Guidelines for playing in tournaments
(yes you should probably read it before signing up)
Excerpt from Locksley Hall by Alfred Tennyson
In the Spring a livelier iris changes on the burnish'd dove;
In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of competitive Pokemon battling!
To suit YOUR fancies this spring, we are offering Pimplup's
Same Team Tournament
The unique aspect of this tournament makes you use different skills more speed ties than you would in a regular battle.
So this is how it works:
- Instead of creating a team of 6 Pokemon, you only make a team of 3.
- There are no restrictions on what Pokemon you can use! Ubers, OU, UU, even NU and LC class Pokemon. It soon will become obvious why. (Banned tactics should probably stay banned, however.)
- For each battle, both competitors combine their Pokemon into one team. For example, if I picked Talonflame, Aegislash, and Caterpie, and my opponent picked Arceus, Smeargle, and Jolteon, we would both merge so that we'd battle each other with the same exact team (Talonflame, Aegislash, Caterpie, Arceus, Smeargle, and Jolteon).
- Nothing (movesets, items, EVs, etc.) may be changed when you merge teams.
- Then the battle begins! Since you have the same exact team as your opponent, the winner of each battle will be determined by how skilled each player is at handling the Pokemon presented to them. speed ties
Random technicalities (that were written by me, not Pimplup, and consequently much more boring to read):
- Each half-team must follow all Ubers clauses.
- Tournament battles will be played in Ubers if possible.
- A battle may happen in Anything Goes only if the combined team breaks the species clause. In this case, all other Ubers clauses must still be effective.
- AG doesn't automatically enforce the sleep clause, so you can't use dark void, grass whistle, hypnosis, lovely kiss, sing, sleep powder, spore, or yawn if an opponent is currently asleep (and the sleep wasn't caused by rest).
Signups close on Friday April 5. More instructions for signing up are in the link at the top.
To sign up for this tournament, all you have to do is post an answer before April 5. March 27. Your answer should include your Showdown! username and time zone. Additionally, if you want to allow or ban anything, then you should include that, too. For example:
ban cleanse tag
If you don't mention something in your vote or tell me to ignore your vote, then I will think you're voting "allow".
You can suggest your own tournament ideas in this thread.