Meta-PokéBase Q&A
2 votes

It's time for a new name-change period! Apologies for the delay in getting to this, I got a little burned out from the last Pokemon release and haven't found time to update stuff.

Pokemon Name Rater

If you would like to change your username, you can do so very soon. As usual this thread is open for a few days before the names can be changed, to give everyone time to see they are coming. You may also wish to post an answer asking for others' opinions on possible names you're considering.

Username changes will open Saturday 2nd December and close Monday 4th.

Username restrictions:

  • The maximum number of characters for usernames is 20. This includes all letters, numbers, symbols and spaces.
  • Due to technical restrictions these 3 characters cannot be used: @ + /
  • Usernames may not contain 'Pokemaster' or any profanity in them.
  • Invisible characters (e.g. zero-width spaces) are not allowed. Regular spaces are fine.

You will keep the username you choose for at least another six months, so ensure that the name you choose is one that you like!

Name changes are now closed.

closed with the note: Name changes closed
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Technically it’ll still be Fall…
Wait it ends at the end of monday or at the start
It ends on monday
It will probably close Monday morning my time, which might be late Sunday night in America.
can you change it more than one time in the time period?
Yes you can.

12 Answers

2 votes

Oh my god FINALLY name changes have arrived!

I don't have many ideas this time around, but here are the ones I have:

  • Angelis O'fate: Based on the fact that a good friend of mine is my Angel of Fate. Most likely going with this one.

  • Something with Sobble: Once I was trying to spell Sobble but it got autocorrected to single and I realized that I'm single and sad ;-;

  • Mr. Fish: Idk it's something derpy.

  • Rose Therian: Inspired by my OC.

Yeah, not a lot. As I said, I'm most likely going with Angelis, but if y'all have any other ideas please let me know.

Edit: Going from ~Whiteøut~ to Angelis O'fate but for today I'm Mr. Fish.

Edit: I'm staying Mr. Fish.

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Lmao. No.
Edit: @Monkey how is that any better?
I had it backwards
Alpharad "say hello Mr. Fish"
Keep Mr. Fish! +1 for Mr. Fish.
1 vote

Y’all, I need some opinions. I have been mindlessly injecting the magnificent and illustrious concept of “brick” into the chat and everyone’s walls, so I thought I’d go with a similar name change.

  • Brick
  • Bricka
  • Broken Brick
  • HallucinatingBrick
  • QuagBrick

Let me know what y’all think!

EDIT: Just realized that I have a grav, and it's even relevant to my life! Might as well become the one and only MangoBrick! Both parts of me could result in damaged dental appendages! Not that I have first-hand experience of either one, of course...

Hallucinogens --> MangoBrick

don't be afraid to send help :)

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Bricka Brick.
I think you should be "Brick Bronze"
Brick brick brick brick brick brick brick it's fun
Bricked Up
shoot I missed it
1 vote

Going by Cynthia now. Figured it's been forever since I named changed and the name is appropriate for this website lol.

Legend has it PX never did change their name to Cynthia...
1 vote

Since that's still a day away, I was thinking of changing from "Mangy Vagrant" to either "Great Weaver" or "Senjumommy Senpai". I guess I'll have to decide in the coming days

Changed mine from Mangy Vagrant to Senjummomy Senpai

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senjumommy senpai all the way
I see you have watched the reason why as well
How bout Senjumommysomepie
Why somepie exactly?
I think the translation is: Send yo mommy some pie.
Correct. I might make that my name
Oh in that case, nah. I'll go with Senjummomy Senpai because all Bleach fans are now simping for her, myself included
1 vote

I've shifted to P E N G U I N S U P R E M A C Y, so penguino is a good one

(all these are sorted from ⇪ best to ⥥ most uninteresting (doesn't mean any of these are bad!))
> fisherprice ⇪ !
mee goreng
flopsire ⥥

  • I could stay with fried noodles and go with mee goreng, but
    fisherprice is a fun name that has potential.

  • penguino also fully reflects my new transition to P E N G U I N S U P R E M A C Y,
    and is the top choice here.

  • flopsire is in no way bad, but I think it just flops in comparison
    to the others. wonderfish is funny too haha

Let me know what you think about the names!

(! fisherprice has risen to #1 after a discussion with my mom)

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What about mee-Penguin.
penguimee, or something
Yes. Your mom is the best advisor of all.
of course
0 votes

Still don't know fully yet. I want "Eclipse" to be in the name, soooo

Lunar Eclipse
~Eclipse~ (Not a big fan of the squigglies)

Maybe Cosmic might be in the name instead of eclipse? Not sure yet

Cosmic Shadows
Cosmic Moonlight
Cosmic Typhoon

Eh. Not creative. I'll pick one closer to the time. But I sure as hell know that I don't want to stay as a Gen 7 TCG pack.

Update: Cosmic Eclipse ----> -Eclipse-

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Cosmic Typhoon or -Eclispe- are my pics.
I'm actually dying for MedicarePartC that's funny
0 votes

someone has the destiny nick and i'm sad

vy --> vydestiny

back to square one

0 votes

Changing from VinnyHedgehog IV to VinnyHedgehog. There's only one now.

0 votes

Due to someone taking the name I wanted, I shall now be know as PokeWrangler

0 votes

I’ll be going from ~Scarlet~ to ~Silver~

We're going back in time with this one
haha second place
0 votes

Collierm ----> mysticmarshtomp

0 votes

Gokutenks --> Gau

Simplicity. Also unoriginality. Also Gau.

Gau (filler)