Meta-PokéBase Q&A
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This is a pretty infuriating issue where Editors+ can't reject a question with a comment. This can be a problem with, say, newer users, whose questions which break the rules are approved and then closed with a note. If I were in their place, it'd be pretty awkward for me because I'll then be questioning the usefulness of the reject-and-approve system.

A very recent example of this is the case where a user who became active after a year had their question approved and then closed with a comment in the PokéBase section, and when they asked it again in the RMT section (where it belongs), it gets approved and then closed again because it broke a few RMT rules as well, and now they're asked to re-post again. A pretty cumbersome thing to be honest.

With the ability to reject questions with a comment, it'd be better for users who're not very aware of the rules (again, that's not very appropriate, and they need to get familiar with the rules). This would also cause much less clutter, as the current practice of hiding threads after a one/two-day gap makes the closed threads collide with the others in the activity section.

I had a conversation with Kiawe about this on Discord;

A side suggestion might be that users whose questions were rejected would remain rejected and hidden and they can't reshow them, because it can get annoying for the higher staff to deal with such small issues and the whole site at the same time.

This might become a bigger issue if the userbase increases at an exponential rate, so I think this'd be a nice thing to implement. Cheers.

Edit: Please note that the "looking ugly" fact is a side thought and is my point of view. And to clarify, I'm not questioning the approval system, I just gave an example of what I might feel if I were a new user and faced the same situation. The system is extremely useful, I just would appreciate it if this was added to it as it's a bit rude to get two questions approved and then closed because they can't get a reason to why it was rejected (if it was rejected) (copied from my comment).

edited by
We approve and close in order to give new users that may not know how the hiding system works a chance to view what was done wrong. Why does it matter if  [closed] looks ugly when it's only going to be visible to the majority of users for less than two days?
A comment about why a question was closed would also help the new users. The rules page is very concise about the hide system, too. Something looking "ugly" is a very minor reason and it doesn't really matter..? It's my point of view and I added it because I thought it's worth adding. Acting only on its behalf would be weird and so it's just a side pov.
Of course comments help -- that's why we include them when we close questions :P
You can say something like "closed with the note: belongs on a different section/trivial/etc".

Additionally, not *everything* is approved just to be closed. We do reject things like poor movesets and incredibly low quality questions because it's obvious the asker didn't put any effort into them. The approval system still has its uses.
I'm not questioning the approval system, I just gave an example of what I might feel if I'm a new user and face the same situation. The system is extremely useful, I just would appreciate if this was added to it as it's a bit rude to get two questions approved and then closed, because they can't get a reason to why it was rejected (if it was rejected).
how in god's name do you read discord
I've edited the wording of the question, it was slightly confusing to me. hope it still works the way you intended it to.
I'm build different.
And yeah this works, thanks.
Sorry, am I missing something? I don’t see any issue with what we currently got
@smoothie yes you are
Great, so, mind elaborating the issue for me?
Read this question and sumwun's. I'm a busy person so if you do expect an elaboration, please wait for it.
Yeah uh, the only thing I’m reading is you don’t like the close then hide thing we’re doing because it’s ugly…? Like unless I’m missing something. Please elaborate, but that’s my takeaway from the post
This is a pretty infuriating issue where Editors+ can't reject a question with a comment. This can be a problem with, say, newer users, whose questions which break the rules are approved and then closed with a note. *If I were in their place, it'd be pretty awkward for me because I'll then be questioning the usefulness of the reject and approve system.*

So, with the ability to reject questions with a comment, it'd be better for users who're not very aware of the rules (again, that's not very appropriate, and they need to get familiar with the rules).

(Another thing: cumbersome system)

I can't elaborate right now as I mentioned above so read this for the moment. And I don't think you read sumwun's suggestion.
Why is it a worse experience to have questions closed with a message, as opposed to rejected with a message? The main difference is that closed questions are public (which you can argue is a good thing, since it helps people find their removed posts).
It would be nice to have this feature either way (especially the drop down menu in sumwun's post), but we can basically do it already by approving the post, closing it with a message, and then hiding it. It takes 10 seconds.

Also, I'm not too concerned about the feelings of people who have the same question closed three times. If they don't want the same question closed three times, then they should read the rules.
If your question is approved and then closed, it’s a perplexing thing which might lead the user to wonder about the practicality of the rejection system, as if their question *did* break the rules, it could have had straightaway been rejected. What will people do after finding their hidden posts? Check why it was hidden, totally agree, but do they need to read the same thing thrice? A link to the rules page would be much better for them — they need to get briefed with the rules before posting.
To be honest, new users who don’t read the rules and close their wall are irritating. I’d say, if we treat new users with just a little bit of leniency (in the end they *need* to get familiar with the rules, there can’t be any alternative to that), it’d be better for us as a community as the user base would increase, which would hopefully be for the best (not users like Blaziken).
This feature isn’t repairing an extremely big issue, it’s something which would be good to have. I agree with the fact that if it takes ten seconds to approve, close and hide, it isn’t a really big problem, but as a side thing this certain feature would be better in these kind of situations, in my opinion.
And yeah sumwun’s suggestion is awesome, the drop-down and the options thing would be pretty cool to have.
This is HUGE I thought the same thing when I was a noob

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