Meta-PokéBase Q&A
–4 votes

please could someone the spoiler button in the pokebase main page the game is about to release in the next day in arrival

please mods could you remove the button now or the next day?

You can turn it off if you want.
The whole point of the button is so people don't have the game spoiled for them. The time following the game's release is the most reasonable time to have the spoiler button, because it's the time when most questions that will spoil things about the game will be released.

1 Answer

3 votes

We will be keeping the spoiler button for some time after the games' release. Pokemaster has always done things this way, as some people are not able to play the game on launch day, and appreciate prolonged access to the spoiler filter.

If you don't like it, just turn it off. Click the blue button in the sidebar that says 'Show spoilers'.
