Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

Hi. There seems to be some sort of minor glitch when I closed a question. When using a link to use duplicate as a reason to close a question, the displayed text used a completely different question.

The link I used is a link to an RMT thread I made and the link it used is some random pokebase question I've never even clicked on. How is this even possible?

After talking it over on the Discord, we believe that this is happening when closing the question as a duplicate as something in another section. The system probably looks at the question ID and retrieves the title of that ID of the current section instead of the one linked.
Not sure how difficult it would be to fix that, but it would be nice. In the meantime, we’ll just have to post the link as a comment if it’s from a different section.

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Are you pasting the RMT link on a Pokebase question? The link feature just takes the ID from the URL and looks for a question with that ID, but only in the same section. That's how it's designed to work, RMT/Meta are set up as separate sites (they could even be on different domains so it may not always make sense to close a question for a different site).

For now you'll have the just type the word "Duplicate" in the box and add a link in the comments.

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