Pokémon Rate My Team
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pankek (Stakataka) @ Life Orb
Ability: Beast Boost
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 Def / 252 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Iron Defense
- Body Press
- Heavy Slam
- Rock Slide

stakataka is my main sweeper. I lead in with it and hatterene. I set up one iron defense, then go for body press. I would go for choice band, but the iron defense is too important and I don't want to sacrifice a trick room setter for a trick pokemon or baton pass. also I am not sure if choice band would affect body press due to it using defense instead of attack. I still use heavy slam and rock slide. usually if two bulky pokemon are on the field and my attacks bring them both to red, I will use rock slide. I use heavy slam when body press is heavily resisted or the opponent is ghost. also I use it on the commonly seen regieleki, as it always kills and it is fun to smash into such a light pokemon, even though it caps at power 150. I use these moves enough that trick room on stakataka isn't worth it. I don't swap stakataka out usually until it goes down, so I would never need it to have trick room unless my strategy changes.

watermelon nice (Dusclops) (M) @ Eviolite
Ability: Pressure
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Pain Split
- Poltergeist
- Focus Punch

dusclops is my last resort when all other trick room setters die. It has actually been very clutch, but is only useful when the battle is almost over and the opponent is not prepared, thinking that all my sweepers are gone. it is super slow, and only outsped by stakataka and the rare shuckle. when not using trick room, it dishes off pain splits and poltergeists to finish them off. using this strat, dusclops was able to take out a libero cinderace, bulky regidrago, and a celesteela all by itself, with my opponent's best pokemon having been taken out by stakataka. I use pressure as frisk is useless (I think), and it also helped finish off the pain split-weakened regidrago when it struggled. I have focus punch to handle normies, bulky rock/steel types, do crazy damage when trick room is off, and because I am bad at using haze properly.

Havoc (Vikavolt) (M) @ Wise Glasses
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Bug Buzz
- Thunderbolt
- Air Slash
- Roost

vikavolt is my special sweeper. most trick room teams use reuniculus, musharna, corsola, or hatterene for special sweeping. by leading with stakataka and hatterene, my opponent usually gets out the light screens and stuff to defend against hatterene, only for me to one shot them with stakataka and eliminate most special attack inhibiting effects. after they realize that stakataka is the real threat (stakataka is honestly underrated), they take it out and I swap into vikavolt. it has terrible defenses, but the mediocre hp can save it from most attacks in the turns where trick room has to be set up again. vikavolt then roosts, not having to worry about losing flying type for a turn. bug buzz and thunderbolt are my main moves, but air slash comes in handy when I need a clutch flinch or it is supereffective. I use wise glasses because roost is too important so choice specs would be worth it. I don't use life orb because vikavolt is too frail to handle that little bit of damage loss every attack. I tried using magnet and silver powder, but I am not sure if it is worth it. sure it makes a nuetral hit from bug buzz or thunderbolt respectively stronger than a super effective air slash, but boosting all three is useful as all three moves are used so often to counter different opponents.

joe (Audino) (F) @ Iapapa Berry
Ability: Healer
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Life Dew
- Helping Hand
- Heal Pulse

my pal joe here is probably the most important team member. it is bulky enough to not die, and is able to heal up itself and whatever sweeper is on the field. life dew is usually enough to heal itself, unless things get really sticky. if that happens, then 9 times out of ten, audino barely lives and the iapapa berry brings it into range so that life dew brings it to near full health next turn. when stakataka is in a tough posistion (happens a lot due to rock type weaknesses, life orb, and the abundance of fighting moves), or really any of my team, heal pulse is an amazing recovery move. when it has nothing to do, helping hand can make the difference between a red hp mon to deal with later, and a dead mon.

no touchy (Hatterene) @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Aromatherapy
- Heal Pulse
- Psychic

hatterene is mainly bait to make my opponent prepare for a hatterene sweep. however, I have set it up for bulk and support. I have not actually tried it with heal pulse and leftovers yet. usually I use life dew and iapapa berry. however stakataka sometimes needs a big heal early on, and life dew doesn't always cut it. heal pulse can't target the user, but iapapa berry isn't reliable enough to use and keep hatterene alive for the end. hatterene I pull out if audino goes down, and despite near no special attack evs invested, it still can make for a threatening sweeper with psychic. as I have no move slots left for psychic terrain, psychic is the better option as expanding force relies on the other team being a psychic terrain team. Even though psychic terrain teams have become really common with indeedee and hatterene. aromatherapy is there as I often get huge issues from status effects. before, I used to use regigigas instead of vikavolt and skill swap instead of aromatherapy to remove slow start. stakataka was originally backup, and a replacement for my baton pass clefable that never was able to do anything helpful. regigigas was my main sweeper, but the burns would ruin my team. I kept redoing my team to get better trick room setters and help support regigigas, but I kept losing to an unlucky full para, full confusion, a sleep that won't be woken from. the status conditions were really hurting me, and so my solution was aromatherapy and healer on audino. healer on hatterene is not useful because aromatherapy and audino, and magic bounce is legendary.

got any grapes? (Porygon2) @ Eviolite
Ability: Analytic
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Trick Room
- Recover
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

porygon2 with eviolite does many things, but die easily is not one of them. it is a very reliable trick room setter, and can pack a pretty big punch in sticky situations. with no special attack boosts, wheather, or even a crit, this little guy was able to OHKO a pretty bulk oriented wailord. before that, this special attack boosted wailord had launched two water spouts, killing the now retired regigigas in the first hit, and whimsicott in the second while porygon set up trick room and ice beamed landorous to oblivion. porygon2 is my second to last trickroom setter and combo sweeper, as it has no great support. I use analytic, because if I lose trick room but have no opprotunity to set it back up, porygon is able to destroy the threats so I can set trick room back up and get reliable healing at low health back.

a few things. what do you guys think about the team? Is it missing something? are the EV spreads/natures the best possible? should I swap out porygon for example for a better trick room setter option that can also provide great support for the sweepers? Is vikavolt actually a bad option for some reason I am overlooking and I have just been lucky thus far? should I swap out the wise glasses? is trick room on stackataka worth the sacrifice, or should I continue sweeping with boosted defense until it goes down? should I replace the life orb with a different item? Is regenerator better than healer for joe now that I have aromatherapy? should I get life dew and iapapa berry back on hatterene? is frisk actually good? is download/trace better than analytic? should I swap thunderbolt on porygon for a different move? I rarely lose with this team, and when I do, it is due to bad luck, me not paying attention, or some crazy prodigy is low in the ladder because he/she made an alt or something. However, it could just be showdown matching. I want to start shiny comp hunting for these mons so I can use the team in a link battle, but I don't know it it is actually good, or it has a major flaw that I haven't come across yet. I have tried the normally recommended movesets, but they never really fit my team and requirements. This is my first team so I am quite proud, but there is always room to improve.

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The way you've linked the sets here doesn't work. Would it be possible to list them using plain text?
I can't be bothered to write a full lengthed answer, but Offensive Dusclops doesn't appeal to me as it is meant to be bulky, rather than an offensive threat. The spread should be more balanced to handle the meta. 252 SpD leaves it vulnerable to banded Urshifu which a lot of people are running these days:

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Gmax Wicked Blow vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Dusclops on a critical hit: 168-198 (114.2 - 134.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

I suggest going more offensive because you have too many passive mons. Dusclops is a great TR setter and should be led, rather than kept in the back for 'offensive capabilities'. For example:

4 Atk Dusclops Poltergeist (110 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Cinderace-Gmax: 60-72 (38.7 - 46.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

That's is definitely not enough offensive firepower to get you running and posing a huge threat whereas:

252 Atk Life Orb Libero Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eviolite Dusclops: 78-94 (53 - 63.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

You should maybe look at the TR team that people used at the start of the Meta, and include Stakataka in it somehow:


And I strongly advise against using Iron-Defense Stakataka - Dynamaxing it on turn 1 is simply enough to pose an offensive presence.

Also, can you have two eviolites on the same team? I feel like it trespasses the 'items clause' that they propose.

Hatterene should be used as an Offensive sweeper, rather than a healer. Vikavolt is okay as a Trick Room pokemon, but its defence highly worries me as it can get K.Od rather easily.

I won't say much more, but here is what I recommend:
Shuca/Weakness Policy Stakataka instead of Life Orb - Life orb can be used for hatterene.
Bulky Dusclops that can tank Urshifu Wicked Blow and defensive set, rather than offensive.
Vikavolt is fine, but personally I don't think it has much potential especially with that poor bulk.
Just don't use Audino - it is passive, not extremely bulky as you think it is (103/86/86), does not get access to a rigged move/ability, etc. Simply not a good Mon overall, should use something like Indedee as a potential lead with Hatterene.
Offensive Hatterene instead of healer (make sure to use expanding force too)

Depends if you need another TR setter, but I think it should be switched out for something such as Torkoal to pose an offensive late-game threat with Eruption, which can be deadly in TR.

Make sure to check out that PokePaste too!
Thank you for suggestions. However dynamaxing in doubles ou is for some reason banned with showdown, so the concerns with gmax urshifu and supplementing a wasted iron defense turn with simply dynamaxing sadly doesn't work. Dynamax stakataka would be dope. For some reason, items clause is also not in the showdowns thing. The pokepaste you sent has 2 life orbs also.

I thought my dusclops was running evs in special defense lol I must've put it in the wrong slider.

The defense of vikavolt worries me too, but so far it hasn't been one shot by anything it can't one shot. 75 defense is horrible, but roost has been able to save me and its special attack is much better than hatterene's. I will try swapping it out though. It might be beneficial, your right. If not, I could set it up to do full sweeps with life orb. Take down 2 maybe 3 pokemon before it gets sacked off.

I do like the weakness policy idea a lot and will definitely do that.

Audino isn't directly bulky, but noone targets it for some reason, and even if they do it has just enough bulk to recover with life dew within a few turns. Audino is kinda mvp, and I have tried replacing it but it always fails, as the support it provides is great. The stats and stuff seem really bad, but it is so good and I have no idea what it is that makes it so useful. Probably just the moves.

I see what you mean with hatterene. I have tried using it as a sweeper, but it is so predictable that it gets destroyed super quickly as most ppl in ou doubles have counters for trick room indee/hatterene. It is super common, because it is a crazy good set up. I was thinking about replacing it with another healer or another special attcker, but the lead in trick works really well. I do hate wasting such great special attack though.

saw the pokepaste you linked. It looks pretty cool and I will try replacing rhyperior with stakataka. Rhyperior has a sepcial defense of 55, which is scarier than vikavolt's defense lol. That is terrifying.

Torkoal sounds genuis. Same reason I like dusclops late game to clean. It is super bulky and can hit decently hard. But torkoal sounds much better, so I can use dusclops as my main setter instead to take advantage of that bulk.

Again, thank you for the detailed response. This will be very helpful. Mildly surprised you read my post so in depth!
As I meant GMAX Urshifu because that's what the Pokemon Damage Calculator set it as.
If it was GMAX Urshifu, its only difference from normal Urshifu is its DMAX move which is Gmax-One-Blow, but I said Wicked Blow instead of GMAX-One-Blow which is its base 80 power move non-dmax so it still threatens Dusclops...
Gyro Ball is a good pick on stakataka - and i would give it max attack instead of spd - it's a very hard hitter. For Dusclops I run WoW, Night Shade, Ally Switch and obviously TR. I have mystical fire and dazzling gleam on hatrenne for coverage. As another has said, torkoal would help out - charcoal boosted sun max eruption is monstrous. Put a Mental Herb on one of your setters to prevent taunt.

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