the game.
    Moves. Flamethrower(TM)

         Close Combat(Level 41)
         Grass Knot(TM)
         Flare Blitz(Level 57)

    Item. Flame Plate or Fist Plate

  2. Roserade- You'll need a Pokemon to counter Infernape's weakness to Water, Rock and Ground; as well as having Poison immunity and getting some nice STAB and coverage moves.
    Moves. Giga Drain(Level 25 as Roselia)

         Sludge Bomb(TM)
         Shadow Ball(TM)
         Toxic Spikes(Level 28 as Roselia)

    Item. Black Sludge or Big Root

  3. Floatzel- With both Infernape and Roserade being weak to Flying and Psychic you'll need a fast and physical force to take them out, and since Floatzel can get such moves it's a good coverage Pokemon.
    Moves. Waterfall(HM)

         Ice Fang(Heart Scale)
         Crunch(Level 26)
        Aqua Jet(Level 21)

    Item. Choice Band, Choice Scarf or Muscle Band

  4. Togekiss- With Infernape and Floatzel being frail in the defense and Roserade having a lot of weaknesses even with good Sp. Defense, Togekiss will be the bulk in your team for quite a while with its 115 Sp. Defense as well as a Special Sweeper with 120 Sp. Attack. Also I recommend having Serene Grace for the ability.
    Moves. Air Slash(Heart Scale)

         Aura Sphere(Heart Scale)
        Thunder Wave(TM) or Flamethrower(TM)

    Item. Kings Rock

  5. Magnezone- This will be your Physical Tank as well as another Special sweeper. In this gen Sturdy does not have the same effect as Gen V and on wards so go for Magnet Pull. You can get a Megneton straight after the 5th gym and easily get a Magnezone in Mt. Corranet.
    Moves. Thunderbolt(TM)

          Flash Cannon(TM)
          Protect(TM) or Magnet Rise(Move Tutor)
         Thunder Wave(Level 17) or Toxic(TM)

    Item. Leftovers or Air Balloon

  6. Mamoswine- Your Bulky Physical sweeper with tons of HP and Attack as well as some decent Defenses and Speed. This will be your check against Cynthia's Garchomp since it has access to tons of Ice type moves that get STAB.
    Moves. Ice Shard(Level 28 as Swinub)

         Earthquake(Level 40)
         Ice Fang(Level 28 as Piloswine)
         Stone Edge(TM)

    Item. Focus Sash or Icicle Plate

0 votes

Team Overview :

Infernape , Staraptor , Luxray , Garchomp , Vaporean / Milotic , Weavile

Below was the team I used to beat the game

Infernape ( Fire / Fighting )
Ability : Blaze


  • Flamethrower / Flare Blitz
  • Close Combat
  • U-Turn
  • Thunder Punch

There are not really many good fire types in Platinum, so I decided to choose infernape as my starter. Flamethrower / Flare Blitz is STAB. If you don't mind recoil damage and that it learns it at a later level, you can choose Flare Blitz as the STAB move. Close Combat also gains STAB and it is a quite a one hit KO'ing move due to its great Power. U-Turn is a move covering Psychics and retreating while leaving some damage at the opponent. Thunder Punch covers Infernape's Water and Flying weaknesses.

Staraptor ( Normal / Flying )
Ability : Intimidate


  • Fly
  • Brave Bird / Roost
  • Close Combat
  • Return

Starly is easy to get and quite early in game, which is why I have return.(Staraptor will be with you throughout the game. So return would be powerful enough.) It will be your flyer and physical attacker. Fly is STAB and Brave Bird if you want more power and don't mind recoil damage. Roost is for recovery. A quick phisical attacker would be great on your team.

Luxray ( Electric )
Ability : Intimidate


  • Thunderbolt / Spark / Thunder Fang
  • Crunch
  • Iron tail
    ( Put any move you want )

Luxray is a must-have if you want a electric type in your team. There are a some good moves that Luxray can learn for its STAB move. Thunder fang is the best because it is physical ( Luxray has high Attack ) and it may make the opponent flinch / paralysis. Crunch is useful for Lucian and Iron Tail is coverage. The last move is up to you as Luxray has a bad movepool.

Garchomp ( Dragon / Ground )
Ability : Sand Veil


  • Earthquake
  • Dragon Claw/rush
  • Crunch
  • Stone Edge

Wow... Garchomp is probably the best non-legendary dragon/ground type in platinum. It's high attack makes its moves more KO'ing. Earthquake is powerful STAB and for the dragon STAB, there are two options. Dragon rush if you don't mind accuracy and want more power or Dragon Claw if you mind accuracy and don't mind less power. As I said before for Luxray Crunch is useful for Lucian. Stone Edge covers Garchomp's Ice weakness and can be a useful move for Aaron.

Vaporean ( Water )
Ability : Water Absorb


  • Surf
  • Ice beam
  • Shadow ball
  • ( Put anything you want )

One of the Eeveelutions. It is a good water type in Platinum and will be your surfer. Surf is STAB and Ice Beam covers Vaporean's Grass Weakness / good move for Cynthia's Garchomp. Shadow ball is coverage and the last move is up to you.

Or ( If you can get feebas and envolve it )

Milotic ( Water )
Ability : Marvel Scale


  • Surf : STAB
  • Ice Beam : Coverage
  • Hydro Pump : STAB and More Power
  • ( Put whatever you want )

Weavile ( Ice / Dark )
Ability : Pressure


  • Ice Punch
  • Night Slash
  • Dig
  • Aerial Ace

Weavile will be your another physical attacker. It has high attack and low special attack which is why it has a physical moveset. Ice Punch and Night Slash are STABs. Dig covers rock, fire and steel types and Aerial Ace covers fighting. With Weavile, you can sweep Lucian's team and Cynthia's Garchomp.

Good Luck and btw I used Milotic as my water Pokemon.

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0 votes

I just recently re-played platinum and this was the team I used :

Infernape (Fire/Fighting)
Ability : Blaze
- Close Combat
- Flamethrower
- Mach Punch
- Thunderpunch

My starter of choice for this particular run of the game, Infernape is arguably both the best Fire and the best Fighting type Pokémon in this game. As for the moveset, that is roughly the moveset you're gonna be rocking with by the end of E4 if you chose to not use any one-time TMs on it. If you choose to, both Earthquake and Stone Edge is an option

Gliscor (Ground/Flying)
Ability : Sand Veil
- Night Slash
- X-Scissor
- Poison Jab
- Earthquake

It's kinda odd that I didn't give my Gliscor any flying type moves, but it still works anyways. Gliscor is a very solid Pokémon with only 2 weaknesses and 2 immunities. I was gonna go with Staraptor but I want to use something different this time around, and Gliscor is my flying type of choice. It's been a very effective member of my team, outspeeding dang near everything, and a dedicated killer for Grass and Psychic types.

Gardevoir (Psychic)
Ability : Trace
- Psychic
- Grass Knot
- Thunderbolt
- Calm Mind

One of my old favorites, Gardevoir is my Psychic-type of choice for this team. I know Alakazam is probably a better choice for a Psychic-type overall, but I need something that has a respectable bulk to take care of Cynthia's Togekiss and Milotic, and my solution is to set up Calm Mind with her and sweep half of Cynthia's team off the map (Roserade, Togekiss and Milotic). An Alakazam probably can be used for more power or Mr. Mime for more bulk, but Gardevoir is a mix of both.

Milotic (Water)
Ability : Marvel Scale
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Toxic
- Recover

I lacked a hard counter for Ground and Rock types, and Milotic is my Water-type of choice. Yes, this pokémon is a damn pain to find, but if you do managed to find and raise it, rest assured it will not disappoint. It's bulky on both sides thanks to Marvel Scale, and has a very respectable Sp. Atk and a decent Speed. If you don't feel like grinding for a Feebas, alternatively, a Gyarados will fit the spot just fine.

Magnezone (Steel/Electric)
Ability : Magnet Pull
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Signal Beam
- Reflect

A Steel and Electric type pokémon that also serve as my Physical wall. Nothing much to say about this one. An Electivire or Jolteon can also work, but Magnezone is more versatile in my opinion.

Weavile (Dark/Ice)
Ability : Pressure
- Night Slash
- Ice Shard
- Ice Punch
- Metal Claw

Last-minute decision on my part and kind of a wildcard pokémon. Weavile is my final pokémon of choice due to its blistering 125 base Speed and access to the much-coveted STAB Ice Shard (Albeit through breeding). I choose Weavile solely because i'm not confident in Milotic taking out Cynthia's Garchomp in one hit using Ice Beam (yes i'm still paranoid about that godforsaken landshark). Metal Claw is just kinda there because sometimes I don't wanna bother switching out on a rock-type.


Alakazam (Psychic)
Ability : Inner Focus
- Psychic
- Shock Wave
- Energy Ball
- Calm Mind

Use this if you simply want more power and Speed. The reason I didn't want to use Alakazam is because I don't want to bother trading for one. Otherwise, it's a very solid choice.

Garchomp (Dragon/Ground)
Ability : Sand Veil
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Draco Meteor
- Crunch

Due to being able to access Gible very early in Platinum, on top of TM26 in the VERY SAME DUNGEON you find it in, it's a very tempting choice, but in the end I scrapped it because that would be a double-weakness to ice, and I want to use Gliscor more than Garchomp on this run-through. But if you don't want to run Gliscor, Garchomp would not disappoint.

Togekiss (Normal/Flying)
Ability : Serene Grace
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- Aura Sphere
- Water Pulse/AncientPower

This is a very annoying set to deal against, and a very fun one to use. 20% chance of stat boosts, 60% chance to flinch and burn, I wanted to use Togekiss, but unfortunately, Cynthia gave me a Togepi with Hustle, so I ended up going for Gliscor.

Mamoswine (Ground/Ice)
Ability : Oblivious
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Ice Fang

Alternative Ice-type if you don't feel like using Weavile. Part-ground, solid Speed and Atk, access to Ice Shard without breeding, I didn't use Mamoswine because, again, I have Gliscor.

0 votes

Pokémon Platinum

Hey everybody, I know everyone's probably moved away from this thread by now. But I would like to share my team as I got Plat. again :)

Careful M Torterra @ Leftovers
252 HP / 176 Def. / 176 Sp. Def. / 6 Atk.
- Earthquake (STAB)
- Seed Bomb (STAB)
- Curse (Great move for a tank)
- Leech Seed (Works well with Lefties)

Adamant F Dragonite @ Sky Plate
252 Atk. / 252 Spd. / 6 HP
- Fly (My Flyer, STAB)
- Dragon Claw (STAB)
- Brick Break (Great coverage, deals with pesky screens)
- Roost (Filler)

Modest M Raichu @ Magnet
252 Sp. Atk. / 252 Spd. / 6 HP
- Thunderbolt (STAB)
- Focus Blast (Powerful coverage)
- Signal Beam (Coverage)
- Magnet Rise (Filler)

Modest F Houndoom @ Charcoal
252 Sp. Atk. / 252 Spd. / 6 HP
- Flamethrower (STAB)
- Dark Pulse (STAB)
- Sludge Bomb (Filler)
- Nasty Plot (Good for OHKOing)

Impish M Drapion @ Dread Plate/Toxic Plate
176 HP / 176 Def. / 252 Atk. / 6 Sp. Def.
- Crunch (STAB)
- Poison Jab (STAB)
- X-Scissor (Filler)
- Ice Fang (Coverage for Ground, only weakness)

Modest Starmie @ Wise Glasses
252 Sp. Atk. / 252 Spd. / 6 HP
- Hydro Pump (STAB, safe for double battles)
- Surf (My Surfer, STAB)
- Psychic (STAB)
- Signal Beam (Coverage for Grass, Dark)

I like my teams to cover all types and I always have a Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, and Flying type. The 6th member is usually a Dark, Psychic, Ghost, or sometimes Dragon type.

Feedback would be phenomenal! :D

0 votes

Infernape: Mach Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch/Flare Blitz, Sword Dance.
A good moveset to make complete use of it's Hidden Ability (IRON FIST)

Luxray: Crunch, Spark, Thunder Fang, the last move is up to you!
Luxray has a high Attack stat! We need to use it as an advantage.

Staraptor: Steel wing, Fly, Aerial Ace /close Combat/ Roost For health, "BRAVE BIRD"
This Pokemon has a high physical damage and speed. Physical attack is a Good choice.
Brave bird is a "SHOULD BE" move, it makes use of it's hidden ability (rekless that Powers up moves that have recoil damage.)

Roserade: Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Petal dance, Magical leaf /Shadow Ball for weakness coverage
Roserade is not really my choice....... you can replace it with leafeon if you want
Leafeon: Leaf Blade, Swords Dance, X-Scissor, Synthesis

Vaporeon: Ice Beam, Surf, Hydro Pump, Shadow ball
I love this Pokemon. It has high HP and good SP. Attack
Or You can use floatzel
Floatzel: Aqua Tail/Waterfall, Ice punch, Brick Break/Rock Tomb/Iron Tail/Dig, Bulk Up

Lastly Garchomp
Garchomp: Dragon Rush/ Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Crunch/Brick Break for coverage, Earthquake
I really got nothing to say but this Set contains HIGH DAMAGE!!!

This team need HM slaves. I don't prefer putting HM moves to the Pokemons except for Vaporeon and Floatzel.

0 votes

Here is the team I used for Platinum and it worked with relative ease:

Torterra@Quick Claw
-Wood Hammer

Torterra's stats lean more towards being quite defensive, however his type really does not help it on this front (what with it being 4x weak to ice and being a ground type that is weak to fire). However, this typing greatly assists its offensive capabilities as ground is a great attacking type. You will be wanting Torterra to be attacking first as much as possible, as most bosses have type coverage for their weaknesses. As a Grotle it will fall behind a bit but if you can get it to evolve, it won't let you down.

Staraptor@Razor Claw
-Brave Bird
-Aerial Ace (or fly)
-Close Combat

Staraptor hits insanely hard. With a whopping 120 attack stat and an impressive 100 speed stat, this thing is a great lead as it can get off a crippling brave bird/close combat and easily take out an enemies first Pokemon that may have been trouble. Overall Staraptor is a great kamikaze Pokemon and I love it for that.

-Shadow Ball
-Sand attack
-Quick attack

Jolteon is fast. This thing outspeeds pretty much everything and does some great damage in the process. This thing at level 52 easy 2 shotted Cynthia's annoying Togekiss. It doesn't have access to thunder wave until level 57 and it doesn't have that diverse of a movepool, but that's beside the point, just have fun watching Togekiss BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNN.

Lickilicky@Shell Bell
-Ice Beam
-Focus Blast(For Cyrus' Weavile, it outspeeds Staraptor)

Lickilicky may not be the best normal type in all of platinum. Of this I am aware. However his great bulk and extremely diverse movepool means he fits in perfectly on this team. Lickilicky takes hits like a champ and (if you can get it to hit) will annihilate Cyrus' otherwise deadly Weavile, which is nice.

Tentacruel@Splash Plate/Sea Incense/Mystic Water
-Sludge Bomb

Here he is, the coolest tent in town. Tentacruel has great sp.def and using barrier to double his defence makes him damn hard to kill. Along with Toxic, this can be a fun Pokemon to use. Oh and Surf on Tentacruel, hurts more than you would think.

-Ice Punch
-Fire Punch
-Shadow Sneak

WARNING - DO NOT CATCH A DUSKULL ON ROUTE 209. MAKE SURE YOU CATCH A DUSCLOPS AT THE SENDOFF SPRING, DUSKULL IS A PAIN TO RAISE, IT EVOLVES TOO LATE. This set isn't meant to hit hard. This set is to screw over the attacking force that is cynthia's Garchomp. Dusclops and Dusknoir have bulk and can survive a hit from Garchomp. After this hit. USE WILL O WISP. If you burn it, immediately spam Ice Punch and abuse his 4x weakness to ice. Dusknoir is great at crippling physical sweepers and has saved me on more than one occasion.

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