Sorry for the delay, as I mentioned exams + cricket take a lot of my time. Anyways, I'll post the results right away.
84.6% of the voters chose to play a non-standard format from the thread, and from there 38.5% of them voted for the Generation 4 Sinnoh Tournament, so we'll host the latter. The standard formats will have a go in the next poll again.
The top voted tournament from the suggestion thread was the Generation 4 Sinnoh tournament (38.5%). The least voted tournaments were Super Staff Bros. and Godly Enchantment (7.7% each), so both of them will drop off the next poll, though they will be eligible for the poll after that.

I'll post the signup thread either today or tomorrow, depending on when I get the time. I'll also post the custom command for the games, so don't worry about that. Till then, be good people!