Meta-PokéBase Q&A
13 votes

I made this post about promotions in January. Little has changed since -- we haven't got promotions, we still need promotions, and I still think the same people are deserving of spots as editors. Again, very quickly:

  • !'•-Indigo-•'! has been active for the best part of three years and has made substantial contributions to the community, with over a thousand answers and another thousand comments. She could lend Sempi and I a hand covering Asia-Pacific timezones.
  • Astronautical has been a consistently active and high quality contributor for over two years, and in that time has made several thousand posts. His timezone can help fill the gaps left by some of the less active staff members in North America.

New editors would help tremendously with the admin load as well as actively moderating the site. Much of our current staff members are busy with tertiary education and work. Individually, I am doing much of the mod work myself; I can remember decisions I made about virtually all the hidden posts in the admin. That should change.

As mentioned in the original post, I think we need more frequent and less stingy promotions. We need to take advantage of good quality contributors as staff members more often, so that situations like this don't occur.

Editors are first priority, but please also take a look through these two threads I posted if you get a spare moment. Also, there are still some Gen 7 moveset questions that have not gone up yet. We've also gone ten months without a name change thread, I think it's well and truly time a new one goes up.

(Pokemaster if there's any way we can help you with these kinds of things, we'd be willing to lend a hand. For example, you could give mods the password to MovesetBot or let us manage the name change threads as well.)

I'm not going away until this happens. ;P

There's already a list. Just click on "questions" and then "most votes". The unanswered questions on the first two pages is the list.
Astronautical deserves it. He is almost always active as well as helpful to a majority of the active community. Indigo should get the promotion as well. +1
Does Pokemaster ever check that?
He did say something about using unanswered questions as to-do lists, but I forgot when he said it.
New news post on the front page which I'm pretty sure wasn't there when I last logged in a few hours ago, so maybe Pokemaster is reading this right now?

1 Answer

6 votes

Looks like this post is dropping toward the bottom of the activity lists. So to improve its visibility, I'm bumping it up with this answer on the off chance Pokemaster might miss it otherwise.

This is not something I'd normally encourage since it would flood the front page pretty quickly, but this is a pressing issue and it has needed a response for a long time. So I'm going to keep pushing for changes. Again:

I'm not going to stop until this happens!

I can't stop picturing that bottom sentence as coming out of an anime characters mouth dramatically.

But in all seriousness, this has been ignored/put off for way too long. We only have 1 or 2 active mods and like 4 active Experts on the DB, and exactly 0 active Editors. Fizz clearly put a lot of time, thought, and energy into making this post that would greatly help the DB, and yet it's been 7 months, and nothing has changed. This is getting to be flat out ridiculous.
"It's outrageous, it's unfair! How can you be a mod of the DB, and NOT be acknowledged by the admin? It's never been done in the history of the DB, it's insulting."

(That's a reference, I'm not actually saying it's insulting.)
Don't forget that we should also not stop until RSE Victory Road information gets added.
Hey fizz, sorry about this... I was on holiday when you posted. Will look into this tomorrow.
"He's back again, and about time too, and this time, he's in the mood. He can-" "Possibly promote some people the day after the Emoji Movie comes out."
PM I love you.
Guess who's back.
Back again.
Pokemaster's back.
Tell a friend.
I can't wait to feel the ever-present sense of judgment all day tomorrow.'ll be attacked by a 100 base power 100% accurate special attack? Better get some good special walls.
The real question is what Type-Plate he's holding.
If she has a Chansey, then that shouldn't be a concern. Chansey can take fighting type judgements with ease.