Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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Expert: These guys are the smart ones. You earn this title by reaching
a grand total of 6000 points on Pokebase. It means you can edit posts
anywhere! (Used to help, not to troll.)

Editor: This is where things get fun. You typically need about 10000
points and actively edit to get considered for this, and Pokemaster
picks them himself. They can do everything an Expert can. They can
hide posts from the public and reshow them. They can clear flags from
posts. They can also approve posts, and reject them. See below.

Moderator: Pokemaster's right hand men. They do everything Editors do
plus more stuff. They can check IP addresses. Don't even think of a
duplicate. They can Ban and IP Ban anyone. They can select best answer
for any question.

Mods > Editors > Experts.


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Okay, thanks!