Meta-PokéBase Q&A
0 votes

Yes as bad as the title is I can barely describe here but what I mean is I've seen some answer have ''titles'' marked in bigger letters also blackened.


1 Answer

0 votes

Here is a big title.

The text has a line of hyphens under it. (in the editor obviously xD)

Here is a bigger title.

The text has a line of equals signs under it.

How this looks in the editor:

Here is a big title

Here is a bigger title

You can also use #. ## for the smaller title, # for the bigger one.
commented 5 hours ago by Sempiternus

Or you can use html, with the < h1 > - < h4 >tags. commented 2 hours ago
by Sir Terlor

(no space inbetween the < > and the number)

edited by
You can also use #
## for the smaller title, # for the bigger one.
Or you can use html, with the <h1> - <h4> tags.
Or you can just click the icons over the editor  :)