Route 15 (Night Walk): Nidorina(2), Noctowl(2), Quagsire(2), Chansey(2)
Cliff's Edge Gate (Surf): Wooper(1) and Quagsire(2)
National Park (Night Walk): Hoothoot(1)
Ruins of Alph (Surf): Wooper(1) and Quagsire(2)
Slowpoke's Well (Surf): Slowpoke(1)
Celadon City (Super Rod): Grimer (1), Muk (2)
route 42 (Surf): Goldeen (1) and Seeking (2)
route 45 (HeartGold/ Walk): Graveler(2), Geodude(1), and Gligar(1)
route 45 (SoulSilver/ Walk): Graveler(2), Geodude(1), and Skarmory(2)
Dark Cave (Violet City side): Geodude (1)
Bell/Sprouttower (Night walk): Ghastly(1)
Ruins of Alph (Walk): Natu(1)
Route 6 (Surf): Psyduck (1), Golduck (2)
Route 38 (walk with magnet pull): Magnemites (1)
Route 43 (Day Walk): Flaffy(2), Girafraig(2), Mareep(1)
route 34/41 (Surf): Tentacool(1) and Tentacruel (2)
Route 7 (Walk in SoulSilver): Spearow(1), Rattata(1), Raticate(2), Vulpix(1), Meowth(1), Persian(2)
Route 7 (Walk in HeartGold): Rattata(1), Spearow(1), Raticate(2)
Route 9 (Morning/Day Walk): Rattata(1), Raticate(2), Spearow(1), Fearow(2)
Route 9 (Night Walk): Rattata(1), Raticate(2)route 30/31 (surf): Poliwhirls(2) and Poliwags(1)
route 33 (night): Zubats(1) and Rattata(1)
Diglett's cave (walk): Digglett(1) and Dugtrio (2)
Dark Cave (Surf, Violet City side)-Magikarp (1)
^_^ hope it helps.