Meta-PokéBase Q&A
1 vote

I feel like this would be nice because it would reduce the clutter for PM of looking through site errors. I've looked through a couple pages and edited the word "Fixed" onto ones that were fixed, but it still doesn't remove them from view. Could some editor or mod start working on removing the answers that are fixed? More answers are fixed than just the ones that PM commented on.

Pokemaster may have a reason for leaving them up, so I think we should not do that.
I used to flag to hide them, but for the reason fizz mentioned, I stopped.

If Pm gives the okay I’ll more than happily hide them.

1 Answer

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When I have fixed something, I usually comment on the answer to thank the person for reporting it. I don't hide it immediately to give them a chance to see the comment in their updates. I usually hide them a little while after that, maybe a week or two.

I'll continue to do that when I remember, but I'm also perfectly happy for mods to hide answers that have been fixed for several weeks.

P.S. make sure they are fixed though... you edited one about Rockruff to say fixed but it wasn't.

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Ok thanks, I'll be more careful checking those.