I'm going to start out by saying that I'm thrilled to be an editor and all, but whats the point of giving editor status instead of just bumping up a few more mods except to just make the mods feel all warm and fuzzy and in control?
Looking at the Editor status, I can just hide things. We can't even scan for IP's to help out with duplicate account issues, or even give temporary bans to users acting up in chat.
I already made the comment earlier, that we don't really need more experts, we need more people to ban trouble makers, and hide questions / answers.
Well, we got half of that, but seriously. Just make a few more mods; instead of editors.
We took away editors and made mods for a reason. Scanning IP's and banning disruptive users needs to be open to more active users than just Swampert ( He's being more active now, but still not super active ) Will, ( He left ), and DT ( Also not super active, he gets on every few days, but doesn't stay on a lot ) and Trachy ( Only active at night ).