PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I've been wanting to see a Pokemon that is Ground/Fighting but in Generation V or VI neither of them are Ground/Fighting type I hope they announce a Pokemon that is Ground/ Fighting type in Generation VII cause I did drew a Pokemon called "Biggemis" which is a Ground/Fighting.

(I am planning to send my Pokemon drawings to The Pokemon Center in Tokyo, Japan and the Version game for Generation VII is called Pokemon A and Pokemon B)

(Mascot for Pokemon A Version, "Ascazeb" Bug/Dragon type)
(Mascot for Pokemon B Version "Biggemis" Ground/Fighting type)

Just imagine a Pokemon with STAB on Ground and Fighting type moves. A Pokemon with STAB on Earthquake AND Close Combat. Just imagine how OP that would be and how much the Pokemon would have to be worked on if it were actually released. Maybe that's why they haven't released one yet. Just my thoughts.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Introduced in Gen IX, Great Tusk is the first and only Ground-Fighting Pokémon. Two powerful STABs in Close Combat and Earthquake (can be switched with Headlong Rush), as well a pretty well-rounded movepool with Rapid Spin, Ice Spinner, etc.

Hope I helped!

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4 votes

What is the meaning of life? (42)
Did the Chicken or the Egg come first?

When you answer those, verily, you will understand why GameFreak hath decreed that there shan't be a ground/fighting type. Perchance they will in the future

TL:DR The answer is Gamefreak wanted it that way. They chose not to have a ground/fighting. Who are we to questions the mighty minds of Nintendo and Gamefreak?

It's a reference to The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy.
Poison-Electric pls
Sempi,if the TL;DR is the longest part in the answer, it's not a TL;DR.
^ [filler]