Meta-PokéBase Q&A
13 votes

Username changes are now closed until April.

It's that time again!

Pokemon Name Rater

If you would like to change your username, you can do so very soon. As usual this thread is open for a few days before the names can be changed, to give everyone time to see they are coming. You may also wish to post an answer asking for others' opinions on possible names you're considering.

Username changes will open Saturday October 31st and close Monday 2nd November.

Username restrictions:

  • The maximum number of characters for usernames is 20. This includes all letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
  • Due to technical restrictions these 3 characters cannot be used: @ + /
  • Usernames may not contain 'Pokemaster' or any profanity in them.
  • Invisible characters (e.g. zero-width spaces) are not allowed. Regular spaces are fine.

You will keep the username you choose for another six months, so ensure that the name you choose is one that you like!

closed with the note: closed
closed by
How do you actually change it?
You can't just yet. Later, go into the 'my account' section of your profile.
Time to not know who anyone is for like a month until I relearn everyone’s name :P
Pokemaster I think you should fix the link in the useful posts in the bottom right of the screen. Clicking on it still goes to the previous one and any curious soul might get confused about it
There is also this, which wouldn't have to be updated each time:
I asked for a username change here but it never happened...
I told you at the time that you need to change your username yourself. The changes aren't done by other people.

34 Answers

8 votes

I'm going to be a dreepy! (that was eaten cause their ded fish. Also there's a whole story on this but :P) . So probabaly sm 4evr---> ☆~SleepyDreepy~☆
I don't know if those stars work tho. If not then "SleepyDreepy"
And while (almost) no one can change my mind what do you think?

yEs dO iT SleepyDreepy is perfect
After that you need to name yourself DrowzyDrakloak
This is great get this to +5
Drowsy drakloak is perfect
SleepyDreepy yay!
7 votes

NebbyY > highest voted suggestion

voting options
NebbyY ™️ (1 vote)
Fwoofy ™️
FwoofyY (4 votes)
FwoofyY ™️ (3 votes)
FwoofY ™️ (1 vote)

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FwoofyY, to stay current with the Cosmog nicknames.
NebbyY tm
Keep it basically the same so I don’t have to learn something new lol
FoofyY TM
From one cosmog nickname to the next
7 votes

Happy spooky season everyone!! <3

♥ ~P e k o c h u~ ♥ --> ♥~Morpekochu~♥

Thank you for voting everyone! Hopefully this encourages me to be more active :)

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Morpekochu lol
^ This 100%
Morpekochu yeah
Morgama? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Wait arent you the first active member to have squigglies in your name
5 votes

Mega-Blade X ---> Giga~Blade X

I quite like Giga~Blade X. What do you all think?

I wont if you take it
The new one is definitely better
Sorry Ty, I've already decided on Giga~Blade X, lol. Maybe in the spring
X lingers still.
4 votes

~MegaCharizardY~ ---> *~SerperioritY~* / ~Chocolatte~

Let's vote, shall we? I decided on SerperioritY a long time ago but I really like Chocolatte.

~Chocolatte~ - 5

*~SerperioritY~* - 3

Anddddddddddd we're going with ~Chocolatte~. Thanks for the help, lol. ✌

And we must have squigglies :D

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I vote for *~SerperioritY~* but I think it's already been decided. XD
Cmon I vote ~SerporiotiteY~. So much better.
she changed the votes :OOOOOOOOOOOO
~Chocolate~! I love Coco Pops!
I didnt change anyone's vote, lol. Nova told me she liked SerperioritY.
4 votes

What do y'all think of A usual glimpse? I'll probably never change my username permanently but if you guys want a usual glimpse more I can temporarily change it. I have many other variations of "A typical glance" but this one is my favorite. (lol it will be hard for people to call me AUG. AUG news lol).

Sounds fun :3
y e s   i like it
I prefer your current name.
I like you current name, A typical glance, more.
4 votes

PianoGeek123 —> Barbara Bingbong ™

So now I’m stuck with the decision of keeping this, or going to Big Bookshelf (thanks PX). So yeah, vote for your favourite!

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Lol wtf great name :D by far the best of 2020
Bingbong your opinion is wrong
How so?
I was just joking lol sorry
Me too lol
4 votes

I'm going back to my roots... :P

Metroid ---> ThunderClapper

No misspellings... (-_-)

EDIT: I decided to slighty change it to Thunder⚡Clapper.
EDIT 2: I'm lazy so I removed the emoji and instead joined the "™" gang. Now I will go by "Thunder Clapper™".

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™ gang for da win
Uh... Yeah.
4 votes

Glazio Kawaii --> Gladion Aether

Ah yes. Nothing better than last-minute mind changes.

Gladion in glasses sounds so cute and I'm about to bubble over with excitement and blushes so uh I'll just go now. XD

No, crazygirlpika forever
My apologies ATG.
3 votes

I was thinking of changing my name from Kyogre71 ---> KyogrePulse.

What do you guys think?

I think the first one sounds better
It's awesome :3
It's better because numbers in usernames are for lameheads
Yeah I was going to try out KyogrePulse for six months, and change it back to Kyogre71 (that was the plan anyway) :P
@atg, I am frankly offended. Anyway, this sounds really cool
3 votes

kleenX ™️ in honour of mega-blade X, then I'll return to TY ™️ in the spring.

Edit: i won't take it if X does

Edit edit: looks like I'm stuck with タイ ™️ instead!! It's literally TY in Japanese, so I'm still ty lol

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dont be X when were in the chat ill be like xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and youll both be like yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and ill be like oh i was talking to x wait thats both of you
Lmao ill still be TY in y'all hearts, my username won't change that
(yes it will prepare for mass confusion you brought this upon yourself also you must change your name to dirtY next name change)
Yes Ty mass confusion
I'd prefer just staying as Ty personally
3 votes

(I regret the name I chose when I joined)

Mayura マユラ —> Zeroark

The idea: my name is Zeroni in real life, but people, call me Zero, so... Zero is similar to Zoroark.
Don’t ask me why people call me Zero, find out for yourself.


But, I was thinking about Robloxian [any Pokémon] and peacocks are my favorite animal, but I cannot find any peacock related Pokémon.

EDIT: changing it to PorygonZero cuz it sounds cooler
plus zeroark was taken

EDIT 2: joining the tm gang!

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That's actually quite clever, I like it
Sounds like a Fusion between Zeraora and Zoroark to me. :/
Uh like Hector Zeroni (Zero) in Holes? lol
No, my actual name is Zeroni, ok? I don’t even know that book, ngl.
Zeroni is an Italian name. It’s my first name, not my last name.
Oh i know, lol. I just like that book and made a connection :D
3 votes

At last. I've been waiting for the name changes. When it's open, I'm gonna change mine to Demon Hunter or Infernal Horseman

I changed mine from KyokaSuigetsu ---> Demon Hunter. All hail Lord Illidan. Death to the Legion

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3 votes

Imma keep it short

KirbyKing -> Name Suggestion.

Default GodspeedKK

Reference to Killua’s ability in Hunter x Hunter

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I prefer kirby King :3
3 votes

Another of the many answers on this thread. A short but powerful name:

SeeYaLater! -> Syl™

2 votes

̶̶O̶k̶a̶y̶,̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶l̶r̶e̶a̶d̶y̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶w̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶r̶s̶e̶,̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶i̶m̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶s̶e̶e̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶g̶o̶o̶d̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶s̶ ̶:̶D̶̶̶ ̶d̶o̶n̶t̶ ̶m̶a̶k̶e̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶n̶g̶e̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶n̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶n̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶

well well well, looks like Flaweon got his own Z-Crystal!

Edit again: I'm joining the squiggly-™ war because why not lmao

Edit again again: I can't stand this name anymore lol I'm changing to ~Flaweon~

Edit again again again: as you can see I'm now plain Flaweon, ain't that special

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FlawiumZ but Flaweon is awesome too
FlareonFanatic? I'm not good at usernames at all lol

I'm just kidding lol. And it wasn't stupid it was a masterpiece.
What about....MegaFlareon?(megas are fun)
> dont make me change my name into anything stupid

oh you were kidding GOOD or else id have had to summon cupid to make you lovestruck with a turnip
If MegaFlareon is a suggestion what about G-MaxFlareon or DynamaxFlareon (this is really stupid forget I said this)
Kyogre... have fun with that turnip
Maybe BlazingFlareon? I kinda like TheGoldenFlareon but that'd make you a Shiny and people will say that Shiny Flareon isn't golden. I mean, one of its old sprites looks kinda golden, but eh.
2 votes

Here's what I'm thinking:
PorygonZangoose ------> Porygon-Zangoose (4 votes)
Yes, it's a really subtle change.

Here's a name I'm also thinking of:
DarksideSalamence (1 vote)

Tell me which of the two you prefer!

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THE FIRST ONE YOU CAN REALLY BE PORYGON-Z ANGOOSE. lol. But really, I like the first one better
Alright. We shall have a vote between the two names.
Yesyesyesyes do the pun go with the first one its too poifect
I vote for Porygon-Zangoose
sorry but i like DarksideSalamence :P
I vote for Porygon-Zangoose lol
2 votes

Highlight to read

N̸̘̩͆o̵̳̭̔̑w̴̡̢̾̎,̶̹͗ ̸̪̟̂Ị̸͘ ̷̪̉̈ḣ̸̺̗ấ̸̯̼v̴̝͎͐ẽ̵̞͠ ̷̱̐̌f̵̀̂ͅů̸͓s̴̖̦̈́̎e̷̩͈͒d̵͙̀ ̸̙̼̀3̴̫̣͆̿ ̶͔͎̀P̶̰̣̉o̸̞̣͊̀k̸͍̝̏͑e̶̗̤͋ṡ̷͙̬̂ ̸̺̎͐ṫ̸͔̼o̸̠̔̓g̷͚͒e̵̝̯̕ṫ̴͓̮ḫ̵̋e̴͚̍̄r̸̙̓͘:̶͉̽ ̶̟̘̔̈́S̶̭͚̋y̶͍̦̿̽l̴͉͠v̸̱̅ȇ̵͔ǫ̷̰̉͆ǹ̶͚́,̴͇̇ ̸͍̈́͑E̵̗̊ẽ̸̟́͜v̵̙̀̄ë̷͎̬́è̵̫,̴͚͂̂ ̵̧̥̕ã̸̲͝ñ̸̫̹d̷͖̓ ̴̭̩͐M̴͇̊̃í̸̡͂m̵̢͍̏i̵̡͔̋k̵͖͋̾ẏ̵̱̎u̸̞̓.̸̦̐ ̸̹̮̓Ī̸̹͖t̷̩̙͝ ̵̞͒̈́s̶̗̣̾͛h̷̡̫̓à̴̛̝l̶̞̂͛l̷̝̺̏̅ ̶͇̾b̶̨̯̽ẹ̴̄ ̵̪͠c̷̞̾͌a̴̮͐̆l̷̖̇̓l̴̺̜̾͋ȇ̵̢̦̎ḓ̸̼̒ H̵͇̗͙̎o̴͚̟̒̎̿l̶̤͛l̶͚̇͆ö̷̧̱̀ͅw̴̨͔̯͐ ̸̛̈̆ͅt̵̢̽̾̕ḧ̵̡̖̙ë̷̳̫́̓͝ ̶̞̑̌͝S̷̖̈́͊y̵͔̟͋̚l̷̡͚̝̀v̸̘̭͑̽e̸̘̠͂ḛ̴̂͊̓k̶̮͇̿͝y̷̤͒͘û̷̘̌͝.

Use this to decode (turn craziness level to minimum).

Edit: Sorry if you couldn't read it. Here is the clearer message.

Now, I have fused 3 Pokes together: Sylveon, Eevee, and Mimikyu. It shall be called Hollow the Sylveekyu.

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Hollow the Sylveekyu?
Yes, perfect for the Halloween Season. Amirite?
Yup, sylveekyu is alright.
I'm no expert but I think pokemaster said this kind of name is not allowed
Please note that the text shown here is just to showcase the username for SpOoOoky reasons. The name will be in regular text when the changes open.
2 votes

Lucky Ranno -----> Lucky 6☆ EX
Pokemon Masters EX reference

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2 votes

Rayquaza2753 >>>> DeltaEmerald or RayDeltaEmerald (vote)

If only Gamefreak made the game....

I considered some other stuff but this seemed pretty cool.

Oh yeah, and you can call me Delta, DE or just stay with Ray. Probably stay as Ray.

So I’m considering RayDeltaEmerald so I stay as Ray now. Voting appreciated.

Ok finally decided, I am going for DeltaEmerald.

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RayDeltaEmerald is really cool
Although it is quite long....
DeltaEmerald is better in my opinion.