Meta-PokéBase Q&A
21 votes

Decided to make a new thread myself for this so I can get the responses via email. Here you can report any minor errors with the main site instead of starting a lot of new questions. Things you can report here include:

  • Spelling/grammar errors.
  • Incorrect data (e.g. Pokemon with the wrong abilities listed, moves with the wrong power/type and so on).
  • Missing pictures (sprites, icons and artwork).

As I fix the errors, the answers will be hidden. Try and keep comments to a minimum to avoid clogging up the page, stick to important things like additions/corrections to the corrections.

Remember, small corrections only! If you're reporting something more substantial than a missing picture or incorrect data, please make a new thread!

Please, post corrections as ANSWERS, not comments. Thanks :)

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209 Answers

0 votes

In the Gen 4 movesets, it doesn't say anything about scizor learning bullet punch on evolution.

That's because it doesn't.
0 votes

In the gen 1 move set for Mr. Mine it says that they learn confusion at lv 15 even tho they already learn it at lv 10. They don’t even learn a new move at lv 15

Did you test any of this?
Yeah, ballslover32xxx, every other major Pokemon data website backs up the claim that Mr. Mime learns Confusion at level 15, but if you can back up the claim that it learns it at level 10 with hard evidence, you should probably also edit the Bulbapedia article, ballslover32xxx.
0 votes

Day 164 of Ivy Cudgel barely existing, I think this counts as incorrect data as Ivy Cudgel does have Power, Accuracy and PP, and a alternating type between Grass, Water, Rock and Fire.

This has bugged me ever since I joined 5 months ago so if you fix this and let people know what it does that would make my day.

Same with Syrup Bomb, Blood Moon and Matcha Gotcha. What makes it even weirder is that while the recent Indigo Disk moves have their data, the earlier Teal Mask moves don't.
I said that
0 votes

Mystical Power is outdated as of S/V. In Legends Arceus (the game that introduced this move), it boosted either attacking or defending stats depending on the higher one. Nowadays, it just boosts SpA 100% of the time.

I think every move introduced in Legends Arceus isn’t updated.
I guess so. I also checked Ceaseless Edge and Victory Dance and they're all outdated.
So what does Victory Dance do now? In LA at least it was physical Quiver Dance
It boosts attack, speed, and defense by one stage.
Actually, in LA, it raised the user's "offensive" and "defensive" stats, and also increased the damage dealt by the user's moves by 50%. Now, it just raises Atk, Def and Spe by 1 stage each.
Basically Physical Quiver Dance
0 votes

Nosepass now evolves into Probopass via Thunder Stone from PLA (Pokémon Legends: Arceus) onward.

Magneton too?
No, Magneton is on the list. Nosepass is missing.
0 votes

The Shed Tail page is missing Sceptile, which learns it via move reminder.

Similiarly, the Alluring Voice page is missing Skeledirge, which learns it via TM.

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0 votes

I don't know if this is intentional or not but no Gen II or III Pokemon has a listed sprite for FRLG. This is probably intentional and/or mentioned already but I figured I would bring it up.

0 votes

On the page for Heahea Beach, (which is the location you receive Totem Pokemon from Samson Oak in USUM), neither Raticate nor Marowak are listed as their Alolan forms. Both are listed as Kantonian forms.

0 votes

Not incorrect data but only on my phone when I go on any NEW page it brings me down to the bottom. It's only like this on my phone and not my computer and it's really annoying.
