I been writing this response for a few days now... Hope this isn't supposed to be a comment.
Anyways, I figured I would piggyback off of Fizz's question here with some of my thoughts.
The In-Game Team Thing
There are so many different options with In-game team building, and that’s why I think it should be allowed.
Here’s my example.
The only games I’ve played to completion are the Generation 3 games. In RSE, one of my favorite strategies is to use Dustox for the second Gym (Dewford, Brawley). He resists all of Brawley’s attacks, and hits back hard with Gust and Confusion/Psybeam. This is a totally sound idea. Dustox can provide good support in-game with Toxic and Light Screen, as well as Reflect (TM). Yet this strategy is not mentioned ANYWHERE!
Also, the Pokemon are incredibly different.
In-game, he’s not the best option. (Gen 3) he takes forever to level up, and his learnset is terrible. The only way to really utilize him is with TMs. Plus, his Special Defense is terrible. A lot of NPC trainers are mixed, and he gets OHKO’ed a bunch, unless you grind.
Competitively, however, he is a completely viable Physical wall.
Often times, stronger pokemon are HARDER to use in-game, as they take forever to level up effectively, and can be outsourced to faster exp gaining pokemon.
All I'm saying is that strategy in-game IS a thing. Personally, I wanted to join this site for years, but I realized that in-game questions really coudn't be asked, so I didn't join.
Deck Builds:
I am ENTIRELY inexperienced with the card game; my best card is a Torchic. (my ONLY card is a Torchic)
Still, I know a few people that play, and deck-building advice could be really helpful. We could have a link to a PDF that summarized deck-building basics.
Individual Movesets:
The first obvious argument against this is that moveset questions already exist.
However, those questions were asked a long time ago, and upvotes on the newer answers are rare.
If you have a new idea for an old Pokemon that you want feedback on, you should be able to ask that in RMT. Right now, those questions are regulated to the Pokebase.
Older questions being relocated:
We could just ask the questions again, instead of moving them, and get some new ideas. Also, Movesetbot could just post a link on the new question to the older thread and a link on the old question to the new thread.
Renaming the section:
RMT, in my opinion, is not a great name anyway, since I've only seen one "rating", and it was in the comments, not an actual answer.
Honestly, it seems to be more of a advice bar.
Some ideas for names:
Battle factory
Team Building
Pokemon Help
However, my big problem with all of this is the SOLUTION. The only one who can actually change the policy is Pokemaster, and from my point of view, that won’t be happening really soon.
What we could do is have a vote or a poll, deciding whether the majority of users want to expand the use of RMT. The Moderators/Editors could then petition Pokemaster to allow us to implement it. If he agrees, the new questions are allowed, and we move on. Eventually, Pokemaster does a complete re-vamp.
If PM is planning on doing a format change in the near future, then having a vote wouldn’t really matter, as the changes would be in place for a very short time.