Meta-PokéBase Q&A
7 votes

Christmas is coming, and I don't feel in the festive spirit at the moment because of the STUPID COVID-19 PANDEMIC (UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!) I have looked at Pokemon db's history page and found you have done a couple of Halloween backgrounds, but none for Christmas. So maybe you could make a Christmas background this year? That will probably make me and other users of this site a bit happier.

Hanukkah background instead please
there’s plenty of people who don’t celebrate Christmas....
Christmas is so 2019. Besides, people come to the site mainly for information. It is highly doubtful that they would bother to find and check the background especially when they'll just forget about it five minutes after closing the site tab on their browser
I second a Hanukkah background
There is plenty of people who don't celebrate Halloween either! Well, bah humbug for the lot of you! Apart from the Hanukkah suggestion. That's good!
Why not just say Winter background so you don't offend anyone.  It's fine as long as they aren't in the Southern Hemisphere where it is currently Summer.
That would be good, but even if you are offended, Christianity is still a religion! I don't see why all of you need to complain!
@PrimalKyogre there’s also plenty of people who don’t celebrate Halloween, including (looks around) most people who don’t live in North America. I do think we need to remember that Christmas is a very religious festival however, so some people who follow religions that don’t celebrate Christmas could feel offended/like this idea is stupid (not me personally!).
Regarding the implementations of new themes, I feel we haven't had them often as we used to, probably from Pokemaster getting more and more busy. I suggest we should have a thread where we can submit our own and all Pokemaster has to do is just download the banner we already made.
As far as I know, there haven't been custom themes for anything other than April Fools, Halloween, and Pokemon's 25th anniversary a few years ago. There hasn't been an April Fools banner for years, however.
honestly just let people choose their own custom themes so i can relive 2013 db times
It doesn't have to be Christmas themed .It can just be snow themed Just add a alolan sandslash and a cryogonal or any other ice type .Then change the background colour to an icy blue and then you have a Christmas background.It can't be plain Christmas themed because not everyone is christian.
Guys. I've got something exciting planned...
If it's not a Hanukkah background I will be EXTREMELY upset. I will be SEETHING.
Make it a Saturnalia background instead. In honor of the holiday, we will choose a Pokemon to sacrifice to Saturn.

I nominate Eiscue.

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