It's that time of year again! Signups are now open for the next PokeBase tournament, featuring Smogon's most popular singles format: Generation 8 OverUsed. If you have any ideas for future tournaments, check out the tournament suggestions thread.
The PokeBase Showdown server is currently down, so use the main one until further notice.
Tournament Structure
- Double elimination with randomized matchups every round. A bracket may be posted for clarification, but it won't represent matchups for the rest of the tour, only that round.
- Matchups are played in best of 1
- Winners and losers brackets will take place simultaneously and rounds will last about a week
- In the event of the number of participants being a number other than 2, 4, 8, 16, 32... byes will be given randomly to players in the earlier rounds
- Players can agree to restart matches within reason
- After a battle, someone must save the replay and comment it under this post's selected answer
Cheating in any way, such as advising players during matches, is strictly prohibited and may prevent you from joining future PokeBase tournaments.
Before signing up, make sure you read the guidelines for playing in tournaments! Anything said in the guidelines that I didn't mention in this post applies.
Signing Up
To sign up, please put your Showdown! username, timezone, and availability. For example:
EDT (UTC -4)
Available 3:30-10:30 PM on weekdays, 10:30 AM-10:30 PM on weekends
Signups will close Friday, October 21st and the tournament will begin shortly after.