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3 votes

Is there a set of Pokemon that would go from rock\ground to ground\water for example?


2 Answers

7 votes
Best answer

As of Generation 8, in (mostly) Pokedex order:

Regular evolutions

  • Onix (Rock/Ground) into Steelix (Steel/Ground)
  • Scyther (Bug/Flying) into Scizor (Bug/Steel)
  • Scyther (Bug/Flying) into Kleavor (Bug/Rock)
  • Pupitar (Rock/Ground) into Tyranitar (Rock/Dark)
  • Kirlia (Psychic/Fairy)* into Gallade (Psychic/Fighting)
  • Azurill (Normal/Fairy)* into Marill (Water/Fairy)
  • Surskit (Bug/Water) into Masquerain (Bug/Flying)
  • Nincada (Bug/Ground) into Ninjask (Bug/Flying)
  • Nincada (Bug/Ground) into Shedinja (Bug/Ghost)**
  • Swablu (Normal/Flying) into Altaria (Dragon/Flying)
  • Skorupi (Bug/Poison) into Drapion (Poison/Dark)
  • Fletchling (Normal/Flying) into Fletchinder (Fire/Flying)
  • Skrelp (Water/Poison) into Dragalge (Poison/Dragon)
  • Dartrix (Grass/Flying) into Decidueye (Grass/Ghost)

Regional forms

  • Exeggcute (Grass/Psychic) into Alolan Exeggutor (Grass/Dragon)
  • Mime Jr. (Psychic/Fairy) into Galarian Mr. Mime (Ice/Psychic)
  • Rufflet (Normal/Flying) into Hisuian Braviary (Psychic/Flying)
  • Dartrix (Grass/Flying) into Hisuian Decidueye (Grass/Fighting)

Mega Evolutions

  • Charizard (Fire/Flying) into Mega Charizard X (Fire/Dragon)
  • Gyarados (Water/Flying) into Mega Gyarados (Water/Dark)
  • Altaria (Dragon/Flying) into Mega Altaria (Dragon/Fairy)

Different Forms***

  • Plant Cloak Wormadam (Grass/Bug) / Sandy Cloak Wormadam (Ground/Bug) / Trash Cloak Wormadam (Steel/Bug)
  • Rotom (Electric/Ghost) into Rotom Heat / Frost / Wash / Mow / Fan (Electric / Fire / Ice / Water /Grass / Flying/Ghost)
  • Meloetta (Normal/Psychic) into Meloetta-Piroutte (Normal/Fighting)
  • Hoopa-Confined (Psychic/Ghost) into Hoopa-Unbound (Psychic/Dark)
  • Pom-Pom Oricorio (Electric/Flying) / Pa'u Oricorio (Psychic/Flying) / Baile Oricorio (Fire/Flying) / Sensu Oricorio (Ghost/Flying)
  • Single Strike Urshifu (Fighting/Dark) / Rapid Strike Urshifu (Fighting/Water)
  • Calyrex (Psychic/Grass) / Ice Rider Calyrex (Psychic/Ice) / Shadow Rider Calyrex (Psychic/Ghost)

*Before Generation VI, the Fairy type didn't exist, meaning this entry is not true prior to Generation VI.

**Nincada does not technically evolve into Shedinja, but it's close enough that I decided to include it.

***While form changes aren't evolutions, I'm including them, as it's still helpful to have. Necrozma is originally a single type, so its forms aren't on here, even though they're dual types.

A bit of random trivia: Swablu --> Altaria --> Mega Altaria is the only dual typed Pokemon line to change types three times upon each evolution.

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Magikarp has only one type.
Oops (filler)
1 vote

OK here is a complete list:

Onix (Ground-Rock) - Steelix (Ground-Steel)
Scyther (Bug-Flying) - Scizor (Bug-Steel)
Pupitar (Ground-Rock) - Tyranitar (Dark-Rock)
Surskit (Bug-Water) - Masquerain (Bug-Flying)
Nincada (Bug-Ground) - Ninjask (Bug-Flying) and/or Shedinja (Bug-Ghost)
Swablu (Flying-Normal) - Altaria (Dragon-Flying)
Skorupi (Bug-Posion) - Drapion (Poison-Dark)
Rotom (Ghost-Electric) - Rotom Heat/Frost/Wash/Mow/Fan (Electric-Fire/Ice/Water/Grass/Flying)
Meloetta Aria form (Psychic-Normal) - Meloetta Pirouette form (Fighting-Normal)

Those last two are form changes but the forms have different stats and duel types from the original. As you can see none lose both duel types they only change 1 type. I hope I helped.

P.S. I put the list in Numerical order.

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