Recently, I was "Shatter the Duskreon" (which fused Duskull, Eevee, and Umbreon and gave me the typing of NOR/GHO/DAR). This combo is only weak to Fairy.
Before this, I was "Hollow the Sylveekyu" (which fused Sylveon, Eevee, and Mimikyu and gave me the typing of NOR/GHO/FAI). This combo is only weak to Steel.
Now, I shall be Nought the Curspeon (which shall be a fusion of Cursola, Eevee, and Espeon and give me the typing of NOR/GHO/PSY). This combo is only weak to Dark doubly.
Fun Fact: The triple typings listed above are the only part-Normal-types of a 3-type combo to have one weakness.