Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

Haha, so I was a bit occupied and ended up forgetting that I scheduled signups to open today. Sorry about that, everyone! But now the signups for

Gligurr's Rotom Tournament

are officially open!

Make sure you read the Guidelines for playing tournaments. before signing up.
If you would like the create a tournament yourself, then you can do so here!


• Obviously, you must make a team with all the forms of Rotom in it.
• There is a catch, if your formless Rotom dies, it's game over. (Similar to chess tour)

Trick and ChestoResto are unbanned, and we will be using Gen 8 OU. The Database’s Showdown server does not currently have the format for Gen 8, so while you can still meet up on our server, you will have to take battles to Smogon’s official server, instead. Additionally, you will need to use Gen 8 AG to get around Species Clause, but all other OU bans and clauses apply.

Signups close on Sunday, Dec 29. Additional instructions for signing up are at the top.
To sign up for this tournament, all you have to do is post an answer before December 29. Your answer should include your Showdown! username and your exact time zone. All battles will be held on either the PokemonDatabase Showdown! Server or Smogon's official Showdown! server, depending on which gen's format we decide to go with. Also, if you want to allow or ban anything, then you should include those, too. For example:

American Central time zone
Ban Trick, unban ChestoResto, use Gen 8 OU

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13 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

The winner of the Rotom Tournament is sumwun! Congratulations!

I'll always cover if nobody else wants to host one.
Is the tournament dead?
It's over, so yes. The next tournament should start in March or April.
I would like to host the tournament.
Comment on the Monotype LC tournament on if you want to host it.
3 votes

Round 2:

PX vs sumwun (wins by forfeit)
Staka~ vs SeeYaLater!
Molthree vs whoever wins between Staka and SYL.

I probably should have done that in the first round.
Battles are due by Sunday, January 19th.
Seeing as nobody has battled, round 2 will be extended another week, until the 26th.

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Whoever wins between me and SYL will probably need an extension, unless Molthree meets us during our battle. :P
Honestly, it’s looking like everyone’s going to need an extension :\
We’ll see if anyone can meet before the end of today, but I’m about 98% sure that this round is going to go for another week.
I won vs SYL

Planning on fighting Molthree in a few hours :P
2 votes


sumwun vs Molthree

Congrats to both of our finalists for making it this far! Your battle is due by February 3rd.

Also next time someone breaks a rule like how Forretress used Dynamax, I think the opponent should be allowed to take the win.
1 vote

The tournament has started! Here are the round 1 matchups:

ForretressExplosion vs. Molthree
KRLW890 vs. sumwun
KirbyCuteKing! vs. SeeYaLater!
Felix vs. Staka~
PX advances by default

Battles are due on the 5th.

EDIT: Even though I edited the original post, I'll also put the results of the voting bans here. Trick and ChestoResto are unbanned, and we will be using Gen 8 OU.
Reminder: Dynamaxing is banned by Gen 8 OU. We have to use AG to bypass species clause, but you can't click the Dynamax button.
EDIT (again): there are still 2 battles left, so I’m extending the first round by another week. You now have until the 12th to get your battles in.

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I think we need an extension
It was 99% my favour but I lost
0 votes

American Central time zone
Unban Trick, unban ChestoResto, use Gen 8 OU

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I think I can battle any day this week from 11 to 14 your time.
I should be able to make those times, too, but I still have to finish up my team a little bit. I’ll probably be ready tomorrow, if not, Wednesday.
Can you tell me a specific time Tuesday or Wednesday? I don't want to spend 2 hours waiting for you.
I won’t be able to make today, but I’ll be there tomorrow at 12.
Actually, it might be closer to 1.
0 votes

Time to lose again!

Username: SeeYaLater_DB_PkMn
Timezone: CET
Bans: Use Gen 7 OU

You ready?
No not yet, didn't even make my team xD
are you ready now?
I think we can battle 12pm your time and I think you should make a discord to make it easier to organise
You got your team ready?
The team'll be ready by tomorrow and i do think i can also battle tomorrow.
Can you?
I’m free tommorow
I search your username and I don’t see it
it's not registered i'm pretty sure
I think you’ll need to search for my name
Damn it i think Times up
I’ll still accept battles today.
That statement would have held up if I wasn’t stupid lmao
When do you want to battle? :P
give me some time to make my trash team better
Since it appears the tournament is stagnating, here's a reminder that the second round has been extended by a week.
0 votes

Fresher Than You
GMT -1
Unban Trick
Gen 8 OU

also unban ChestoRest, I don't see why that should be banned considering all it does is extend a match a bit, but if you guys just don't want it to make matches quicker I guess ban it?

if we end up playing Gen 8, do it via rather than main. Main is more liable for disconnects and server issues, and since smog tours is literally for tournament, we should use it.

Can we do Monday 7 pm or Tuesday 5 pm your time? I'll meet you on Smogtours.
Sorry for not messaging been very busy, I can do Friday if that's ok for you
What time Friday? I can do 2 to 3 or 15 to 17 your time.
Hi I'm not gonna be available unfortunately. Take win I guess
Here's a reminder that the second round has been extended by a week. Be sure to let sumwun or I know if you can make it or if you're still forfeiting.
The due date has arrived, all other battles have been held, and you didn’t respond since forfeiting in the first week of the second round, so I’m going to assume that forfeit still stands.
0 votes

Unban Trick, Gen 8 OU

I’ll be on at 7 PST, reply to my wall post if you are ready.
Just giving a reminder / letting you know that the second round has been extended by a week.
Do you know when you can play this weekend? I probably won't know my schedule until Thursday or Friday.
I can probably do 12 to 3 pm your time on Sunday.
that should work
Can you give me a specific time in that range? I don't want to wait 3 hours.
0 votes

GMT -13
use Generation 8, unban trick
Also does the RestoChesto rule ban all Pokemon with rest OR Chesto, or all Pokemon with rest AND Chesto? If this is up to interpretation, then I vote And.

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Yeah, ChestoResto means and. Although I think I'll allow a vote as to whether we keep that rule or not.
Also I just found out Rotom can't learn toxic. FAQ this game.
Yeah, that's what the pokebase is for. Frequently Ask Questions about this game.
Since it appears the tournament is stagnating, here's a reminder that the second round has been extended by a week.
0 votes

Trippy Soup
Eastern Standard Time
Gen 8 OU, Unban Trick :P

Since it appears the tournament is stagnating, here's a reminder that the second round has been extended by a week.
0 votes

AEDT time zone
Gen 8/7 idc

0 votes

Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)
Unban Trick, unban ChestoResto, use Gen 8 OU

When are you available? If you don’t mind doing this on New Years Eve, just @me on Discord sometime after 8:00 PM where I am and I’ll be sure to show up. :P
0 votes

Ri Unite
Pacific Time Zone
Ban trick, unban chestoresto
Gen 8 OU
