Meta-PokéBase Q&A
10 votes

It's time for a new name-change period! (I actually didn't forget this time, just been very busy the past week)

Pokemon Name Rater

If you would like to change your username, you can do so very soon. As usual this thread is open for a few days before the names can be changed, to give everyone time to see they are coming. You may also wish to post an answer asking for others' opinions on possible names you're considering.

Username changes will open Thursday 14th April and close Saturday 16th.

Username restrictions:

  • The maximum number of characters for usernames is 20. This includes all letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
  • Due to technical restrictions these 3 characters cannot be used: @ + /
  • Usernames may not contain 'Pokemaster', invisible characters (e.g. zero-width spaces) or any profanity in them. Regular spaces are fine.

You will keep the username you choose for another six months, so ensure that the name you choose is one that you like!

Name changes are now closed until October.

If you change your name, please post an answer below with both your old name and new name, so other members know who has changed. Thanks!

closed with the note: Name changes closed
closed by
Can you *steal* nicks, like if an inactive user (≥3 years) has a nickname, can they be renamed so that you can get that nickname?

30 Answers

4 votes

It's finally time, the moment has arrived. I will kick-off my long-awaited return to Pokémon Database this year with a new username. And that name is... ~Dreamer~

The inspiration for this name comes from multiple places. Daydreaming is a hobby of mine, and I love creative writing too (which necessarily involves an active imagination). Also, the DC superhero Dreamer has some of the coolest powers I've ever seen. Thoughts? Feelings? Praise?

Edit: I added the tildes because they look cool (and because some user who literally hasn't done anything on the database stole my idea a year ago and has been inactive since).

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Glad you're back :)
You'll have to use that invisible character in your username and hope Pokemaster doesn't see this. :P
How did I not see that guy when I looked through the user list?

Edit: The guy's inactive and literally hasn't done anything on the database so maybe Pokemaster could remove them or change their name?
If you wanna look up any username then just put the username after this:

And I'm not sure if PM will delete someone's account for that but you could very well use the invisible characters (courtesy of TY, don't blame me if anything happens :D --
Maybe I'll just add a regular space after the name (since the invisible ones aren't allowed).

Edit: I've got something even better. Thanks though!
3 votes

Name changes came earlier than I expected...

SShadow Viper
Shadows and Snakes seem to be my thing so this should make sense.
In the story I'll never write because personal reasons (am lazi), the main character (Black Rose) turns into WhiteFire, who has powers of Fire and Ice. My inspiration around this one was Blue Flames and the white mist that comes from ice, but the sheer thought of actual White Fire is awesome.
Void Shades
Crystal Annex
Just some random ones I came up with.
Sigh Wither Rose
(This one is purely for you Mr. Beast)

Let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.

I have a few suggestions.

SShadow Yuri
Yuri Shades
Crystal Yuri
Yuri Rose
Yuri Snake

Dang girl if you like Yuri so much you implement him in one of YOUR name changes.
Name myself after a guy with bushy pink eyebrows?
SShadow Viper > Crystal Anex > others imo.
Crystal Annex
3 votes

Going with BM™. Simple.

tm cringe
3 votes

Should I bring the 890 back? KRLW -> KRLW890?
I'm leaning towards it. I didn't remove the numbers on any other site, so this site's been the odd one out for me during the past 6 months. Let me know what you guys think.

Yes to adding #s to name.
I’ve been meaning to ask you, but does the KRLW mean anything in any way?
Definitely bring the numbers back.
It doesn't seem right without the numbers
@user KRLW are my initials.
3 votes

To keep with the theme of my past usernames…..

OriginPulse it is, most likely. However, I am considering the names of Kyogre’s mystery dungeon locations, since that’s the only way to continue the pattern. This would include StormySea, StormIsland, BottomlessSea, and (my personal favorite of the bunch) OceanTempest. I could also do the main series game locations, I suppose, but the names of those are simply not as cool.

Thoughts would be appreciated!

I like OceanTempest.
I vote OceanTempest
I like OriginPulse
StormySea and OceanTempest are cool. Though I think I prefer StormySea out of the two.
2 votes

I've been thinking about Amethyst --> WilloWisp. It's a play on both the move and part of my name, so it works well. I'm using this for the next 6 months unless I think of something better :P

WilloMiss for me because that's what it does
2 votes

I’m going way back to my original username:

J.C. Blackthorne —> KitkatKK2

This is the name that represents me everywhere, and I want to keep it simple

Where’s the ‘å’?
the å was imaginary the whole time
2 votes

Gee is this a little uneven or is it just me?

Strawberry Shortcake: 6
Dark Paladin: 1
Everything else: 0

In any case, it is time. Yes. It has arrived. You can breathe now.

Fenton Force --> Yuya the Goggles

You have now gotten your wish. Congratulations!

...What? What do you mean, I said I'd change my name to Strawberry Shortcake? Well... (puts on really dumb glasses) I lied. You see, it's actually quite clever. Since it came to my attention that Yuya's hair resembles a strawberry, I called him Strawberry Shortcake once. Then a user named Bee Pen decided to call me that when he heard about it. So technically, I did change my name to Strawberry Shortcake.

...What do you mean I didn't...?


Well this is awkward.

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do strawberry shortcake
Change your name
To Strawberry Shortcake
Give me one good reason to go with Raspberry Bundt Cake over a name that makes me sound like a nine year old who barely knows English.
Oh I'm sorry. I wasn't aware you liked having a name that gives people the impression that you're a 9 year old that barely knows English.
My bad, sorry.
Yuri Rose, if I didn't like it at least somewhat, I wouldn't have changed my name to it.
2 votes


To quote Sonic the Hedgehog , "Aw yeah! This is happening!"

A nice first thing to do after being dead for 1337 years.
2 votes

I decided on a couple name changes.

  1. -MegaManectric- --> Volt Striker This name still gives off Electric-type vibes and is a play on the moves Volt Switch and Bolt Strike.
  2. -MegaManectric- --> Lightning Rend (notice a theme here lol?) I got the Lightning part based Mega Manectric's Lightningbolt design, and the Rend part from the Move Fishious Rend.
  3. -MegaManectric- --> MM This one is basically just the nickname some people call me.
  4. -MegaManectric- --> ManectricMadness One of my previous names, I'm on the fence of wheter or not I should go back to this name.

Since I'm indecisive with these sorts of things, I would like for you to suggest which name you like the most. (Though I might end up choosing from the first 2 names I listed lol)

No.1 sounds the best to me
Volt Striker sounds awesome.
MM (Filler)
Volt striker sounds cool
2 votes

Kiawe ---> Swas ♣

The only name I can think of right now, may change to something else if I get a motivation.
Don't wanna discuss too much about this but simply everyone who knows me well calls me with this name and I'm trying to get the same name in Showdown! and Smogon! :P

2 votes

hey all...

i myself has made name changes via a notorious glitch but i wanna go with the hype anyways... so...

vacantsunray --> asmarion

a combination of asma (my name) and orion, a well known constellation.

please lmk if there could be a better name~

I'd say asmalactic (asma + galactic).
im kind of thinking about nebulasma...its nebula + pl(asma) ;)
~now with squigglies~
2 votes

I'm changing my username to

Your mum

Haha gottem lolecksdee

rude tbh
My dear friend, look upon mine own field of hecks to giveth, and see that it is barren.
This username comes with the cost that everytime someone makes a "yo mama" joke it'll be indirectly referencing to you.

Also goated comment that ^
2 votes

Aaaaaaaaa --> xPsydxck


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who are you
why did you change it
Cause I couldn't change my name back after name changes (unlike last time when I had the option of rmt glitch), and I didn't wanna keep a meme name for 6 months.
1 vote

I’m thinking of going from ~Smoothie~ to ~Spleens~.

~Milkshake~ is also a very good consideration in honour of all the people who love me.

What do y’all think?

~Spleenshake~ for the win
im not in the spleenshake party go for milkshake
Keep it smoothie or milkshake imo, i will disown you as a mother if you go with spleen
Spleens is a top tier name
1 vote

I'm gonna change mine from Kreepy Krawly to Raven and I'm gonna use that little trick Z told me in the last name change. If that doesn't work then I'll change it to Unkindness because I just love this character

Edit. Changed mine from Kreepy Krawly to Raven Roth

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1 vote

HT is bald (ha)

Nah i'm kidding help me come up with something please

1 vote

After more than one year with the same name, it is time to change...

What? BlastFury0614 is changing its username!
Congratulations! BlastFury0614's new username is HydroKamex_009

Hydro is from the move Hydro Cannon
Kamex is Blastoise's Japanese name
The numbers are referencing Blastoise's Pokédex Nº.

1 vote

Cristal Maybach --> Carnelian

I wanted to go for Willow, but sadly it's already registered. Carnelian is a pretty semi-precious gemstone and I really like it. Wanted to tone things up a bit, Cristal Maybach's sounds old now. Carnelian's pretty cute too.

If anyone's got anything better feel free to suggest it!

My friend has carnelian
1 vote

DreamingDragapult-> Haze
Just in case someone needed to check lol

Sounds pretty cool but not too cringe
Haven't been on too much but nice memories yall
