Bro dies from Charcoal, Rip Bozo.

Gen 8 NU
Charizard Is your Biggest Enemy Because of It's Crippling 4x Fire Weakness, It's also pretty slow so It can't really outspeed anything and kill because of Arcanine, But It's defense and great typing makes up for It.
Escavalier @ Focus Sash
Ability: Overcoat / Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 244 Def / 8 SpD
- Close Combat
- Drill Run
- Fell Stinger
- Flail
Overcoat: To protect yourself from Powder moves or damage by Hail.
Swarm: To boost the STAB Fell stinger that could turn Into a 90 power move (I don't know actually)
Adamant Nature
- Close Combat (Type Coverage, Also a 120 Power move, has the drawback of Losing some defensive stats, but who cares you have a Focus Sash. )
- Drill Run (Salazzle gonna say It's first byebyes! focus sash hehe)
- Fell Stinger (For the ones whos using a Focus Sash/ You're about to kill them, get that attack boost y'all :Yum:)
- Flail (Powerful Move when the Focus Sash was Consumed.)
Teammates (And Fill the rest of your team)

Uxie Is Top 1, It has Trick Room which you need for your Escavalier, It also has 130 from all of It's defense, and It also has 95 speed which Is okay at last, Not bad for a Defensive Pokemon.
Uxie @ Mental Herb
Ability: Levitate (No Other Ability.)
EVs: 252 Def / 252 SpD
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock (To Remove some Focus Sashes.)
- Trick Room (You need It for Escavalier.)
- Memento (Uxie Is a Tank, so you definetly need this to Cripple a Strong Attacker.)
- Thunder Wave (A 30% Para, Which you could Use Knock Off/Optional Moves.)
Teammate 2

Now, Tsareena may have 5 weaknesses, also you already have Escavalier But It's defenses makes up for It, (No not really.) And Leftovers would be a Good Item for such a Defensive Pokemon.
Tsareena (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Queenly Majesty / Sweet Veil
Queenly Majesty: To Protect yourself from Potentional Fake Outs/Priority Moves
EVs: 136 HP / 252 Atk / 100 Def / 20 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off (Power Raises when used, Because all Pokemon have Items.)
- High Jump Kick (Type Coverage)
- Rapid Spin (To Take away Hazards that would hurt Escavalier Because you have a Focus Sash.**)
- Play Rough (Type Coverage 2)
Tsareena: Rapid Spinner/ " Sweeper "
Uxie: Trick Room Setter
Escavalier Stinger Sweeper