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6 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Hawlucha, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Hawlucha Pokédex and learnset for reference.



26 Answers

10 votes

Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EV's: 252 Att/252 Spe/4 Def
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
- Hone Claws
- Sky Attack
- Hi Jump Kick
- Stone Edge

I think the point of this moveset is pretty obvious. Get the chance to use Hone Claws, and then sweep. Hone Claws raises Attack and Accuracy, which is particularly useful for not missing your Hi Jump Kick's. But all these moves have less than 100 accuracy, so it is good for all of them. Sky Attack is executed in one turn with the Power Herb, which will also boost its Speed when it is used, thanks to Unburden. Hi Jump Kick is its other STAB move, and a very powerful one at that. Stone Edge is coverage, although can be changed if you are concerned about fighting a particular type.

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I think flying press is way better to coverage because it is 4x STAB(Is it?) but if it isn't then it still covers 2 types, so use something like hone claws and 2 elemental punches or roost would be better
flying press is less powerful then both acrobatics and hjk. Elemental punches don't provide great coverage other than hitting other flying types. Roost is not good on hawlucha. It's too frail
This set is not effective. So you've used Power Herb Sky Attack once. What about the next time you want to use it? You have to waste 2 turns using it while the enemy can set-up on you or just outright destroy you.
thats why the person who posted this said that you can replace stone edge
you can go for acrobatics or flying press
Don’t really need stone edge… but ok… how about thunder punch instead? (So if hawlucha holds an electric seed, then dynamax so hawlucha’s defense will increase by 2x. I dunno which way because there are plenty of ways to sweep using this pokémon.) The moveset is still pretty good ngl.
4 votes

Gen 5

Hawlucha @ Flying Gem
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature / Adamant Nature
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick
- Swords Dance
- Encore

Fighting/Flying is such good STAB, and Acrobatics and High Jump Kick hit with so much base power, that I would argue you do not need other coverage moves. Stone Edge can of course be useful in dealing with Zapdos, but I'd prefer the utility offered by Encore. You Encore a Pokemon when they use a stat boosting move or what not, then use the free turn you get in order to use Swords Dance, which is sort of required in order to actually do effective neutral damage with Hawlucha.

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i would have put a set with stone edge, but really great set!
Defective set on Showdown.

Flying Gem is not allowed in Pokebank tiers in Showdown. Therefore this set is ruined, and we'll need a better move than Acrobatics.

"- Death From Above (Hawlucha)'s item Flying Gem is unreleased."

-Showdown rejecting my Hawlucha with this set. I swear, hours ago it let me use him this way. :P
You can´t have Flying Gem in Gen 6 only Normal Gem
so yeah that´s all I think
Is there a good alternative to a flying gem with this set?
I'd probably suggest replacing a Flying Gem for any sort of Suitable Berry or Temporary Item for Halwucha to hold. (Example, a Damage Reducing Berry or a Sitrus Berry if your willing to replace Encore for Substitute would be a bit helpful for it.) Personally, I Just have a Pokèmon with the moves Swords Dance And Baton Pass to carry on it's effect towards my Hawlucha which in turn, I'll have a permanent held item ready for it until, I use the move Fling on my opponents, helpfully getting rid of the Item whether It'd be a Focus Sash, And Boosting my Hawlucha's Speed and Attack in the process.
Flying Gem is unreleased?
Bro you can't use hawlucha in gen 5. How do you do so? And gems aren't valid after gen 5.
1 vote

Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EV Spread: 252Att/252Spe/4HP or Def
Nature: Adamant
-Sky Attack
-High Jump Kick
-Stone Edge/Hone Claws

I don't exactly get why everyone prefers the Flying Gem. If I did the math correctly, Sky Attack does more damage that Acro + Gem (since at that point you're still holding the item). It's all about personal preference, really (if you think Sky Attack is a waste of a slot). Obviously Acrobatics is for ridiculous damage after using the herb, and High Jump Kick is for a fighting stab and Stone Edge is for coverage. Hone Claws is also an option if you're not willing to work with a 90% accuracy on Sky Attack/HJK.

Bulbapedia: "If the user is holding a Flying Gem, the item is consumed before this move checks whether the Pokémon has an item or not; therefore, the power is still doubled."
Link: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Acrobatics_(move)#Effect
1 vote

I had expected to see a fling/acro set:

Hawlucha @ Poison Barb/Iron Ball
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Nature: Adamant

Flying Press
High Jump Kick/Brick Break

Fling is used, poisoning the target if holding poison barb, or doing 130 base damage with the iron ball. Poison barb fling is 70 base damage. Then unburden activates, and acrobatics' power goes crazy. Flying press for it's uniqueness. High Jump Kick for power, or Brick Break for accuracy and screen removals. This combo is dangerous, no doubt. Be careful with iron ball, as Hawlucha loses ground immunity and speed while holding it.

King's Rock is a better alternative to Iron Ball, imo.  
Kings rock automatically flinches your opponent with fling, then knock them out using acrobatics and that Unburden boost next turn
I agree with king’s rock. ground type moves can be pretty devastating
0 votes

enter image description here

Hawlucha (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Limber
EVs: 252 Spd / 4 HP / 252 Atk
Jolly Nature
- Flying Press
- U-turn
- Detect
- Encore

Anti-lead Hawlucha.

Limber to prevent Thunder Wave from doing anything. EVs and nature highlight speed, which is what this set revolves around. Life Orb gives that kick of damage, and can confuse the other player into thinking this set is purely offensive.

Detect + Encore to break Stealth Rockers. U-Turn for when Encore is going to be predicted. Encore is good for switching in to a Ground-type attack too.
Flying Press for coverage and best STAB move for both Flying and Fighting. Works as a last minute sweeper to let him die when you don't need him.

0 votes

Fast Bulky Support

Hawlucha @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Baton Pass
- Bulk Up
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick

Nature and EVs highlight speed and HP, with the rest in attack. This set really revolves around using Bulk Up then either cleaning away threats or Baton Passing to someone else. When the Sitrus is activated, so is Unburden, so staying in after you've restored HP is a good idea.

Acrobatics and High Jump Kick are the only attacking moves, because this set is primarily for setup only. Acrobatics becomes great with the Unburden boost, since it's double power and Hawlucha is double speed. If High Jump Kick misses, the Sitrus Berry and Unburden are activated, which is awesome.

0 votes

Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Att/252 Spe/4 HP
Nature: Jolly/Adamant

-Sky Attack
-Stone Edge
-Flying Press/Hi Jump Kick

In my opinion, Hawlucha is not bulky enough to take advantage of Swords Dance. However, this set is just as good.

Hawlucha @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Att/252 Spe/4 HP
Nature: Jolly

-Swords Dance
-Stone Edge/Rock Slide
-Flying Press

Hi Jump Kick is a bit too risky on this set; also Flying Press is super effective against five types.
Same basic strategy, more attack power. If only Hawlucha got a good priority move...

0 votes

Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EV's 252 Att/ 252 Spe/ 4 Def
Nature: Adamant/ Jolly
- Flying Press
- Sky Attack
- Stone Edge
- U-Turn

The point of this moveset is basically to destroy everything with Flying Press and Stone Edge until you get to their last Pokèmon, which you use Sky Attack on. Now you're probably thinking, "But what about Rock and Steel types?" That's why I have U-Turn. Just switch out to Aegislash or Tyrantrum and use Sacred Sword or Earthquake. That's just how I use that moveset though.

0 votes

I can't believe no one's posted this set
Hawlucha@Power Herb
EVs:252 Spd, 252 Atk, 4 HP
-Sp.A +Spd

-Sky Attack
-High Jump Kick

I know most prefer Flying Gem, but you do more damage with Sky Attack and Acrobatics, than with one powered Sky Attack. First use Sky Attack, this will use Power Herb and double Acrobatics and activate Unburden. Then use High Jump Kick
or Acrobatics. When he gets low, use Roost.

0 votes

Speedy Physical Attacker
Hawlucha@Wide Lens/Flying Gem/Focus Sash
Ability: Unburden
EV's: 252 Att/252 Spe/4 Def
Nature: Adamant/Jolly (Atk up, Sp. atk down/Spe up, Sp. Atk down)

-Hone Claws (Accuracy and Attack)
-Hi Jump Kick (Helped with hone claws, STAB)
-Flying Press/Acrobatics (STAB)
-Iron Head/Steel Wing (Covers Ice and Fairy Weaknesses)

I like this moveset, and you can tweak at your will. Hope it helps you :)

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There is no item called berserk gene
Berserk Gene was a item exclusive to Gen 2.
0 votes


Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature

  • Dig
  • Acrobatics
  • Drain Punch / Iron Head / X-Scissor
  • Rock Slide

Dig activates the Power Herb, therefore activating Unburden and making it faster than any unboosted Pokémon in the game (without any EVs or nature). It will not make Hawlucha vulnerable to Ground-type attacks like Earthquake, so using it without the Power Herb is essentially a non-priority but very fast Protect, followed by the attack. It also covers Hawlucha's Electric weakness.

Acrobatics, as on every single other set here, makes use of the now-empty item slot to get a 110 base power STAB Flying-type move, with 100% accuracy.

Rock Slide covers weakness to Ice-types and Flying-types, and hits both opponents in doubles.

Drain Punch is for STAB recovery, and also hits Ice-types. Iron Head covers Ice- and Fairy-types. X-Scissor covers Psychic-types. You can also use U-turn here, but be aware that once you switch out, your Speed boost from Unburden is gone forever. I recommend Drain Punch here.

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0 votes

Hawlucha@Focus Sash
EV's :4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe
-High Jump Kick
-Stone Edge/ Poison Jab
-Bulk Up/ Hone Claws/ Swords Dance

-Unburden: After using HJK, Hawlucha's whoopin' 118 speed DOUBLES, allowing it to outspeed, EVERY single, unboosted poké in the entire game.
-EV spread: 4 HP gives Hawlucha an odd HP number, allowing it to switch into Stealth Rock more times. Max Attack and Speed allow it to use it's most worthwhile stats to be a good fast, physical sweeper.
-Focus Sash: Allows Hawlucha to boost at least once, while activating Unburden.
-Acrobatics: After using the Focus Sash Acrobatics reaches a whoopin' BP of 165.
-HJK: Good Power, STAB, takes advantage of Hone Claws
-Stone Edge/ Poison Jab: Coverage/ Hits fairies super effectively
-Bulk Up/ Hone Claws/ Swords Dance: Boosts Attack+Defense/ Attack+Accuracy/ Attack+Attack

Sorry dude, focus sash doesn't disappear once it activates
It triggers unburden so...
0 votes

Hawlucha (M) @ King's Rock
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 12 HP / 244 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Fling
- Swords Dance
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick

Use Fling to flinch your opponent and lose you're item. Then immediately Swords Dance and hope to God you don't get OHKO'd. Then wreck anything.

i would definitely do that!
0 votes

Hawlucha@ power herb
Ability Unburden
Evs attack 252/ defense 252/ speed 4
Nature Adamant
Sky attack: to activate ability unburden
High jump kick: stab and good damage(but witha risk of hitting yourself)
Stone edge: stab
Acrobatics: doubles the attack after you use sky attack

0 votes

Hawlucha@Sitrus Berry
Nature: Adamant(+Atk -Sp.Atk)/ Jolly (+Spd -Sp.Atk)
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Sp.Def/ 4 Spd

Flying Press/ High Jump Kick
Fire Punch/Thunder Punch
Swords Dance/Hone Claws
Acrobatics/Stone Edge/Rock Slide/Subsitute/Iron Head

Flying Press or High Jump Kick is Great STAB
Fire Punch is good coverage
Thunder Punch is also good coverage
Swords dance or hone claws is good setup
So basically you want to setup first with that swords dance, it your running substitute then substitute first because then your getting off a free swords dance, If your running High Jump Kick then you might wanna have Hone Claws if your not comfortable with that 90% accuracy, Flying Press got a huge buff so now it's base powers is 100, You could put really whatever you want in the last slot, but the swords dance is crucial for a sweep with that unburden ability.

0 votes

Hawlucha @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 atk/252 spe/4 HP
Nature: Adamant (+Atk and -SpA)
Swords Dance: To sweep
Drain Punch: Gain extra HP, along with the Sitrus Berry. The only problem with this is that it will be harder to get down to 1/2 HP to activate the Sitrus Berry and the Unburden, so another fighting type move like Brick Break works.
Acrobatics: Double power after getting down to 1/2 HP and activating the Sitrus Berry.
Iron Head: My personal choice is Iron Head because of the flinch chance and to counter Fairy types. Another move besides Iron Head would work here, too.

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0 votes

Hawlucha @ Lum Berry
Ability: Unburden
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/212 Spe/44 HP
- Swords Dance
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick
- Stone Edge
Description: So the whole point of this set is to set up on a Pokemon that's likely to Will-O-Wisp/Scald you (ex. Toxapex and Rotom-Wash), Paralyze you, or any status condition. Then, your Lum berry activates and you effectively just used a Dragon Dance and got an additional attack boost. Pretty easy to sweep from there

Hawlucha @ Focus Sash
Ability: Unburden
Lonely Nature
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spe
IVs: 0 HP, Def, and SpD
- Swords Dance
- Acrobatics
- High Jump Kick
- Drain Punch
Description: The point of this set is to get the Focus Sash to proc, go for the SD, and then sweep. Drain Punch is to restore health in case of stealth rocks so you can get your sash to proc anyways. This moveset is VERY weak to priority, so you might want to put Tapu Lele on your team just for this

0 votes

The Senhorolho Hawlucha (senhorolho is my nickname for games)

Hawlucha@Power Herb (boosts sky attack and also unburden. acrobatics too)

Trait: Unburen (obviously)
4hp, 252 atk, 252 spe
Jolly nature (+spe-spa)

Power-up-Punch (60 base power move due to stab which raises attack, doesn't looks like good but is awesome, believe on me!)
Sky Attack (boosted by the power herb, plus hone claws for accuracy increase.)
Acrobatics (after the sky attack use you still have a strong flying type move)
Hone Claws (raises the accuracy of sky attack, making sure it wont miss, plus attack increase for sky attack and acrobatics. power up punch won't refuse this too)

No Hi Jump Kick and still a great sweeper.

0 votes

Who said an OU Pokémon can't run with the top tiers?

AG/Uber Hawlucha!

Hawlucha @ Power Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sky Attack
- Flying Press/Poison Jab
- Acrobatics
- Encore

This thing is a bloody murderer. Sky Attack + Unburden + Power Herb is a common way of saying "Your Darkrai is dead, whoops!" and Acrobatics works quite well as a 110 power move on a Pokémon under the effect of Unburden. Now, why Flying Press? That's exactly why. Nobody uses Flying Press, no one will expect it. It is a dual type that no one even remembers it exists with a power level that isn't really that bad. Encore is quite situational, but pull it off and watch your opponent quickly perish. And of course, Poison Jab is just for coverage. It might be preferable because without it, you only have two types you can use. However, those two types are STAB.

0 votes

Thanks to SS, this bad boy is even more dangerous than before.

Ability: Unburden
Nature: Adamant (Jolly works too but he needs attack more)
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp
Item: White Herb
Close Combat: STAB and will activate White Herb to activate Unburden
Brave Bird: STAB
Swords Dance: Buff when an opponent switches
Roost: Longevity.

Besides the Aegislash line, Zapdos, and Fan-Rotom (the latter two I don't think are even in SS), STABs do at least neutral damage to everything. Only down side is, being forced to switch will mean permanently losing the speed boost from Unburden. Otherwise, use Swords Dance on a forced switch then use CC when possible to enjoy a brutally fast and hard hitting Pokemon.
